Monday, April 27, 2020

Celebrations, Flowers, and Quotations

"Since love grows within you,
so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul."
St. Augustine
 On Sunday afternoon we celebrated a marriage in a new way. Friends and family lined the street of small Sidney-by-the-Sea to wave and cheer as the newlyweds drove by. They stopped and walked around the traffic circle at the end of the avenue. 

These days we have to find new ways to celebrate the special moments of life. The groom thought this wedding was perfect, for he is an introvert who dreaded the speech, the large gathering, and the dance in front of so many people. Instead, a quiet dinner with family, a simple ceremony with the same, and this short appearance to many who wished them well. 
"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich
simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls, and interesting people.
Forget yourself."
Henry Miller

 I was very surprised this afternoon when the groom's mother dropped off a beautiful arrangement of flowers at our home. They were part of the wedding decor held at their home, and she wanted to thank us for attending the street gathering. So very sweet and unexpected. 

"I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life
stimulates the creative mind."
Albert Einstein

 I took a walk this afternoon. The wind sighed in the trees and blew great drifts of pink petals along the street. In my garden a bee was busy among the Mountain Cornflowers now blooming in my garden. 

"...and work at your pattern - it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like that...
one stitch at a time, taken patiently."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
 My reading these days consists of familiar books, nothing very challenging. I just finished The Fairy Tale Girl and Martha's Vineyard: Isle of Dreams by Susan Branch again. Unique books in many ways and this time through I was struck by the way her creativity developed over years. It made me think of the things I long to do. Many of my dreams have come true, with persistence and hard work and time, and there are others that I hope to fulfill. 

"The essential elements of the romantic spirit are curiosity and the love of beauty."
Walter Pater
 It's blue and purple season in my garden. The first aquilegia or Columbine is blooming. She is so beautiful I can hardly tear my eyes away. I see her from my kitchen window dancing madly in the wind. 

"Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of
quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
 A small bouquet of bluebells and hyacinths came indoors with me and now sits on the coffee table wafting sweet scents my way. How I love flowers. It's hard to choose a favourite, and I've stopped trying to do so. 

"The perfume of the lilacs came in little puffs on the crystal air."
L. M. Montgomery
The first lilacs are opening. It's a richness of blossom just now, with more to come. 

I'm feeling very content this sunny and windy afternoon. I made a big dent in the marking for my classes (marking online takes me more time than on paper). I'm soon heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner and bake some brownies. This evening I believe I'll start another book. What will it be? Choosing is half the fun!

I'd love to hear what you've been up to lately.


  1. I can't imagine how plans have changed for large celebrations like weddings in these days. How nice that you could gather from a distance and join in the celebration. I'm always ready for a blue and purple showing in a garden. Beautiful blooms!

  2. Oh that wedding is so great! I'd have a COVID wedding in isolation!!! You could really do it YOUR own way.
    I encouraged my daughter but she said no, she's too independent. .......

    I love all your flowers! We have some daffodils. We need more!

  3. That Columbine is unusual in it's beauty. Good picture Lorrie. I'm not sure I have ever taken a close look at the flower, but now I will.

  4. The bride and groom look beautiful together and how nice to be part of the happy event. The flowers are thoughtful and beautiful too. I love the lavenders in those you shared today. We hiked today so I'm feeling very tired and content tonight. We grilled hamburgers tonight too and that helps! Take care and be safe!

  5. This time we are in is certainly stimulating the creativity of many people. Weddings are not the big event that we thought they had to be. I have been trying to keep busy doing the normal day to day household things. When I have time, I get out with my camera and try my hand at getting more photos to share.

  6. I always enjoy seeing your pretty floral shots.

    What a memorable wedding! My cousin is getting married (a small wedding) in early August. Fingers crossed that the lockdown will be lifted by then.

    Thanks for the tip about the granola. I can't believe I didn't know that it had to be cooked like oatmeal!

  7. How nice to have an outdoor wedding in Sidney. It's on of my favourite Island places. Blue flowers seem to be a part of May. The columbine is beautiful. That looks like an interesting pile of books. I've read all the Anne Lamott books but I have not read that Madeline L'Engle. I'm looking for some quiet books right now. Marking on line would take more time. Stay safe!

  8. Blue and Purple Season - that sounds like just what I would like. The columbine is fantastic in every way; I don't think I've ever seen a purple one before.

  9. What a special way for the bride and groom to receive congratulations in such a difficult season as this. How lovely for you to receive a bouquet of flowers from the wedding, that will be treasured! I love columbine. I had one that should have come up by now, but it hasn't. I think the winter was too harsh this year. I hope you enjoy the book you chose to read :) Many blessings!

  10. I'd say that's a simply lovely way to start a new life together. Very sweet of the mother of the bride to send a bouquet your way. There's often so much waste with big celebrations and gatherings. A more simplistic approach is certainly more manageable and likely even more memorable. Your photos are lovely as always. That Columbine is stunning.

  11. A beautiful setting for the bride and groom and lovely that you could all see them for a short while, also lovely that you received some flowers from the ceremony. Some of my favourite flowers in your photos cornflowers, aquilegia, bluebells and lilac all delicate blooms and fragrant too. I've been walking a bit, reading and pottering in the house, sitting in the garden when warm enough. It's our wedding anniversary today, forty one years, so I've made a special cake for tea:)

  12. Simple but beautiful and so nice to receive such a stunning arrangement from the family. Love seeing the lilac with its amazing hues of colour. Totally agree half the fun is in the choosing be it a book or a craft.

  13. Your words, "Hope to fulfill," resonate smiles on the future, and pushes the negativity of procrastination out of the way. Thank you
    Beautiful bride and groom, lovely flowers, words, quotes

  14. I love lilacs....I bet they smell amazing! So glad the couple were able to marry. I have been doing a little gardening, some reading and a lot of cooking.

  15. I ever marvel at the creativity of humankind -- I loved hearing how the bride and groom made their wedding so special in spite of the narrowing circumstances of this season.

    Brownies must have been in the wind! I haven't made brownies in years but I had a hankering to make a pan yesterday. They were yum with afternoon tea as we watched an episode of Portrait Artist of the Year on YouTube.

    Enjoyed your photos and accompanying quotations that fit so perfectly.

    Wishing you a beautiful day...
    Brenda xox

  16. Dear Lorrie,
    When all else fails your very own flowers, in your garden, in your house, will always lift your spirits.

  17. How lovely that the wedding went ahead. My son was due to marry in May but has postponed for a year. My future d in laws parents are stuck in China . They’re very philosophical about it all despite all the preparation.
    Lovely to reread books. I have a shelf full and will be resorting to them soon. Your garden flowers are lovely especially the lilac. Mine has decided not to flower this year...not sure why. I will have to make due with virtual ones instead. Enjoy your baking. B x

  18. Thank you for sharing that wedding. It's helpful to me, as we are definitely on for May 16th! We may have a small group, but it will be special!

    I always love a glimpse into your garden!

  19. It is inspiring to learn the many different ways that people are coping around the world.
    The wedding couple look very happy regardless that the day turned out to be so different from the one that they had planned. It will a moment that they will always cherish and look back on in the years to come.
    As long as I have flowers, I am happy.

  20. As my dear friend Rosemary above says - I too am always content with beautiful flowers within sight. My garden is doing well with lovely blooms right now - this is a perfect spring, and rather unusual for this area which goes from winter to hot summer weather most years. Enjoying these perfect days with sunshine and comfortable temps. Just sitting on the front porch late afternoon and waving/calling out hello to neighbors walking their children around the cul-de-sac is so pleasant - especially with a glass of rosé - oh yes, those days are already here!
    Love the wedding story and wish them a long, happy life. Gorgeous flowers!
    The pink lilac is just perfection - bet its fragrance is wonderful.

    Just must say again here, many thanks for your always generous comments dear Lorrie. You are one very special lady and friend.
    Stay safe.
    Hugs from us both to you two XX

  21. What a beautfiul wedding celebration...just perfect for this time! Love all the blooms of spring...and the lovely flowers that showed up on your doorstep after the wedding too!

  22. Blue and purple season is looking very pretty.
    I like the creative way the bride and groom carried on with their wedding in these challenging times. The floral arrangement that was delivered to your door is beautiful. What a nice surprise.
    Here we have been washing outdoor furniture, power washing patios, driveways and even windows. I finally got brave, donned my mask and ventured to the garden center to buy a few flowers. On the bright side a lot of things are being checked off the to do list.

  23. Lorrie - I have been thinking about brides and wondering how they are coping with this massive wrench in the works. I suppose the only thing you can do is to make the most of it, and perhaps to remember why you are getting married - not just for all the trappings!

    My columbine is sprouting, but a long way from blooming. So for now I will enjoy your blooms!

    Today, for the first time since March 15, I have been with my best friend (still with appropriate distancing) - we went kayaking and it was such joy!!! Stay well, my friend!

  24. You have so much beauty from your flowers, Lorrie. I agree, it's hard to pick a favorite's kind of like children, as they're all beautiful in their own way. I loved seeing the picture of the bride and groom, and how others recognized them outside. It sounds like they had a lovely day in spite of the pandemic.

  25. You are so right about the beauty of flowers and the pleasure they give. At the moment this beauty is more important than ever.

    What a wonderful way to have a wedding. It might even catch on.

  26. How wonderful to be able to celebrate this couple's wedding with them! Such beautiful flowers in their arrangement.

    It was also so nice to see the plethora of springtime blossoms in your garden!

  27. I feel sad for the couples who have to change all of their well planned wedding details, yet so proud of them for handling these days with grace and doing the best they can.
    Your garden flowers are amazing! I keep looking for more ideas of what to put into my new garden.

  28. How very special to celebrate this couple's wedding with them.
    The flowers are beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  29. Lorrie, I had never gotten around to ordering Susan Branch's trilogy until just before we were all asked to stay home. Blog friends kept telling me I would love them and I do enjoy Susan's blog so much but I thought I might not like reading a whole book written in her handwriting. Oh, I was so wrong! Now I'm wondering if all books would be more enjoyable read in it rather than type print. I looked forward every day to ending my day with her books. I hope she writes a book about the other years of their marriage.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Five to Delight on Friday

  While working in the garden on a sunny day, I noticed these tiny Trumpet (Cup) Lichens growing on some old wood. No more than 2.5 cm in le...