Sunday, December 13, 2015

Laughing at the Rain

An early Christmas dinner. Parents and siblings came over from the mainland, my parents, sister and brother-in-law on Friday night, my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday.  

Around midday, while the wind rose and the rain pelted hard against the window, we ate and drank and laughed and talked. Lights twinkled on the tree, candles burned low, and the air caught a faint scent of fresh fir and cast it about the rooms. It felt like Christmas, festive and cozy.

We were warm and dry and happy while the storm raged, but kept an eye on the ferry website. Sailing after sailing was cancelled. In the end, there was no way across the water that night. 
Oh joy! An impromptu sleepover! When was the last time my parents, together with all of their children, spent the night under the same roof? We snacked, watched Christmas with the Kranks, and laughed some more while the wind howled and tore more than half the branches from my pots of greenery on the porch. 

Tim and I slept soundly in the living room, awaking only when the gas fire started at 6:30. How lovely to open my eyes to that soft glow. One more run to the ferry with the walk-on passengers and soon the house was quiet again.

In church this morning, a sweet little sheep sang and clapped and gazed at the angels. 

Then down to earth with a stack of marking. A cup of Holiday Chai tea in a pretty cup with a cookie (or two) alongside made the task more pleasant.

The series of storms that kept us all on our toes this past week seems to have eased to intermittent rain showers predicted this week. The last week of school. I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks at home. 

How's the weather been treating you? 


  1. Oh what a fun impromptu overnight with your family! Priceless.
    The winds just howled last night. I was happy we didn't lose power.
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. It would be wonderful to have all of my family spend the night. Sometimes life brings us those little gifts. Treasured moments for you and your family. I am finished with school. Retired for good now. How I enjoyed my 15 weeks. We have snow on the ground, much of it melted today, but more on the way. We are working our way to winter, after all. You will enjoy your much earned break, won't you.

  3. Well, I guess you know how the weather is treating us - since we are getting your weather just a little bit after it hits you. Hasn't this rain really been something - and the wind. Sometimes I think we are going to see you blowing right over across the water to us. We'll hold a big net to catch you if you do. We had steady wind at 50 mph several days - and other days we had gusts that high - blew my wreaths right off the windows. I'm glad things are calmer now - still raining - but not so windy. Your adventure sounds wonderful - it is nice that everyone could be accommodated and spend the night. Enjoy your last week of school and then really enjoy your time off.

  4. We have had some really nice sunny winter days here. The temperatures do drop in the night. Loved seeing your warm home shots. If you like you can also link up with "Through My Lens" today.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. This will probably remain in your memory as one of your best times during the Christmas season.

    Our weather has been pretty much like yours, it is good to have a cozy home during this very wildly wet weather.

  6. The weather here is hot and steamy Lorrie. Not nice at all !
    Your early Christmas sounded lovely and the sleepover as sort of a bonus wasn't it?
    Building happy memories to cherish.

  7. Anonymous4:30 AM

    A holiday family sleepover - now there is a memory to hold close to the heart. Our weather is like spring, and if I wasn't a gardener and didn't know how dangerous it is, I might enjoy it a little more. As each day stays warm, I wonder if we are going to have a spring with flowering trees, bushes and plants and if we will have any fruit production. It's winter - I just wish it would do its thing. :-)

  8. The weather has been beautiful, mild, and pleasant. We could fool ourselves into thinking it was October, even the lawns are greening.

    Oh I loved this description of a Christmas Day come early! There are many little Christmases in a year...days that feel just right. We often find them in January, even March. Did your parents receive it with the same sort of joy that you did?

    The cutest little sheep I have seen in a long, long time!

  9. Your weekend sounds like fun and you describe it so well I felt like I was a part of it.Glad all are safely home and your bad weathering is waning.

  10. How I love that darling little sheep photo! It is so sweet. We are having persistent rain. I have never been this happy over rain before, but that's because it's not SNOW!!! :-))

  11. What unexpected fun you all had! I'm glad you were all safe and cozy in the storm. I love the pretty pearl garland in your chandelier over the dining table. Have a blessed week ahead.

  12. Sorry about the weather, but you made the best of it so wonderfully well!! You will have great memories of it I am sure. We love Christmas with the Kranks too! xx

  13. So glad the weather has calmed down today. It almost flooded our downstairs basement, but I realized in time to start scooping out the window well. How fun to have a sleep over with family. It sounds memorable.

  14. You have been getting rain, we have been getting snow! It has snowed ona nd off here but happily has not been too cold. Your impromptu sleep over sounds like a fun way to end a happy get tohgethe, Lorrie. Enjoy this wonderful time of the year!

  15. There's nothing better than being together, warm and dry when a storm is lashing at the windows! That's one of the best things about winter :)
    Your decorations look so pretty...and the satin-cheeked 'lamb' is adorable!
    Enjoy your time off when it comes, Lorrie!

  16. I have been reading about the Northwest getting pummelled ( on the news in the mornings ) so I am glad that you all are safe. And the impromptu sleepover will be a memory to cherish :)

  17. The gathering of family sounds marvelous, truly one of the events which means the very most to me. Your festive decorating and warm cozy glows around the home are so inviting.
    I love the new look of your blog!

  18. Oh Lorrie, how wonderful that you all were together...what special memories were made!
    You needed that cup of chai tea while grading papers, but soon you'll be on your break to relax and unwind. Woohoo!!
    Please do tell the title of the Celtic book of prayers, from your last post.
    Happy last week of school!

  19. Such a lovely cosy post, Lorrie. How special that your home sheltered all your family that stormy night.....and what lovely memories.
    Enjoy your week and keep cosy!
    Helen xox

  20. Staying at your home through the bad weather sounded like a very enjoyable and fun time with family! Sweet photos and such a gorgeous mantle. I love the lights with the natural elements. Truly beautiful!


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