Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Gifts I Cannot Give

Gifts are bought or made. I'm ready to wrap them and place them under the tree. Yet. I find myself wandering the aisles. Searching. I pick up a pretty bauble. Set it down. Choose a book. Put it back. Frustration sets in. I cannot find what I want. 

Almost to the point of tears, I realize that what I'm looking for are gifts I cannot give. 

There is much sadness in my world. Oh, there is also joy in abundance, but today the sadness overwhelms me. 

For one who has suffered multiple and deep loss this year, I want to wrap up hope fulfilled in the prettiest box under the tree.

For loved ones suffering physical ills I'd like to hand the gift of freedom from pain. Healing.

To another who wrestles with doubt and fear I'd give simple trust and faith.

There are those who need a bow-tied package of reconciliation, of peace.  

And love. I want everyone to know they are loved, deeply. The presents I wrap and place under the tree are but a token of love. Yet my love cannot give the gifts I want most to give.

I head homeward again, having purchased nothing. The words of the song come to me, 

O Little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie,
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting Light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight.

The words "the hopes and fears of all the years" resonate deeply. For the hopes and fears of frail humanity God sent the ultimate gift, the Christ child. Gifts of hope, joy, love and peace. Gifts I long for those I love and the world beyond. God with us. In the midst of the pain, the despair, the doubt and fear. Immanuel. God with me. God with you. 



  1. Gifts from the heart are always perfect. Thank you for such a gift that I will now pass on.

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Beautiful post Laura!

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Oh my word...I mean Lorrie! I must have been looking at Laura's comment above mine.

  4. You have written a very touching post that truly captures the spirit of Christmas. It's so nice to discover your blog. I'm familiar with Vancouver Island since I'm originally from Washington state. You live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I hope you have a blessed Christmas holiday, Pat

  5. I think this post does sprinkle a little bit of hope and peace and faith into the lives of people. Have a happy and blessed Christmas!

  6. BEAUTIFUL post, Laura. This is exactly how I feel (this Christmas especially) but you express it so much more eloquently than I ever could. That long-ago birth was, and is, the greatest gift of all.

    Merry Christmas to you, my friend.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. We are only human and those gifts are not ours to give all we can do is offer help and support but we cannot solve the world's problems on our own but as the ad here says Every little Helps and if we all do what we can then maybe.....

  8. This is beautiful and touches my heart. I am thankful for the hope that our Lord brings.

  9. Such a thoughtful and thought provoking post, Lorrie. There are times when one feels true helplessness towards suffering , illness, bereavement. All we can offer is our love and understanding.

  10. It is because you have the kindest of hearts and are the kindest of people that you feel this. I know that there are many gifts that I would love to give, mostly health, and if I could, I would hand them over in great amounts, immediately and with great joy. If only I could. Happy Christmas. xx

  11. Such a heartfelt post, beautiful and thought provoking. Encompasses the true meaning of Christmas.

  12. Dear Lorrie, I read this and understood exactly how you feel..joy and healing will ultimately prevail, Jesus says. Love is to patiently wait with those who are suffering, on that knife-edge that is so uncomfortable, while doing all we can to avert it. It is good to take joy despite all, it fuels your spirit for just such compassion you feel, I think.

    May I add, I am truly sorry for those you mention who have had a bad time.
    Bless your heart for thinking of them.

  13. I totally understand this beautiful post, Lorrie. There is so much sadness, for one reason or another... and it would be a wonderful thing if we could just package up all those wonderful things you mentioned and give them to the appropriate people in our lives. I just received a text from my sister in OH (only a few moments ago actually) with bad news about the health of both my oldest brother and a brother-in-law...they both have been diagnosed recently with cancer in various parts of their bodies. I think it is so important to do everything we can to remain joyful, no matter what, as hard as it is. Thank you for this heartfelt post and perfect reminder to never stop giving those good and perfect gifts all year long...and not just at Christmastime. Wishing you and yours a bright and beautiful CHristmas!

  14. Such a beautiful post my dear..
    Sweet hugs with smiles x

  15. Beautifully said. Our hope is in the Christ Child.

  16. Thank you, dear Lorrie. My broken heart hurts deeply this time of year, but it is still beating. And I'm trying to live a life of gentle kindness to others while I am still here.

  17. This post is a gift...thank you for writing so beautifully and specifically to the needs of a hurting heart.

  18. No life is perfect, no family always loving and caring. You are a special lady who shows a loving and caring attitude to everyone who follows your beautiful blog. I'm sad that your life has much sadness right now, but I know you are strong Lorrie and will surmount the problems this year has brought. I say focus on the other part you mentioned, the abundant joy - that's what I'm doing because I know our son will probably never be a part of our family again. As long as he is tangled up with his sociopathic wife who stole him from us all, and refuses to let him see us, we've had to let him go and we will enjoy the remainder of our lives loving those who do care.

    Christmas IS a hard time - we want it all to be perfect but it rarely is!
    Sending love and wishes for peace and lots and lots of that joy!
    Hugs - Mary (and of course Bob) XX

  19. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Lorrie, that is so beautiful! Thank you!

  20. Dearest Lorri...prayer...prayer is a gift you CAN give. I, too, have friends going thru heartache and hard times...nothing I can buy them will tell them how much I am hoping things work out for them...but I can pray and pray hard for them. We all know the power of prayer.
    Have a sweet Christmas with those you love dearly.

  21. A wonderful reminder of what the true gift of Christmas is, Lorrie. And a reminder too that many are hurting also this Christmas season.
    Have a blessed Christmas!

  22. Lovely post, and so thoughtful. We were listening to christmas music in the car the other day and I remarked that the nicest thing about christmas music is that it never divides - it never annoys - it never challenges - it is just sweet. lovely and peaceful - something I wish for all. Merry Christmas my friend.

  23. What a beautiful and loving post, dear Lorrie. A very happy holidays to you and yours.

  24. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Lovely post reminding us all that the most important gifts are not found at the mall but in the heart and mind. Merry Christmas to you and yours and may 2016 be happy and healthy for those you love. ��

  25. Thank you, Lorrie, for this poignant and beautiful post. It reaches to the heart.
    Thanking the Lord for the truth of "Immanuel, God with us."

  26. Lorrie, Your lovely post speaks to my heart. Sending you wishes for peace, calmness of heart and a Merry Christmas. Hugs!

  27. This is a wonderful post, Lorrie, a much-needed reminder of the season's truth. Merry Christmas, in the reality of the sadness, if that makes any sense. . .

  28. Now you've got me crying! So touching!

    Merry Christmas to you & your whole family, Lorrie.

  29. Beautiful words, Lorrie. Deeply poignant.

    We've been feeling much the same, and have bought less, though with much love still. I guess I am feeling the desire to share joy, not 'fluff.' Our gifts have been purchased with an eye to that; books, a gift card for dinner out, or a movie. Simple things.

    Merry Christmas, Lorrie!

  30. You have me crying over my lunch sandwich here

    What a beautiful post.

  31. Beautifully put Lorrie. A lot of prayer and giving of things that cannot be wrapped this year for those in need.
    Merry Christmas.

  32. Oh Lorrie, So beautifully spoken. Yes, if we could only give those gifts. My heart is heavy for those that hurt. My thoughts have been going in this direction also and wanting to put into words a gift of HOPE and JOY this Christmas season.

  33. These are the most precious gifts. Merry Christmas.

  34. Visiting from Vee's blog- what food for thought you have given me today. I feel the same in so many ways. I wish you a Merry Christmas, prayers and peace.

  35. What beautiful thoughts Lorrie...you are so good at giving word pictures to us along with beautiful photos. Always enjoy a visit to your blog. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas day with family ! We will be down the lane at Melissa's, so I will give those nephews of yours an extra hug!! Take care!

  36. I'm sobbing as I read this. Christmas has become for me a time of longing for the world that should have been and someday will be. Longing for the light that dawned at Christmas.

  37. Thank you for the beautiful, and thoughtfully written post, Lorrie. You put into words, what we know and feel in our hearts.

  38. Why is it that people go into debt at this very time of year to buy things they don't need? It is because they've not yet discovered the truth. There's too much emphasis on the commercialism and not enough focus on the simplicity of the season. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  39. Dear Lorrie,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting, but of course, you know that you are not alone. Some may argue and say that this fact does not necessarily make things better, but I strongly disagree, for there is so much strength that is sent to one's spirit through the compassionate gesture of another, whether it comes from a friend or a stranger. With your beautiful words, you have touched many hearts from far and near, a precious gift you share often, and mine for one, is lighter for it.

    Wishing you much love, peace and joy this Christmas, and always.


  40. Beautifully said. I share your sentiments.

  41. Beautifully said! He came for our tears. He will always be there.

  42. What a beautiful post Lorrie. I'm glad I scrolled back and found it.


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