Monday, February 17, 2020

Butchart Gardens and Family Day Weekend

On Thursday afternoon, when I left school, the sun was shining and I got the hankering to visit Butchart Gardens. It's a beautiful place even without the flowers. The lines of paths and trees and shrubs undulate through the landscape. It's a place of harmony and loveliness.

A couple of the earliest rhododendrons are just beginning to open, pink and pretty. 

Clumps of hellebores bloom so luxuriously that I think I'm going to show my own single hellebore this photo to encourage it to do as well. 

Here is a look at the famous rose garden, bare now, but the bones are there, and it won't be long until swaths of colour fill this view. 

Between January and March, the Blue Poppy Restaurant is converted into a Spring Prelude garden. Here, pots and pots of orchids show off their forms and colours; hyacinths, daffodils and irises fill the air with their scent, and it gives one hope for springtime outdoors. 

I admired this pot set among the greenery against the red fence panel. I'm always looking for ideas for my own garden. Inspiration abounds at Butchart. 

Spritely Siberian Irises fit so well with daffodils. Blue and yellow - a perfect match. 

On this Family Weekend (Monday is a holiday in our province), our Vancouver family came over. We got together with most of the local family, as well, although some were sick and stayed home. An Iris of another sort stayed with us and delighted us all with her smiles, giggles, and sheer happiness. I snapped this photo just before they left - she's wearing a sweet handknit sweater, a gift from her mother's sister's talented mother-in-law. 

This afternoon I did some laundry, sorted through the photos I took (over 100 - most of them of the baby :), and Tim and I went for a walk. A lovely way to spend a February holiday. 


  1. Hello Lorrie
    I look forward to visiting Butchart Gardens one day in the future. It was nice to see lovely flower photos when all I see now is snow. Baby Iris is adorable--love her curls!

  2. A beautiful flowery post - the family is the best ❤︎

  3. I can't remember the last time we were at Butchard Gardens. I can see how you'd get inspired!
    And that little Iris! What a doll! You did the right thing on this family day weekend.

  4. Can’t believe Iris is so big. Beautiful garden photo. Lovely that the rhododendrons are out already. Have a good week. B x

  5. Iris is growing up so quickly, and what a delightful, and happy little girl she appears to be.
    If I was living in your area then Butchard Gardens would be somewhere that I would love to visit and be inspired by too.

  6. Oh, Iris! She's all a baby should be! So precious!

    I'm itching to try some new flowers in my garden. I've loved Hellebore's since seeing them on Gardener's World! Cannot wait until I can do some planting and work in the garden!

  7. Iris is adorable. Soon enough, she will join you on your walks in the garden. I enjoy seeing your springy days arriving. It is deep winter here with another snowstorm upon us. Hope that I get to my appointment without running into it!

  8. I went to Butchart Gardens when I was 14 years old. That was in 1962, but I still remember the beauty.

  9. Big Aw she's so cute!
    Beautiful flowers, the colors of the large vase are perfect for a lush garden.

  10. Such a beautiful post with all the flowers but best of all that beautiful baby. You are truly blessed.

  11. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Enjoyed the photo's from Butchard Gardens walk,wonderful to see blooms after a bloom starved winter here in Ontario.
    Baby Iris is such a beauty,she reminds me of the sweet early Gerber baby with those beautiful curls.

  12. Iris is just as sweet as she can be. Easy to see why there would be many photos taken. I enjoyed tagging along on your visit to the Butchart Gardens. How wonderful that you live close enough to keep up with the beauty in all seasons.

  13. That must be wonderful to have a garden like the Butchart Gardens close enough to visit anytime. I have only been there once over forty years ago.I loved it then and I appreciate your pictures.

  14. What a treat to be able to pop into Butchart Gardens when you feel like it. That babe is such a cutie and what a sweet sweater. Happy belated Family day!

  15. 100 Baby pictures. That's reasonable! She's so so cute!
    As for flowers, I live in lower, southern wisconsin. There are NO flowers here. There will be no flowers here. Not for at least 6 weeks. We are snow covered. With more snow coming. Aren't you north of me? I don't get it!

  16. Lorrie - so glad you were able to enjoy your family weekend with family! It is amazing to me to see rhodies that are already blooming. The bones of the rose garden are stunning in their own right, but I am afraid all of it is eclipsed by this adorable, chubby-cheeked baby!

  17. Oh my goodness. As lovely as Butchart Gardens is (during every season), the loveliest is your own little Iris!! She seems to be right in the room with me in this sweet, happy photo! I am glad your weekend was so full of joy and beauty!

  18. How wonderful to take a stroll through Butchart Gardens, Lorrie! I’m sure just being there, lifted your spirits. Little Iris made me smile. Isn’t she just the cutest baby? Thank you for sharing with us.

  19. Dear Lorrie, I've only been to Butchart Gardens once. I will always remember how really special and beautiful it was,
    Your little Iris is just about the prettiest little thing I have ever seen.

  20. That garden looks like a wonderful place to stroll! Iris is adorable.

  21. Sweet Lorrie, it was such a blessing to visit and see your beautiful pictures. Indeed, the garden looks like such a beautiful and peaceful place to visit. And oh, isn't little Iris precious! What a darling smile she has.

    I wanted to thank you for the kind comment on my blog. I was greatly touched by your thoughtfulness and care. I am well, dear friend. I often think I will come back to blogging, but that day has not arrived...yet. I miss you and the other lovely ladies in the blogging community. Know that you are thought of often. HUGS!

  22. I thought you had harder winter than we do. How come you already have flowers out? A delightful garden; I notice that the roses haven’t been pruned yet.What a little sweetie you have there.

    PS What has happened to Pondside? I just tried to find her blog and I see it has been removed. Is she ok?

  23. Hellebores tend to do their own thing, one year a mass of flowers, and the next year very little. I don't know why. My pink ones are lovely but the white ones are a bit sparse.
    What lovely Irises, both the blue and the baby!

  24. You make me want to catch a ferry over to the island and visit your lovely gardens! Love the smile on your sweet Iris!

  25. Oh, so lovely to see flowers blooming.
    Sweet Iris looks so happy and good natured.

  26. I can't believe how fast baby Iris is growing!

    I also enjoyed seeing the blooming flowers. It's still too early for flowers here, but the longer days are a nice reminder that spring is coming!

  27. Little Iris is such a delight - and that's a beautiful knitted jacket!
    You know how I love Butchart - hopefully I'll manage a third visit some day.

  28. Ohhhhh, what a sweet Iris!!!!!!!!!!

    Much more precious than any flower, which I'm sure you agree. -smile-

    😊 😊 😊

  29. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who takes a lot of photos! What an adorable baby! You are ahead of us in the season changing. And how wonderful to be able to pop into Butchart gardens when you like. I admire the Family Day! I wonder what that would be like if we had one in the States. It sounds wonderful.


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Friday Thoughts on Spring

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