Thursday, March 09, 2017

While I Wait for Spring

While I wait for spring, winter weather lingers long past its "best by" date. While I wait, I walk, bundled up against the wind and rain, and discover spring shades lurking behind bare bushes. Heather is blooming, and the shrubs themselves are bursting with colour, too impatient to wait for leaves.

While I wait for spring, I eat. Too much sometimes. I had a hankering for hardboiled eggs this week and then wondered what to do with them. I decided to slice them, top them with a drizzle of heavy cream, some grated Swiss cheese, and a sprinkling of parsley before heating them briefly in the oven. Quite yummy, they were.

While I wait for spring, I read. I'm going to do a book club unit in English 9 and ordered 6 each of a number of books. They arrived at school yesterday and I brought one of each set home with me. I finished Paper Hearts, a story of friendship born out of shared suffering in the death camps of the Holocaust; and am half way through All My Noble Dreams and Then What Happens. These are young adult novels, historical fiction, and take place around the world - India, Alaska, Germany, Austria, France, England. This is one of the best parts of teaching - reading!

While I wait for spring, I sew. Slowly. Seventeen granny quilt squares are complete. I think I'll make a 4 x 5 quilt, big enough for a twin bed, so I have a few more blocks to go. I'll make some extras, because when I look at them all together, there are a couple that might not make the cut into the final quilt.

While I wait for spring, I buy tulips. This time, a pot for the porch. They brighten my going out and my coming in. They give me hope that the tulips poking their spiky leaves from the dark ground will soon be as cheery.

Are you waiting for spring, or autumn? How are you putting in the waiting time?

Linking with Five on Friday, hosted by Amy of Love Made My Home.  


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Hi Lorrie,

    I loved this post. :) Here in the southeastern U.S., we've had a very strange "winter." We've actually had temps. into the 70"s(F) in February, and all of our spring flowers that we normally have at Easter started blooming. Some, like the Japanese cherry trees were in full bloom around here in February. We've also had Bradford Pears blooming, Tulip magnolias, daffodils, and now Creeping Phlox. Unfortunately, we also had a hard frost last weekend, and it zapped quite a few of the blossoms. Now, they're calling for possible snow this weekend. So yes, I guess you could say we're waiting for Spring in our region.

    I enjoyed all your pictures; your tulips are just gorgeous!! I dearly love to read, so I think I would enjoy that part of teaching, too. Take care and have a great weekend. :)



  2. Hi Lorrie, I just left you a comment, and for some reason it labeled me "Anonymous." I checked the box for Name and URL, so I'm not sure what happened. Just wanted to let you know because some folks don't publish Anonymous comments.

    House at Forest Manor

  3. I TRY to put in my waiting for spring time by traveling a bit south to get out of the cold air...of course that is only good for a week or
    I have purging (still) and trying to do a bit of reading. I am just rereading a book I read 30 or more years ago and re-loving it all over again.
    Hope you have a great weekend- xo Diana

  4. I think you pass the time quite well, Lorrie. Spring seems far away but before you know it, it will be here. These are all positives,,,your choice of reading, the healthy foods and enjoying the simple things like flowers!

    Jane x

  5. I am also impatient! Spring, come on, I can not wait any longer for this.

  6. It sure is looking spring like where you are. Before we went to Sri Lanka, we were still using the heater, and then when we came back, it was hot. Winter is over, and it seems like we are rushing right through Spring into Summer. Ugh! Not looking forward to the heat at all. Have a good weekend.

  7. PS. Really love the quilt blocks. :)

  8. How very pretty the quilt blocks are, and I think there might be some English squares there too?
    I have a craving for hard boiled eggs at times. I wonder why? They are so satisfying. Your 'recipe' sounds very good indeed.

  9. Such a busy waiting for spring post. I would love the reading of books for my job too; definitely a good aspect of teaching. Beautiful quilt, which will look lovely on the bed. I'm biding my time here impatiently waiting for spring. We are in a patch of dense fog here that has lasted several days. Can't wait for blue skies and bright green shoots. B x

  10. Such a wonderfully organized post... and excellent photographs, like always!
    The first photo is my favourite, it says Spring, loud and clear.
    Love the fabrics you use for the quilt, it will be very beautiful.
    Have a sunny weekend!

  11. We had a lovely spring-like day yesterday so I went out to sit by a lake and watch the birds. They seem to think that spring isn't far off- they were all quite involved in flirting!

  12. Hello,Lorrie,
    Such a beautiful post, and I enjoyed your photos. In spring, new lives come out and they give us hope.
    Your patch works are lovely and you have picked up perfect spring colors.Your books look interesting.
    I would like to read if they were written in Japanese. Especially, I am interested in the title of the book'Listen to the Moon'.I am happy that spring has arrived here. Happy day to you!

  13. Your five sound like an excellent way to wait for Spring. I love your quilt blocks and the fabrics you have used. The tulips are a beautiful colour and would brighten any day. Have a good week and I hope you find more signs of Spring as the days pass.

  14. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Love your expression about winter lingering beyond its "best by date". Gail

  15. Glad I'm not the only one waiting for Spring!

    Happy Five on Friday

  16. You are making good use of your waiting for spring time. The quilt is so pretty and such nice spring colors. Your students are lucky to have a teacher who puts so much thought into the reading list. Love the tulips. A very nice way to help bide the time until spring's arrival.
    Around here I have gardening fever. I'm trying to make good use of my time in the garden before things heat up and I don't want to be outside.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Lorrie.

  17. Love the quilt you've started! Love the tulips you've shared!
    Love the thought of Spring getting here SOON! We had snow overnight & I've snapped a few beautiful photos but truthfully, I'm sick of it by now.

  18. You could post anything and I'd enjoy it, because I love the way you write. Spring is blossoming here in the middle of the USA. Now I hear that snow is expected this weekend. It was 79F degrees yesterday (about 22C). Strange weather this year.

  19. I like the way you 'wait for spring'. Too often the dull grey days set me off into a funk and I can't seem to get out of it. But, you have the right idea.

  20. Sounds like so many of us this time of year, though for me, I am still "moving in" to our new home. I love your granny squares, and what a list of books! Such a delightful post we can all relate to.

  21. Hi Lorrie, I love how you are waiting for spring...all those sound very good to me..great photos and hoping you have a wonderful spring break.

  22. Beautiful post ... so much going on while we wait for Spring! Love your quilt, the tulips and the wonderful books you are using in class. Happy Weekend!

  23. Coral is probably my favorite color, so your first and last photos really grabbed me. Yes, they shout "Spring!" You are making the most of your "waiting" time. :) Beautiful quilt pieces, intriguing books, yummy cookies... finding joy in the process is really what it's all about.

  24. The hard boiled eggs look good, now that we have chickens we're having to dream up new ways to use the eggs to stop us becoming bored of them

  25. When I wait, I'll be sure to have lots of chocolate to hand!!
    I really must buy some tulips - yours are beautiful!
    Your quilt squares are so very pretty!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  26. Sounds like a good way to wait for spring. The quilt is so pretty. Love tulips, never think to buy them. As a teacher I read books I didn't read when I was young: Laura Ingalls Wilder' books, Roald Dahl and others.

  27. Your quilt is coming along beautifully. Spring will be here before you know it.

  28. Yes, I am waiting. Today was our first day in a very long time with a bit of sunshine. Oh it is wonderful!!! The daffodils even decided to open up. I bought on flower in a pot at the market and some white tulips to help with the wait. Now I have never had hard boiled eggs done quite like that, it does sound delicious! Love your quilt too.

  29. Lovely ways to wait!

    I am going to try that dish with the hard boiled eggs! Looks wonderful.

    Reading is great, and I must say I do read a lot of Young Adult fiction along with my girls, and enjoy them.

    Your quilt squares are so cheery! What a nice quilt it will be!

    I love fresh flowers so I am ready for spring and summer!

  30. Your first picture is fabulous -well, all your photos are fabulous :) but I love the colours in it. I've spent a lot of this winter feeling under the weather and it has made the winter fly by! I now understand hibernation:) it's amazing how much actually gets done during these snuggled up months - you've achieved a lot.

  31. Lovely Post!
    Hard boiled eggs crumbled with pickled beets spread over a serious chunk of potato salad is a favorite combination.

  32. Great five ways to wait for Spring! Lovely photos.

  33. I think we are all just SO ready for spring! Good ways to wait, for sure. I can mostly identify with the 'eating too much while waiting'. :)

  34. You are finding such delightful ways to wait! Love your quilt beginnings. And tulips are my favorite. I have bought a spray of them at the grocery store three weeks in a row! They feel like necessities during these waiting-for-spring days.

  35. I woke up this morning to find a light dusting of snow outside and cold weather alert (with the windchill, it'll feel like -20C! Say it ain't so!). Spring can't come fast enough for me!

    Your eggscellent dish made my mouth water! I'm also trying to read more. I have a loooong list books I'd like to read, but not enough time to read them all!

  36. And so we wait together. The quilt is beautiful. I do admire quilters for their sense of shape and color and what goes well together. For me, my eyes get confused and the brain hurts. Rain today. Only enough to settle the dust.

  37. Enjoyed your five. Such pretty tulips. I tried to buy some this week but they seemed past their prime. Your egg dish looks delicious. I might try it for something low carb. We have had such a beautiful spring, so, so early. It's been odd. We'll see if the snow really comes, but the cold temperatures are fairly certain.

  38. Five lovely things to enjoy whilst you wait for Spring. The tulips are lovely:)

  39. Love your five things while you are waiting for spring Lorrie. You always make a recipe that I would like to eat! Your quilt is so lovely, I love the granny square blocks. And those tulips look so fresh and perky, just speaking of spring. Like you, I am reading a lot while I wait.....and I sew a lot too.
    Happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  40. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Lorrie, you do a LOT while you are waiting! I especially like the eating part. :-)

  41. Wonderful photos and projects. I love the quilt - and the tulips. I have tulips in the house most of the time during their blooming season- fortunately the grocery store helps me out with them, mine aren't near blooming yet. I am spending my waiting time re-doing a quilt for our grandson. He is 12 and I made him and I Spy quilt when he was four. It had a couple spots that needed mending and I took the three layers apart and put in new batting and backing and have been tying it this past week - and hope to finish by next Friday so he can go back to sleeping under it every night. No wonder it needed some TLC - he uses it every night - for 8 years now. Happy waiting for spring.

  42. IT looks like you are using wonderful ways to wait for Spring. Love the quilt, so gorgeous.

  43. I think your quilt will have that perfectly beautiful vintage look I love best in quilts. I have one on my bed that I was just wondering about...if I will have to remove it soon. At least, I haven't had to bundle up so much the last few nights!

  44. Love that first shot of the heather!!

    And everything else including your Granny Squares since I am quilting mine now and I had so much fun over time compiling my top.

    Yours look just wonderful! :) It's such a fun block. I took my good old time just using scraps here and there...

  45. What a lovely post with wonderful shots of spring and craftiness. Love the quilt blocks! You must be a shrewd quilter to be able to pass on any of those pretty blocks.

  46. I too sometimes eat too much! It's comfort food for dealing with this cold, snowy weather. Those eggs sound delish!! Thanks for the recipe! And I also bought tulips. Anything to help brighten up the house. I need summer sunshine! Today, we are in the process of a snowstorm. 3-5 inches (sad face here)


  47. Oh I like the quilt blocks, lovely colours.

    Spring is beginning to appear in my part of the UK and we have had some Spring like days where it has been a joy to be outside and enjoy some walks while looking at the spring flowers...

    All the best Jan

  48. What a lovely post. Your eggs look yummy, I think I'll have to try that. Also your quilt looks like it's taking shape. Although I sew a lot I've never attempted a patchwork quilt - something about lining up all of those edges! Hope you've had a great week


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