Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Thoughts

Are the days flying by at your house, too? I almost hesitate to hang another ornament on my grown-up girl's Advent calendar. I want these days to linger, allowing time for reflection and quiet. 

Instead, I find myself needing to deliberately quiet my mind while my hands stay busy. There are deadlines to meet, parcels to post, papers to grade, and lessons to plan. Can a deeply spiritual Advent season, such as I long for, be created in a busy life?

Yes, I think so. I've crossed some things off my list. Handmade cards have been a pleasure for me, but this year, I made a few then decided there were other, more important things to do. I'm baking less. 

I try to read something during my day that I can pull out of my brain at quiet moments. Recently, it was this, from the Celtic Book of Prayer, "Do you have only one minute? Hem it with quietness. Do not spend it in thinking how little time you have. God can give you much in one minute." 

"Hem it with quietness." Isn't that lovely? And so I breathe deeply, thanking God for the day, the moment, the people I'm with (even squirrelly Grade 8s), for beauty, for hope and love and joy and peace. For Him. For family. And I am quieted even in a busy classroom. 

And so another week ends. Stars hang on the mantel and in the sky, in between roaring wind and rain. We take our moments as they come, one by one, like pearls off a string. 

Wishing you all a weekend of wonder, with moments hemmed in quietness. 


  1. The time is whizzing by as it seems to every year at this time. Taking time to reflect in the quiet seems like the best advice to help us keep perspective...hope you have a relaxing weekend.

  2. An inspiring post. At least you are looking for those quiet moments. I love the quote. Have a restful weekend.

  3. My dear Lorrie, what a lovely post. Your words reminded me that I need to take it easy and look for the quiet moments during this holiday season. I feel like the days are only getting busier and I must confess that I don't like it...I like the calm and quiet.

    Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. Your tree is stunning and I just love your mantel. Hugs!

  4. What a nice thought for this busy month, to hem in a minute with quietness...I've pulled back considerably from blogging this month because there are so many other things that take our time.
    However, there's always time for an hour to sit with afternoon tea. :-)

  5. Such beauty in this post, and not just in the photos. I am finishing up my last at the university, meeting with students to hand back final essays and grades. Then I will be done. As you, less baking, less decorating, not home cards yet and probably won't be. I want to savor the season and enjoy andy yes take those moments to listen to what God has to say to me. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Your home is beautifully decorated and I love your advent calendar too. I try and have a spiritual advent, sometimes it works better than others, but I try and make sure that I take time each Sunday to have a little time and peace and quiet. I hope that you have a wonderful and peaceful weekend. xx

  7. The stars you've made are lovely with that paper.

    It is a challenge, though a good one, to find a way to stay focused on the reason for the season.

    You've offered us great encouragement.


  8. I am convinced, Lorrie, that you are running circles around me and with more that needs doing besides. I am glad to hear that the anchor holds...

  9. Keeping my mindset focused is a continual discipline for me, too, this year. "The simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ" derived from 2 Corinthians, pulls me back to a quiet mind and enjoyment of the moment--candlelight, winsome aromas, evergreens, a carol, birds on a branch. "Less" is more for me, too, this year.
    Your folded paper star garland is charming. Did you make it?

  10. Hem it in quietness, that does sound lovely. Things look lovely at your place, too!

  11. Quietness sounds wonderful at this time of the year. Thanks for the inspiration!


  12. A lovely post Lorrie. Your home looks so beautifully decorated for Christmas! Quiet moments at this time of year are especially nice.
    Hope you enjoy all of your Christmas preparations! I enjoyed reading all your visible Christmas posts!

  13. What a sweet and thoughtful post. I try to keep some quiet time - even if it is fleeting - to enjoy the true pleasures of the season. Even the stormy weather can be enjoyed to some extent, especially the snow in the mountains to help break our drought. Happy thoughts and pleasant dreams.

  14. That is a true and encouraging fact, that God can infuse us in a minute's time....after all, it's never more than a minute at a time, or actually even less, that we have right NOW. When I remember to pause and remember Him, and be with Him, it's a grace. Thank you!

  15. What a thoughtful post, Lorrie! Reading your words was like taking a deep breath & meditating for a long moment. Thanks...I needed that!!!

  16. Your mantle is simply beautiful!

    Thank you for that thought..."Hem it with quietness." It is good to "keep a quiet heart" (per Elisabeth Elliot) all year, but it can be especially challenging during this season of too-much-to-do. Isn't it far more important to let a few traditions go and allow our hearts to quiet a bit? (Talking to myself here...)

  17. Love your ornament Advent calendar and stars, Lorrie!

  18. Lovely post, beautiful photos, and I adore your grown-up girl's Advent calendar and paper stars.

    But my absolute favorite? "Hem it with quietness." Such a beautiful gift to share with all of us. Thank you.

    Much love,

  19. I love that quote and thought!

    Lovely peaceful room and post : )

  20. I am also trying so hard to have this sacred time of advent and Christmas season slow down a bit. It is always so quick paced and then once it is over, I feel a let down of sorts. Your home looks warm and lovely as do the cookies. I will not bake anything until after the 20th and then I get a little bit over the top on my cooking to make it all work~

  21. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "We take our moments as they come, one by one, like pearls off a string." I love that - good way to look at life no matter what season. :-) Your decorations are lovely, those cookies look delicious, and it sounds like you have a good handle on a time that can get frustrating if you let it. Enjoy your days. :-)

  22. I've been trying to take a few moments here and there to reflect on Christmas more this year, slowing things down. Your cookies look like some that I make "Thumbprints", a hazelnut cookie with rum icing. Your tree and mantle look very relaxing and calm. Enjoy your weekend,

  23. That is a beautiful thought. I was thinking the same thing just yesterday, that I want a quiet Advent, with time for contemplation and prayer, but find myself busier than I'd like. The folded paper star is beautiful. Blessings to you Lorrie.

  24. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Hello! I have a question for you, so could you please email me at
    Thank you so much.


  25. Pretty stars! When I am home, all is quiet except the sounds of daily life happening around me and the birds that flit around outside my windows. Silence is my favorite sound. :) Happy holidays!

  26. Beautiful ! You've echoed so much of what I 've been thinking about and also why I've decided not to do so many of the things I used to do.

  27. Lorrie, your home looks so pretty and cozy all dressed for Christmas and your tree is beautiful. I like your mantel decor and the sweet star garland.

  28. Lovely decorations and thoughts of quiet times. I think I have read the Celtic Book of Prayer or something similar.

  29. 'Hem it with quietness'...I like that! Your mantel looks does the tree.

  30. Love this... as I feel along with you in this busy season, still wanting to appreciate the moments... the pearls given to us.


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