Friday, January 17, 2020

Five on Friday: Five Quotes

"A snow day, literally and figuratively, 
falls from the sky,
and seems like a thing of wonder." 
(Susan Orlean)

I woke up Wednesday morning to deep silence. When I looked out the window, all was white. Snow softened the lines of plants, cars, and garden features. It was no surprise to get the message that school was cancelled for the day. 

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,
for beauty is God's handwriting."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

First on my list of things to do on a snowy day is take a walk. I bundled up and set out for Rithet's Bog. It was a very different place than it had been on Sunday. The waterfowl sheltered in the deeper water of the side ditches. Snow-laden branches reflected mystery in the dark deep pond.

"Instructions for living a life
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."
(Mary Oliver)

I could see that someone else had walked at least part of the path I was on, but his or her footsteps were mostly covered. No one else was there and the snow was deep enough that it took effort to lift my feet and plant them again. I reveled in the marvelous quiet and the bright softness. 

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of weather."
(Mark Twain)

Once home again I took a turn around the garden. The Japanese fishing ball looks as though it's wearing a dunce cap. Inside, I made a mug of hot chocolate and walked from window to window, looking at the different views. Then, what to do with the day? Should I indulge myself, or should I mark papers?

Indulgence won out - I read a little, and played with fabric, creating four zipper pouches just for fun. I re-watched an episode of the Crown while I sewed. As the light faded I put away the sewing and went to the kitchen. Earlier in the day I had browned a pot roast and put it into the slow cooker with a bit of red wine. Now I added some chopped mushrooms to the cooker. I cut zucchini, tomatoes, and potatoes to make a vegetable tian that went into the oven. Just before dinner I took the meat from the cooker and let it rest, then poured the mushrooms and liquid into a pot to create a flavourful gravy. It was the perfect day for such a warming dinner. 

"One of the secrets of a happy life
is continuous small treats."
(Iris Murdoch)

The next day school was back in session, although the buses didn't run and numbers were down. It's nearing end of term and assessment is high on the list of things to accomplish. Still, that one day was a gift, an expected treat. 


  1. What a lovely post - no snow here and I hope we shan't get any as being on a steep hill getting out at all can be difficult. I could almost smell the slow cooked supper and feel the cosiness of your home after you day of what I think you call puttering!

  2. You describe the beauty of freshly fallen snow so perfectly, first with words and then with pictures.

  3. How delightfully you tell us about your snowy day. Pot roast....the perfect meal to round it off.

  4. Always used to love a storm day, not so much anymore. That advice for a good life is also good for bloggers. I should give it a whirl. I like your zippered bags, especially how the zipper extends out to become the tag.

  5. I like the idea of continuous small treats.The snow day was a gift day to you.

  6. How fun to have a snow day, Lorrie! Your zippered bags are adorable, and how clever of your to have the zipper extend for ease in opening. Your meal sounded wonderful, too!

  7. Beautiful! The gift of a day!

    Interesting that school was back in session but no buses ran. Here if the buses can’t run, there is no school. They are beginning to have Online learning activities for those days though so they can still count the day.

    Your sewing looks great and your dinner sounds wonderful!

  8. You really made the most of your unexpected day off. The description of your meal is making my mouth water. Love the zippered pouches you made!

  9. You sure do know how to make the best of a snow day. Your zippered bags are lovely. I really like the pretty fabrics you used. My mouth was watering just reading the description of your dinner :).

  10. Beautiful! I knew your snow day would be perfect! :)

  11. Schools cancelled because of snow - that sounds so exotic and fun. Here snow is never a problem but with the strange weather conditions of the last few years, the slippery roads have become a problem for school transportation too.
    The pouches you made are really pretty. The combination of fabrics is lovely.
    Have a happy weekend!

  12. Dear Lorrie,
    You had quite a bit of snow. Will it stay a while? Your close-up shots are worthy of being used as postcards. You used such pretty fabrics for your zippered bags. I love them.

  13. Beautiful photos and post
    The best winter days are the ones that have that no school day feeling.

  14. Gosh your trail woods look exactly like one of ours in Wisconsin. Ive decided I'm going to visit Canada. Why haven't I? I must. Dont you think so? Happy for the Royals to be in Canada if that is where they feel safe. What a compliment. Im sure they will pay for their secret service etc. Dont you think?

  15. Love all the quotes, but the one on the weather is one I need to take to heart , instead of complaining about our Canadian winter weather.

  16. I’m very envious of all your snow. Sounds like you made the most of your special day. Love the little pouches, so pretty. Have a good week. B x

  17. Oh, I loved reading about your day! You accepted that gift and made the most of it!

  18. Indeed a wonderful gift you were given, your day sounds wonderful, I enjoyed the poems and quotes too, Lorrie!
    Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment. Don't you just love the quietness of a snowfall!

  19. I'm so behind on blog reading and blog posting! Your photos are beautiful as always and I scroll and see delicious food and beautiful places and faces! Happy New Year!

  20. What a beautiful snow too. Thank you for taking me on your walk as I will probably not see snow again for several years.

  21. What a treat to visit your blog today and read those wonderful quotes. A bonus day for you too to enjoy a few hours to yourself.

  22. Glad you indulged yourself. What a beautiful walk. I love walking in snow.
    Mary Oliver's words "Be astonished" is most wonderful.

  23. Beautiful images!

    We haven't had an official snow day yet, but there's still 2 more months of winter left.

  24. Lorrie - a snow day is a terrific gift in so many ways. It appears you made the most of it with your walk and your "indulgence". Good for you to take the time to enjoy it rather than use it for typical tasks! The Mary Oliver quote "Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." really stood out to me. Thanks!

  25. A beautiful post lovely to read about your snow day and see those gorgeous pictures. You had a very refreshing and productive day. Love the pretty pouches you made and your dinner sounds delicious. And of course I loved seeing the snow as we haven't had a single flake here this winter!! xxx

  26. Such lovely snow photos, Lorrie. I may be one of few, but I love the snow. It always makes me happy to watch it fall and see how beautiful everything looks under a white blanket. I also like Mary Oliver's poetry. She says so much in just a few words/

  27. I love your little zipper pouches - what wonderful gifts they would make - perhaps I will make some for my daughters for Valentine's Day - thanks for the share ♥

  28. I love tha quote! There's truth in that. And those snow photos are so pretty!

  29. I like that quote; it suits me quite fine! Your snow photos are so pretty!


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