Saturday, February 01, 2020

Five on Friday (or Saturday)

My goodness, have we had rain! The weather people have aptly called it an "atmospheric river." There have been occasional breaks in the river of rain during which I put on my boots and take a walk. 

This morning, Saturday, the wind blew the clouds away and the bluest of skies is brightening the day and my own heart. Along one of my walking routes, a naturalized lawn is filled with pale crocuses. Snowdrops bloom in clumps in many gardens. Spikes of daffodils, bluebells, tulips, and hyacinths jut upwards through the soggy ground: hopes of beauty to come. 

Last night I finished reading Isabel Tree's book "Wilding - the return of nature to a British farm." It left me with much to think about. What stands out to me is the amazing resiliency of nature and how quickly the agricultural landscape was converted. 

Ferns and moss are some of my favourite plants. I love the curl of ferns and the softness of moss when I brush it with my hand. In my garden a fern has begun, unbidden and most welcome. I've tried to move it to another site, without success. So I'll leave it where it wants to grow and plan my plantings around it. 

On the porch a pot of primroses cheer me up when I come and go. I finished writing report cards this week, and began a new semester. It's a wee bit lighter than last, and I'm off earlier each day. 

Rock flowers grow in the front garden. We saw them at a friend's house and Tim made each of our children and ourselves a set for Christmas. They add a bit of whimsy to the garden. 

Inside the house we've done some moving of furniture and rearranging. I love the more open dining room, and it will make it easier when we extend the table to its full length, which we do more often these days. It's so lovely when so many people I love are seated there. My mom made me the table runner for Christmas. It perfectly matches the blue vase, and the upholstery on the chairs, not visible here. Plants inside the house make me happy, although I'm not the best at caring for them. This fern has lasted quite awhile and it seems happy in its new location. I see that my Christmas cactus has quite a few buds on it, so perhaps it will bloom for Valentine's Day. 

I have a number of sewing projects on the go, and planned to finish at least one per month this year. Alas, it's the first of February and I missed January's goal. However, that's what I'm going to do next - finish a skirt that has been languishing for several months. I think I'll count it as a January project and work on another for February. 

The sun is slanting so gloriously through the living room window. This long post must end and I must move on. Best of the weekend to you, whether it's sunny or snowy or rainy. 


  1. "The sun slanting gloriously" sounds perfect after so much rain. So happy you've had some blue skies.
    Lorrie, I so love those 'rock flowers' made by creative Tim - any chance he'll do a little video, or at least give us some written directions. I would love to try - perhaps I could even get Bob interested - one of the least creative men in North America!!!!!!

    You know how to stay busy, but isn't it a great feeling at the end of the day when one has accomplished much around the home to be proud of! Tonight I plan to complete another knitted cowl whilst watching TV - and as it's dreary we'll light the fire and open a nice bottle of warming Cabernet Sauvignon. Winter Saturday evenings at home can be better than going 'out on the town' - well that's what I think!

    Hugs for your weekend - hope the rains are gone.
    Mary x

  2. The sunshine is glorious! So welcome after all that rain.
    I just purchased 8 primulas from Gardenworks on special 4 for $5.00 so I will have a cheerful grouping on my porch too!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Happy February to you. We got a wee bit of sunshine today and it was glorious. Hope your weekend is good!

  4. Lovely post and pictures. We finally had some sunshine today as well.

  5. What a beautiful way to start the new month! Those primroses and your rock garden have me smiling! Always amazes me how quickly the seasons move through your part of the province, Lorrie. I love how you capture so much beauty in your images and add to them with your words - makes me kick myself for not being a regular visitor to your blog because I always enjoy myself when I do stop by. Thank you for sharing all that beauty with us and adding joy to the day!

    Wishing you a glorious Sunday!

  6. The table runner your mom made is so pretty. Love that shade of blue. We've had some pretty blah weather lately but I think blue skies will be back this week. At least I hope so. My youngest boy in NY is having nothing but gray skies/rain/snow. And my Denver boy is supposed to have temps at 70 F today but then snow predicted the next two days with the temperature getting down to 1 degrees. Kinda crazy. Wilding sounds like a book I'd like to read. Enjoy your Sunday.

  7. What a stunning table runner, just glowing with the vase. Clever mum.
    This season of little surprises in the garden is so pleasing. I have my first Crocus out all of a sudden, and the tiny Tete a Tete daffodils are in flower. Your primroses are a joy.

  8. Dear Lorrie,
    I would gladly give up a few days of sunshine if I could have crocuses, snowdrops in clumps (I can see them) and spikes of daffodils, bluebells, tulips and hyacinths.
    Nothing, absolutely nothing is showing here. Instead, I have snow and more snow coming.
    I always look forward to your posts. It seems that you make the most of every day.

  9. Sunshine must be so very welcome. Your mother’s gift is beautiful. I see where those sewing and quilting talents of yours originated. And the rocks that add sculptural interest to a garden are delightful! (The woman who rents my parents’ home is a bit of an eccentric. She collects rocks and has them arranged throughout the house. I have never seen anything quite like it. 😳 I think she has plenty to work with and might enjoy these tremendously.)

  10. Love the rock flowers they are a real delight. Inspirational.

  11. Lots to love in your garden especially the stone flowers. An atmospheric river...I love it! Well done on the house sorting, always feels good to have a move around. Definitely a snuggling by the fire day here, ,miserable out. Time for a good book I think! Have a good week. B x

  12. Your photos are so beautiful, happy your new semester is off to a great start, have a blessed Sunday.

  13. Your photographs are all lovely, the primroses so colourful.
    I think those rock flowers are a little different, and it's always nice to see something a little different to compliment the garden.

    All the best Jan

  14. It is always nice to see the sunshine after a period of rain! The sun is shining here today as well.

  15. You have a lot going on, besides rain! I'm feeling more energy already just having turned the calendar to February ;-) I think the day is just longer enough, and I'm just enough recuperated from "everything," that hope for accomplishing something is able to sprout! God bless you.

  16. We’ve had a chilly and drizzly weekend but the weather is going to be warm the next few days. The sun did almost break through today, and it was a welcome sight!

  17. Atmospheric rain - here too! But your photos are beautiful nevertheless. Wishing a sunnier new week.

  18. Primroses are such a cheery plant, aren't they? How sweet of Tim to make all of your family some rock flowers. They'll never wilt and won't need watered! I loved your pretty quilted runner that your mom made for your dining table. What a treasure!

  19. Crocus! They are lovely to see, and the primrose as well.
    Beautiful table runner, I like its simplicity and grace.

    First time in ages I planted crocus bulbs last fall. Maybe the green sprouts will show here in VT at the end of March.

  20. We were in the Seattle area recently and it was very rainy. But were lucky that California was sunny and warm. No signs of spring here yet. 15° this morning. Have a great week! Kit

  21. The blue vases and runner look great together.

    I'm proud to report that some of the flowers that I received 2+ weeks ago are still alive!

  22. I love the photos of your garden and the whimsical rock bouquet. And I especially love your mother's table runner - talent runs in your family.

  23. Ferns, mosses and primroses... what a wonderful post!
    It looks like spring there. (Here winter seems to be arriving, finally.)
    Happy February!

  24. I love when the sun comes out after particularly dreary, rainy days.
    What a beautiful table runner.
    Love, love the rock garden idea. Yes, it would add whimsy to a garden.
    Primroses always reach out and grab me in early spring.

  25. Your posts are like reading poetry; they paint beautiful pictures in my mind. Peace, tranquility, charm and pure loveliness.

  26. Lorrie - we had snow yesterday, and a couple of inches have re-coated everything to make the world look clean and fresh. But that has not stopped me from thinking, especially this morning, about spring and the flowers to come. And here is your post, with some hints of spring!!! Thanks for the splashes of color - I need it in my current monochromatic world!

  27. I love your blue trees on the runner on your table and the blue vase!
    We have snow gently predicted to fall , just an inch or two tomorrow. The horses will be clean! Rain brings mud and very sloppy horses! I love seeing the ferns. Beautiful photo.


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Friday Thoughts on Spring

  Trees still show their skeletal outlines, brown against blue sky and wispy clouds. Stems are swelling and I expect a burst of bright acid ...