Friday, January 03, 2020

First Friday Five 2020

First of all, can I just say how much I love typing or texting 2020? It's snappy and quick and makes me smile almost every time I do it. 

It's almost 8 p.m. and I can hear wind and rain against the house in the dark outside. This afternoon, while driving to the ferry to pick up youngest daughter and youngest granddaughter(!), I heard warnings on the radio about all the ferry cancellations because of wind. There was no sign of the storm when took a couple of photos, but it blew in fairly quickly. Ashley's ferry was on time and I'm glad she and Iris made it. She's here for a friend's baby shower, and I'm so glad to cuddle Iris once again.

I had a few extra moments so I drove down to the water and snapped some photos. The moss is thriving with all the rain we've been having. So green and lush. 

The Christmas decor is put away, but the puzzle is still on the dining room table. Finishing is unlikely, although I'll leave it out for awhile longer. 

We recently installed a new front door. The outdoor lights shine through in an artsy fashion that's kind of fun. The door is white inside and out, and will be painted come spring when the weather dries out and warms up. 

Do you, or have you ever, chosen a focus word for the year? If you have, did you find it meaningful? I'd love to know specifically how. I did chose words several times a few years ago, then left it behind. However, recently, one word keeps coming to mind, with multiple meanings that seem very relevant, so I'm thinking about how to incorporate that focus into something intentional for the year ahead.

If that sounds as wishy-washy to you as it does to me that's because I'm still pondering. 

Iris is tucked away for the night, there's hot peppermint tea to sip, and pools of lamplight making the living room cozy. Although Tim, Ashley, and I are engrossed in various individual pursuits we stop and chat and it's all very convivial. I'm going to post this and devote myself to chatting. 


  1. We are to get the same storm here, its supposed to arrive around 2 in the morning. Glad that Ashley and Iris arrived safely, and that you get to enjoy a special time together! Beautiful pictures of the moss you captured, and the bay area. It sure has been a strange winter here so far. We get snow one day, and rain the next. Your door looks lovely, must be wonderful to see the lights from outside through its window. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Glad to know the ferry trip was made before the storm arrived. We had rain start in the wee morning hours along with a work related phonecall for my husband at 1:40 a.m. :/ Skies are completely gray today. I decided that 2020 is a year of vision: focus, follow through, finish! That's my plan! So far so good. Enjoy the visit with your girls.

  3. I too am enjoying the quickness of typing 2020 on the computer.
    Seeing your mossy growth, and ours here today, makes me wish that Australia could received some of our damper climate. I am even suddenly beginning to appreciate the fact that we have plenty of rain, far better that than fire. Enjoy these special moments with Iris, which I know you will.

  4. I love seeing the lights come through the front door. And yes, always choose a word and like to reflect at the end of the year on how it has played out in my life. Your cup of tea sounds delightful! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Oh how I agree with Rosemary in regard to Australia's crises caused by such horrific fires. Today the news is telling of the unbelievable number of wildlife now gone and it's just unimaginable! Yes we complain when it rains and we are getting our share today, but compared to fires we feel almost blessed looking out at dripping trees, water running down the driveway, splashing bird baths, and leaden skies.

    Lovely to know you are having cuddles with Iris - enjoy their visit, a lovely New Year's gift I'm sure.
    Your new door is really nice Lorrie. . . . . and that puzzle looks similar to what I see outside my window as I write, with a pair of cardinals, ever present around our garden, and bringing color to the rather drab landscape now January is here.

  6. I gave up words of the year some years ago. It seemed machinated to me; however, if one word kept insisting itself, I might have to rethink that. I think it is delightful that you have a daughter and granddaughter in your cozy home on a stormy eve. I like the way the lights shine through your new door. Yes, I am pleased with 2020 as well. It has a nice ring to it.

  7. Glad they arrived safe!

    I remember a few years ago choosing a word after reading blogs.
    What the word is escapes memory, but I do recall it was a fun guide. The selection process helped me sort things into a positive direction. Security is the 2020 word that's been appearing in my thoughts.

  8. I do choose a word or two each year. It gets me motivated, but I will say some of them just faded away after a month or so.

  9. Your evening sounds cozy. Glad your family made it safely over. I am no help with a word. I know a lot of people chose them and make resolutions but I don't believe starting the year thinking that we need to change is good. I think it sets people up to fail. So I just strive to keep being the kind of person my children would be proud of. Have a lovely weekend. 😊 Kit

  10. I have picked for my word this year HOPE it feels like something we all need just now and I might even write a post about it later.

  11. No word of the year this year. BOUNDARIES was a word one year. This is somewhat of a joke, but when someone disagrees with me, I say, good naturally, "Im grieving......"

  12. I feel the same way about writing 2020! :-) I wonder if any year will rival it in snappiness for the remainder of my life?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Glad your family made it safely across. Calm weather here at the moment. Love the new front door, I’m always in favour of coloured glass. New year focus here is all about zero waste. I struggle at times but I realise it’s a slow and steady process. Have a good week back at school. B x

  15. Beautiful leaded glass in your new door!

    I love typing 2020 too!

  16. The glass inserts look great, Lorrie. Looking forward to see what colour you end up painting it.

    I've never selected a focus word for the year. But I am striving to embrace what I already have in 2020!

  17. Yes, it is great writing 2020 isn't it!
    I wish you and yours a happy 2020 :)

    All the best Jan


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