Wednesday, March 22, 2017

There and Back Again in No Time

The double set of glass doors closes behind me and I am met by a rush of warm humid air. A long dormant recess in my brain leaps to attention. Neurons begin firing and in a millisecond I am transported in time and space to Chupientsa, a tiny village in the Ecuadorian jungle.

Tim and I, with our young daughter, along with Tim's brother and his wife, are staying with friends, an older couple from our mission. I am 6 months pregnant. 

Our friends tell us about a beautiful waterfall and we make plans to visit. They look at my protruding belly and say, "The trail is not long, but it's steep." 

Forewarned, I decide to accompany the group. 

The trail downwards is almost hidden, covered by dense green growth. A thick strong rope, tied securely to a tree, marks the beginning of the descent. I rely on the rope to keep me from slipping on the damp leaves and skidding to the invisible bottom. Tim precedes me, ready to stop any fall. 

We reach the floor of the small canyon. Far above, only the smallest bits of blue sky appear through the lacy ceiling of foliage. At one end, a waterfall, maybe 50 feet tall, splashes into a round pool and fills the air with cool mist. 

Ralph picks his way along the side of the pool and we follow, balancing from rock to rock until we arrive on a narrow ledge that continues behind the waterfall. We stand listening to the steady thunder of falling water. Our view is a watery blur of colour and light.

Returning back along the ledge to the open space that seems like a large emerald room, each of us explores individually, calling occasionally across the din of water. We peer into pools of water, examine flowers, and marvel at the wonder of the Amazon jungle.

I find a smooth flat rock, remove my shoes, and dangle my feet in the water, content to sit and absorb the scene. A flicker of blue catches my eye. A Blue Morpho flutters by. When open, its iridescent wings are a striking contrast in this green world. I watch, transfixed, as it floats around the canyon, flashing blue. 

Then, once again, time whirls and I am a grandmother accompanying my three grandchildren, one a daughter of the tiny girl who flew into that jungle setting (but didn't go down into the canyon), and the other two, children of the babe I carried in my womb, to Butterfly World, just 15 minutes away from my home on Vancouver Island.  

 Blue Morphos fluttered around Butterfly World, but they are notoriously difficult to photograph. When I felt, ever so lightly, a butterfly alight on the top of my head, my granddaughter told me it was a Blue Morpho. I felt blessed. Memory is a powerful thing.

There were many other butterflies willing to have their photos taken yesterday, along with turtles, tortoises, a macaw, a parrot, flamingos and other creatures, including poison dart frogs from, you guessed it, the Ecuadorian jungle. I'm glad I didn't see any of those that day so long ago! 

We had a fun time, my daughter and I, with the three little ones. The world is full of marvelous things to explore. It's spring break this week and next, and I'm thoroughly enjoying time to relax and visit. 


  1. So enjoyed your memories. Visiting places are wonderful ways to kick start a place in your mind. Sounds like it was a fun time with your family. Lots of stunning photos for us to enjoy. Thank you. B x

  2. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Such vibrant colors! Simply beautiful!

  3. Memories can flood into our mind at the slightest-- or biggest trigger. Enjoyed yours.

  4. How wonderful to share your memories with your family...and with all of us! Beautiful photos. I saw several greenish yellow butterflies today and hope they stay around long enough for me to try to photograph them. Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. You had lots of triggers for those wonderful memories. The grands look pleased to be there...your grandson looks as if he might have a plan up his sleeve. The photo of the lantana is exquisite.

  6. Thanks for sharing these amazing photos, Lorrie! I also enjoyed your flashback travels to Ecuador.

  7. It was wonderful going back with you in time to Ecuador, and then seeing photos of your current butterfly world with the next generation along. A lovely journey and written as always in the seemingly effortless way you have. Enjoy your spring break!

  8. I enjoyed this glimpse into your former life, and your artistic way with words makes me feel like I was there. I'd love to hear more about your time in Ecuador.

    I also enjoyed the glimpse of your present life. :)

  9. The fact that it conjured up your memories like that shows how good of a job they did in re-creating such a world. Isn't it amazing, the feelings we go through when we get to do some things for the second time, even if in another setting, but close enough to make us go back in time! Love those turtles lined up on the log.

  10. Such an amazing story and experience!

    Beautiful photos, Lorrie.


  11. Thank you for the fun journey reading your story.

  12. That must have taken you back in your memory bank. How beautiful the birds and butterflies are. The little row of turtles looks so comical!

  13. That was quite an adventurous descent and climb you managed pregnant! Looks like a nice outing with your grands with a nice memory jog!

  14. Ah...what lovely memories. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Beautifully written, Lorrie. A wonderful post for your grandchildren to read and remember this lovely day with you and to learn about what happened before they were born - it's what my cousin calls "family folklore". x

  16. We visited the Butterfly Garden the last time we were in Victoria. I looooooved it and would go back. I made friends with that very parrot. He loved for me to talk to him and sat on my shoulder. He was quite a character. Maybe we will have time to go again on our short visit in June, I hope so.

  17. Oh my, Lorrie, you are one brave lady to take a trek like that 6 months pregnant (or even not pregnant). I could just imagine all the danger lurking at the bottom of that descent, but I am sure the waterfall was worth it. Not sure I'd have been brave enough to put my toes in the water, though. Your grandchildren are lovely!!

  18. What a lovely post Lorrie ❤︎ Your butterflies are amazing, many strange to me. Your grandkids are the greatest treasure in life ❤︎ Happy weekend.

  19. Your writing captures the emotions, joys and wonder of such a special moment in time! The pictures you have shared are amazing! How wonderful that you can share special moments again with your grandchildren, amazing how time marches on! What a joy to be able to relive the special experience in Ecuador again with your grandchildren in a different place, but the same wonder and joy still there :) Hugs to you today!

  20. You described your visit to the waterfall beautifully. What a wonderful experience for you, and obviously one that will forever be close to your heart. I've been to the butterfly world in Niagara Falls and really enjoyed the magically jungle world there.

  21. Love the beautiful spring pictures..

  22. So magical! A wonderful memory renewed with your precious little grands. Lovely photos! x K

  23. Your account is wonderful. An amazing adventure so long ago. And now enjoying butterfly moments with your grandchildren. That black and red butterfly is a stunner.

  24. How nice to be reliving your memories through this special time with your daughter and grandchildren. I enjoyed your marvelous photos of the butterflies.
    Have an enjoyable and relaxing spring break.

  25. Beautiful memories to be remembered and made anew.

  26. Oh how wonderful -- beautiful memories of an amazing adventure (I'm glad you were brave enough to do that climb!) -- and no wonder this present-day vacation excursion with the grands (and your daughter) brought back memories of that jungle trip. Memories are wonderful ... the ones you remember and the new ones you and your loved ones are making. Enjoy the rest of Spring Break!!!

  27. Wow there were some gorgeous butterflies here and some really adorable looking kiddos.

  28. What an incredible series of wonderful photos! I believe the little ones will remember the enchanting visit for the rest of their lives.
    I forced myself to choose a favourite: it's the red and black butterfly on a hibiscus (?) flower.
    Thank you very much for sharing!

  29. Such a beautiful butterfly and tropical exhibit! So much to see and enjoy and photograph. It looks like your grandchildren enjoyed the visit during spring break. It is always good to see things anew children's eyes.

  30. ♥♥ loved this!

  31. Magical moments to be treasured.
    Lovely, lovely photo's you have shared.

    All the best Jan

  32. The grandkids are so cute and growing so fast. What a beautiful place to escape to and enjoy a few tropical moments with lots of lush green and colours. Lovely!


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