Friday, February 28, 2020

Five Things Friday

We're gaining about 25 minutes more precious light each week just now as our earth tilts ever so gently towards the sun. On my walks I see burgeoning shoots and blossoms springing upwards and outwards. The photo above was taken a week or more ago, and most of the snowdrop blooms have ended. Taking their place are crocuses and daffodils. Life is irrepressible.

Even the trees are eager to show off. These creamy blossoms are on a tree outside the school and I couldn't resist snapping them while walking from one building to the other. 

Spring restlessness is setting in. I'm a little tired of my winter clothes, but still need the warmth and layers, so I'm being creative and finding new ways to wear them. I don't need new things, and I'm becoming ever more conscious of the effects of fast fashion on individual lives and on the environment. I'm shopping my closet rather than the mall. If I get organized and brave enough, I'll do a post about that. 

There is restlessness in the kitchen, too, with a desire for fresh flavours. I've been roaming through my cookbooks in search of inspiration there, too. Laura Calder is a Canadian cook/author whose recipes I find very appealing and doable. She used to be on television, but now I see her on Instagram. 

We're joining friends for dinner this weekend, and I've been asked to bring dessert. Tim voted for Chocolate Mousse, so that's what it will be. 

Last night for dinner I made a sort of stew with ground beef, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes. It was rather blah. To accompany it I found this Skillet Cornbread recipe. It's a yummy one, with a mildly crunchy texture and a buttery flavour. The cornbread made up for the stew!

There is more than half of the cornbread remaining, so for tonight's dinner I'm planning to roast a large tray of vegetables - zucchini, onions, peppers, maybe eggplant or cabbage - then toss them all with feta cheese and olives. The bread will finish it off well. Simple and just the thing for a Friday night. 

Finally, I bought some tulips that are opening in exuberant free form style. They sit in the entrance hall and cheer my comings and goings.

The weekend is supposed to be sunny and I'm hoping to get out into the garden for a bit. There is clean up to do, and a few early seeds to plant. Dinner with friends on Saturday, and on Sunday I'm cooking dinner for 45 at church. I hope to do a little sewing and reading, as well. As always, we'll see what actually gets done! 


  1. Your early flowers are so pretty. When it gets closer to spring, I too find myself restless, anting the new but the weather is not quite ready for that. I plan to get out and watch some early migrating eagles and hawks tomorrow .

  2. Please send some of your sunshine our way. Still constant gales. I know how you feel about winter clothes. I need to check out my wardrobe too. There’s plenty in there but lots of stuff gets forgotten. Love the sound of your vegetable tray bake. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  3. Your Friday dinner sounds fantastic.

  4. WOW you really do have spring happening there. Here in Northern Virginia (way over west near West Virginia) it is beginning to look a bit like spring, but brrrr it is so cold.
    Happy Week-end. Have a lovely time doing all of your wonderful activities

  5. You have more spring than we do! We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning. I love Laura Calder and use to love watching her TV show. Have you tried her Frenchy Popcorn? Boy is it good!

  6. These welcome hints of spring approaching are all that I need to make me feel that better things are coming our way.
    Your cornbread looks very inviting, and I do like making things that will give me a basis for two meals rather than just the one.

  7. Tasty food and lovely flowers - your posts never fail to cheer us up.
    It was very interesting to read your thoughts about clothes. I feel rather embarrassed to think that in the past I have been browsing magazines to see how is the new spring/autumn etc. fashion... Who cares! When I buy classic items, I can use them for years and every year. I don't need to shop anything. It's very relaxing.
    Wishing you a happy new month. Spring seems to have arrived where you live.

  8. Our spring is eager to make an appearance, tempting us with beautiful blossoms and sunny days but winter is putting is a good fight, had a terrible storm during the night. Also, I like roasting veggies as well, very much into sweet potatoes just now, and mushrooms.

  9. We had cornbread the other day, it just hit the spot. Not too many signs of spring yet. But I did see my tulips are up by 3 inches! Have a great week! Kit

  10. Yes, we are growing weary of winter. We have snow again this morning, only a dusting, but still it is cold and white. I am surprised that your spring blooms are also making quite a show. So pretty. And I bet they smell heavenly. As for cooking, my friend, an excellent cook, declares that she is done, having done it for over fifty years, yet she finds herself in the kitchen every day fixing great meals for her farmer husband. We do a lot of soup, mostly home made, but we're not proud, canned soup in a pinch works. Have wonderful week, Lorri.

  11. Those budding plants are such an encouragement. I'm enjoying some Southern California sunshine right now which makes me a bit restless for Spring in our neck of the woods. Happy March to you.

  12. Your blossoms, cornbread, and books look like just the perfect things for a spring day and evening.

  13. I looked at the cornbread recipe! I bought buttermilk and a fresh canister of cornmeal today. I may want to try this recipe. I had planned to make cornbread muffins but it would probably work too. Enjoy your week!

  14. Oh I like your dinner dessert plans. MMMMMMM. We make cornmeal pancakes and they are the best! I love seeing all y'alls flowers. My goodness we are still having snow. I will look up that author

  15. I'm also itching to shed the layers so it doesn't take 10 minutes to get out the door!

  16. Lorrie - I, for one, am grateful that life is irrepressible. I pray that the earth can maintain its exuberance despite what we tend to impose on it. I am starting to share your restlessness. Winter seems to be fading, although it is a bit early to declare that in Montana. Sometimes I wish we could jump over "mud season" and get right to Spring! In the meantime, I will enjoy your photos!

  17. P.S. Dinner for 45? Yikes - I hope you had help!

  18. You're a brave cook to feed 46 people!

    Those are very cheery and exuberant tulips! No wonder they cheer you on your way!

    I'm finding that as disasters come, and tragedies, its hard for me to just buy wily nily. What I really need is to remember to be grateful, count my blessings and be content. God is good.

    Enjoy your weekend!


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Friday Thoughts on Spring

  Trees still show their skeletal outlines, brown against blue sky and wispy clouds. Stems are swelling and I expect a burst of bright acid ...