Sunday, March 26, 2017

Time for Tea

The first week of Spring Break is over. It was a mixture of mostly pleasant and a bit of unpleasant, the latter including a dental appointment. How I dread even a cleaning appointment. All those sharp instruments. The feeling of helpless vulnerability. It's over for another six months and I'm relieved.

I haven't had as much time to relax as I thought I would. Several appointments, and fun time with family filled the days. Finding balance can be a challenge. There's so much possibility, but limited energy and time. 

Our visit to Butterfly World (previous post) and a tea party on Friday were the highlights of the week. 

Three adults watched three little ones enjoy their tea. The girls dressed up; one with a crown and her Easter dress, the other with a sparkly dress complete with a jewel. The sole male at the event wore the cutest blue jean overalls. 

What fun to have tea, just a little, with lots of milk added, and sugar lumps! Stir, stir, stir. Sip, sip, sip.  

Scones with jam and whipped cream, simple savories including cheese and crackers and peanut butter banana sandwiches, deviled eggs, and a few vegetables meant that there was something to please everyone.

This week flew by and there was little time for blogging. Next week will be the same. Finding balance. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Maggie of Normandy Life.


  1. Ever since I was a little girl I've loved a tea party, it's so lovely to see your grandchildren enjoying theirs. Did I spot little mister sipping from a Peter Rabbit mug? I had one of those!
    I can empathise with the dreaded dentists visit, I hate them too, I'm due for some treatment next month and not looking forward to it at all.
    Happy Mosaic Monday, here's hoping it's the start of a wonderful week for us all.

  2. Such sweetness to share - and such darling little sweetie pies. Memories they will hold forever in their hearts. The table is wonderful and everything looks delicious. Enjoy your week ahead and you try to balance. Don't you wish this rain and cold weather would go away and give us some warm sunshine?

  3. What a precious teatime. I love a good tea party, especially with my two little grand nieces.
    Happy Monday!

  4. What lovely & precious kids ❤︎ Your tea party sounds so joyful with beautiful rose cups & delicious bakings. Happy MM!

  5. I'm terribly uncomfortable with the dentist. It's hard but we solider on. I know you are relived for another 6 months.

    What a lovely tea time.. I'm so impressed by the sweets. I'm so looking forward to doing this with my grand girls as I did with my daughters!

    Jane x

  6. How wonderful to have tea with your " grandlittles", Lorrie! I have to do that with my grandgirls when they get a bit older.

    I also had a 6 month teeth cleaning this past week. My dental hygienist is very gentle but I always worry they will find a cavity or such that needs work. Thankfully all was well this visit.

  7. Not sure who enjoyed the party more ; adults watching or children slurping. What a fun idea. I know that feeling of trying to cram everything in to a short break. Sounds like you are ready for retirement:). B x

  8. Your tea party looks lovely, and reminds me of the ones my grandmother used to arrange. All sorts of delicious tea time foods.
    I know what you mean about the dentist, we both dread our visits.

  9. It sounds like you have two weeks of spring break?? Nothing quite like a tea party and your tables is laden with lots of goodies. The key, at least with my little girls, is the stirring of the sugar, and lots of it. Hope you have more down time this week.

  10. Balance is key . . . and yet it is hard to achieve. "Time and energy" are very real factors. We must simply take time for the best (like tea parties and outings with loved ones) and do what we can. (I tell this to myself all the time!)

    Ugh. I feel the same about visits to the dentist. I sit in the chair and say to myself, "I am never doing this again." But then I do. Sigh . . .

    Have a lovely second week of spring break!

  11. We all wish we could put on a fancy dress and join you all for tea. What sweet memories you are making! Enjoy your day and thanks for being my friend. Hugs, Diane

  12. Enjoying your family is far more important than blogging. You have a gorgeous family. hugs.

  13. How sweet it is. Love the mosaics for the tea party. Great little sippers for sure. Ahh yes, that balance. Sometimes it's quite elusive. Blessings...

  14. I absolutely LOVE your tea party. What wonderful goodies and attendees. To me this is just the perfect way to spend with family. Take care and come back when you can. That crown just made me smile.

  15. Wow! The table looks beautiful. Love this

  16. Fun,lovely food, and family ... wonderful!

  17. Oh the Tea Party looks like it was a lot of fun. I would so enjoy that.

    If you subscribe to my blog via e-mail for updates you may need to resign up as I recently switched e-mail addresses.

  18. Lorrie, your balance seems to be fine. Dentists are always with us but family time is a joy.

    I'm so embarrassed. Your tea time looks delicious. Mine with 2 little granddaughters this weekend was only pretend. But the spilled tea was easy to clean up.

  19. Tea parties are always fun! Glad you enjoyed your spring break. Except for the dentist part. Bleh!

  20. Does going to the dentist grow worse with age? I used to have work done without novacaine. Now I want to be knocked out and have a week of valium before and after...a bit of hyperbole there, but nearly true. 😨

    Sounds like a delightful week and I am so glad that another is here. You will fill it wisely.

  21. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Lorrie, that tea party looks deliciously fun! I want to taste everything! I'm with you and dentists. Not a fan.

  22. I smiled when I saw your grandkids sipping daintily from your teacups. So cute!

    I have a dentist appointment on Friday. Ugh!

  23. I love the tea photos and description of what each of the littles were wearing!

    Enjoy your break!

  24. What a lovely tea party - the food looks delicious!
    Dentist appointments don't bother me but the appointment I do have coming up next month (done every 5 years) is one I'm dreading. The preparation......let's leave it at that.
    Enjoy your break and seek the balance!

  25. Food for thought for me Lorrie!
    My froggy family arrive home for good at the end of June...fingers crossed.
    Our little townhouse will be bursting at the seams!
    Tea parties are on my agenda so I loved seeing your photos.
    I would choose savoury eggs and scones.
    I know your feeling with time off and just too many other things interrupting your rest and 'time out'.
    I understand how hard it is being a working grandmere!
    Shane x

  26. Finding balance can sometimes prove a little more difficult ...
    I think we all find this from time to time.

    Fabulous post again.
    Tea Parties can be such fun!

    Enjoy the remaining days of March

    All the best Jan

  27. When one indulges in such sweet, family time, finding balance seems to go on the back burner. Don't we all wish that those dreaded dentists appointments could simmer on low for a long while, too?

    In the meantime, teatime, with its tasty treats, looks like it was a lot of fun.

    Enjoy your week, Lorrie,

  28. What fun! That table full of desserts and goodies just made me very hungry... such delight to enjoy with your family too. I am feeling the stress of balance too... so hard to do all you want to do, and not enough time. Good luck with that balance thing... :)

  29. What a wonderful way to treat the little ones! Everything looks so delicious and the littles are just so sweet. The dentist always fills me with anxiety, too. Time does seem to slip away from us too fast, but you have created some lovely memories for your sweet family. xx Karen

  30. Oh oh oh scones. Jam. Tea party. Awesome!

  31. You've had a busy week last week and now you're half way through another week of spring break. Time goes too fast, especially with grandkids to entertain and enjoy. The tea party looks really lovely and the food looks delicious. Enjoy the rest of your break Lorries.

  32. Lovely lovely. What a tea party! Wishing you a lovely time for the rest of your Spring break.


  33. Ahhhh Lorrie, what a fun tea party for everyone involved! Have fun for the rest of your Spring break. At least the dental appointment is through!

  34. Love your tea party pic's! Most special...and so nice to have the 'wee gentleman' there too. You are making the best memories with your grands.

  35. Playing catch-up here and read the last three posts. Beautiful evocative writing and your tea party....well the children are just adorable and the food looks wonderful. I am leaving with a horrible craving for deviled eggs. Ten-to-one I'll make some tomorrow, thanks to you, lol!

  36. A proper tea party! I'm sure the little ones loved it.

  37. Oh what a lovely looking tea! I think it is grand that you do these things for the young ones. They will remember this all their lives. :) Kit

  38. What a lovely tea party, and so sweet to see the little ones drinking tea out of the fancy cups. Sounds like spring break wasn't quite long enough . . . xo Deborah

  39. I have had many tea parties with various grandchildren. It is always delightful, and usually amusing, too, to see their great pleasure at dissolving sugar cubes in the tea. It just occurred to me that it might be the magical disappearance of that cube as much as the intensifying of sweetness that makes them want to do it again and again, if permitted. :-)

    I hope the tea party came after the dental appointment, to soothe your nerves. The mouth is such a personal place to have strangers poking around - very upsetting, and I never get used to it, no matter how calm I appear on the outside.

  40. Hi Lorrie, I love these pictures!! I so enjoy seeing a table set so prettily with lots of goodies spread out for teatime. The grandchildren are darling; the girls look so pretty and the little boy is so cute. :D I can tell everyone had a good time!




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