Sunday, February 23, 2020

Stormy Sunday

The wind is tossing trees and shrubs mostly violently this afternoon. Rain pelts down. It's a good day to stay inside by the fire. We had to drive up Island earlier in the afternoon and within an hour of leaving home the sky showed blue patches and a rainbow arched over the mountains in the distance, giving us hope that the bad weather had passed. Alas, no. Still, we're warm and dry, and I have a big mug of tea alongside. 

Recent reads. The Marcia Willett books are easy and gentle reading. Entry Island was fascinating, alternating between Scotland in the early 19th century to the Magdalen Islands (also known as Iles de la Madeleine) in Canada in modern times. A murder combined with history and interesting characters made for a story that I stayed up late on Friday night to finish. 

Hannah Coulter is a wonderful story of a woman looking back on her life in Kentucky. It's a story of courage and wisdom, of mistakes made and lessons learned, and of intense love of the land where she lived. I'll be looking for more of Wendell Berry's stories. 

Death's Door has just been opened, so I have nothing to say about it quite yet, except that it was recommended by another blogger. 

I picked up a bundle of these pretty pink tulips on Friday. I love their colour and shape. 

My Valentine flowers are lasting and lasting. Against a rain-spattered window they are bright and cheerful. 

Pistachios. I recently read that just a few pistachios eaten before bed help with sleep. Apparently they contain more melatonin than almost any other food. I don't know whether they help with sleep or not, but I like them. They can be rather addicting and it's hard to stop at just a few. 

A new week begins. Hope it's a good one for you. 


  1. I hadn’t heard that about pistachios will have to give it a try. Glad you liked Entry Island, I stayed up late reading it too! I’ve been on the hunt for Jim Kelly books but sadly our library doesn’t stock them. Have a good week. B x

  2. I had not heard about the properties of pistachios either, maybe worth a try.
    Your weather sound a bit like ours, nothing but rain day after day. It's so good to see the newness of daffodils and Camellias bravely flowering.

  3. Ok, now I am going to try pistachios at night because I wake up several times during the night. Your tulips are such a pretty color!

  4. Dear Lorrie,
    I love it when you give us book recommendations. Have had some of the best Reads. Will definitely try pistachios. My new bed partner likes to bark at anything that moves during the night.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Interesting to learn about the pistachios - I too like them and am happy to give them a try regardless of whether they work or not.
    Stormy weather and rain appears to be a feature of our Northern Hemisphere this winter, and I for one, will be happy to bid it farewell - sooner rather than later.

  7. Your flowers are so pretty. I have never eaten Pistachios but I may have to give them a try.

  8. Thank you! Pistachios are on my shopping list, and the authors go on the rading list
    Beautiful flowers

  9. I love pistachios and didn't know about their melatonin content.

  10. I remember Hannah Coulter fondly, though starting out it seemed a little slow. It -- and she -- quickly grew on me and made me very happy.

  11. Interesting, about pistachios! I quite like them but did not know about the melatonin. Thanks for sharing your book picks!

  12. Great variety of tulip. So pretty. Interesting that pistachios aide in sleep...

  13. Love pistachios - especially in muffins which I often make! Eating before bed for a good sleep is interesting - extra long tooth brushing would be a necessity!
    The pink of the tulips brightens my morning here so I know how much they must lighten up your room Lorrie.

    Our snow of last week has disappeared - 2-3" was just enough. Snowdrops opening now along with the narcissi - ice damaged several shrubs sadly. Raining again today - not as much as yours though. Hope you get some better weather soon.
    Mary x

  14. That is so interesting about pistachios. My husband and one daughter sure have trouble with sleep so may need to add that to their diets.

  15. thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving a comment.

    Oh how lovely, to be able to have flowers, in the house, especially in the winter. Here, our allergies prevent it. -sigh-

    Pistachios, oh yes, they are delicious! And can be quite addicting. -smile-

    We are in wet weather this week, also. After a week of sunshine. Which was nice, while it lasted!

    😊 😊 😊

  16. I have read a few of Marcia Willet's books and enjoy the gentleness of her stories.
    For quality sleep I am a fan of magnesium...I take one an hour before bed and its a game changer! I use the Can Prev brand from Heart Pharmacy.

  17. Well perhaps pistachio ice cream has the same effect?

  18. Hmmm . . . hot tea, a stack of books, and those gorgeous pink tulips in sight. . . sounds like a comfy, cozy weekend despite the storm!

  19. I do admire Wendell Berry but have never read this book. Those tulips are lovely! I had forgotten that about pistachios. They are addictive! I laughed when I saw a comment above suggesting pistachio ice cream instead. Or what about pistachio gelato? If only.

  20. Wonderful flowers and an interesting tip about pistachios. :)
    Also here the weather has been windy (with mild temperatures) in the last months. In these days, however, it looks like February should look: sunny, cold and with snow.

  21. Lorrie - I continue to admire your ability to take a few wonderful pictures and simple prose and turn out a lovely post. Those tulips are so refreshing as winter continues here with its gray palette!

  22. Such lovey flowers! My husband just loves pistachios. I did not know that about them. 😊 Kit

  23. I never knew that about pistachios!! Well, I'll be picking up a BIG bag soon.

  24. A joy to read your post. Loved the book pile. Looking at someone else's book pile always gives me a little jolt of joy. Eyes light up at seeing new possibilities. Right now I've got a book of essays by Wendell Berry from the library that I'm just getting into.

    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Brenda xox

  25. I admire your choice, such a lovely shade of those pink tulips!!! With those valentine flowers lasting more and more reminds of your love for each other is very strong and adoring. I always remember my mom dropping in a few pistachios in my pockets when I late for my school and I used to enjoy having those on my way. I have few collections of Marcia Willett recently I read Reflections from her collection.


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