Monday, October 05, 2020

A Walk Along the Beach


When I get out of bed in the morning, I always pull open the curtain to see what the day is like. Lately, the garden is a misty place and I can barely see to my neighbour's house due to a combination of fog and wildfire smoke. This weather has a dulling effect on me, making me feel tired and lethargic. After a Saturday of doing a bit of housework, meeting friends for coffee at an outdoor cafe, and little else, Sunday was much the same. We participated in church online, read books, and I stitched a little. Finally, we decided to drag ourselves outside for a walk at Island View Beach. It was just the tonic we needed.

You can see that the lingering fog and smoke (it's hard to tell which is which these days) obliterated the horizon.

We watched this jaunty young California Gull stepping smartly along the water's edge. I think he looks very cheerful. The dull day didn't seem to bother him at all.

How odd the light was - sort of brownish. Island View Beach is on the east side of Vancouver Island and there are many smaller islands just offshore, between us and the mainland. The perching place of these gulls is not an island, per se, but a rock that is visible at certain tides. It's a "chunky bit", so named by Tim's sailing instructor from years ago and we've adopted that term. Chunky bits are important to avoid when boating.

I'm always intrigued by the driftwood structures people build at the beach. This was a large one, with plenty of room for four or more grownups to sit in, or a half-dozen children. They are most often built by adults of many ages - a fun way to be creative on the beach, somewhat like Lincoln Logs or Lego for grownups. 

The hawthorn trees are loaded with berries just now, and the berries seem darker to me than in other years. Soon the birds will be devouring them. 

We returned home, refreshed by our walk. There's nothing like getting outside to clear away the cobwebs. 

On Sunday evenings we eat a light meal, preferring to have our main meal at noon. A cheesy jalapeno dip with fresh vegetables and crisp tortilla chips is something I make from time to time. This one is cream cheese, 3 or 4 finely minced jalapeno peppers (seeded), and grated cheddar cheese, all mixed together, then baked for 20 - 30 minutes until bubbly. I like the crusty edges the best. 

Another week begun. This evening (Monday) I went out for a walk just before 7 pm, and by the time I returned around 7:45, the light had faded and only the narrowest line of red edged the Sooke Hills. Tim had the curtains closed and the lights on, such a welcome sight to come home to. 

Wishing you a good week ahead. 


  1. You must be so fed up with smoky skies. Hopefully they will clear soon. Your beach walk looks like the perfect tonic to throw off the glooms. Hope you have a good week. B x

  2. I am so use to the Florida coastline, it is great to see driftwood. That dips sounds wonderful.

  3. Island View beach is a place we love to visit on our trips to Victoria, alas, no visit this year, so I really enjoy it when you share pictures of the gorgeous places.

  4. The jaunty California gull photo is so charming! The tail has polka dots!
    Life also has chunky bits. The dip looks delicious.

  5. That little gull did look jaunty! Like he was out for a stroll!

    I have those kinds of days - though I'm thankful that we've had sunshine mostly lately.

    Have a wonderful week.

  6. The fog/smoke really changes our energy levels. It's good to take a walk though. I'm going to make your dip. Lots of evenings, we are not very hungry so a few vegetables and dip would be a light supper. Have a good week!

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the sights on your walk along the beach. The driftwood formation is amazing. I think the California Gull has the right idea to go about life without regard for the weather. I have recently learned that hawthorn berries are good for heart health. This prompted me to buy hawthorn berry powder online to mix with other spices as a sprinkle for oatmeal, cereal, etc. An easy way to hopefully keep my heart happy and healthy. Your dinner looks yummy. When I was a kid we often had pot roast after church on Sundays. Dinner would sometimes be popcorn.

  8. Dear Lorrie,
    Now I know what those driftwood structures are. Not living by the coast I had no idea what purpose they had when I noticed them along the Oregon and Californian coastline. Thank you for clarifying.
    Living by the sea must be so wonderful. My mountains are also beautiful but I wish I could "Go down to the Sea again"

  9. Such a beautiful and interesting place to inhabit. Here, in the interior of British Columbia we are also still impacted by the smoke which, in turn, has a tendency to impact one’s state of mind. Your post served as a good reminder to me that here are delights everywhere, even in the midst.

  10. I miss living on the coast. A walk along the beach does wonders for the soul and our spirit.
    Have a wonderful week Lorrie and I plan to make your dip.

  11. And you... Days of smoke would unsettle me as well. We have had that experience a number of times. You do well to take walks, grab such fun shots, and make yummy foods. It is good to learn how to care for ourselves in pinchy times.

  12. So glad the walk made all the difference for you both. Really, there is no cure like being out in nature. So wonder He set our beginnings in a garden. That jalepeno cheesy dip looks so delicious. I love the combo of soft and crunch.

    I went for a few sunset walks last week - it was after supper and round the block I went. Last night, only a few days later, I would have had to go for a sunset walk much earlier in the evening. I know it happens every fall, but it still surprises me at how quickly evenings come now. And in not too far distant future, a walk at sunset will be at 3:30 in the afternoon! Which I will enjoy, too, when it happens. Good thing it's gradual.

    Your posts, Lorrie, are always a treat -- as delightful as any cheesy dip and tortilla chips snack!

  13. A walk on the beach is good for the spirit. That’s a lot of driftwood. More than I’ve seen on any beach here on PEI. We are in darkness by 7pm now.

  14. I have enjoyed your walk :-)

  15. The lone California Gull made me smile. He looked to be parading.

  16. Your cheesy jalapeno dip is making my mouth water!

    On Instagram, someone from B.C. posted that they went swimming outside today. I didn't realize it was still that warm on the west coast!

  17. I knew there was a word that described that young gull and as so often happens, I couldn't remember it. Then, reading the comments left by others I came upon it.
    Jaunty. That's it.
    A walk when one feel lethargic can make a person feel energized. But it's often hard to be disciplined enough to get off the couch.

  18. Enjoying God's marvelous creation seems like a wonderful way to escape the doldrums. You always see such unusual and interesting things on your walks! (And I think you have eyes to see them.)

    Your cheesy-spicy light supper looks delicious!

  19. Lorrie - yes, dim days have that effect on me as well. I am grateful that we have been able to maintain our smoke-free state for several weeks ... I hope you can enjoy the rest of your week!

  20. I haven't closed my bedroom curtains since Maundy Thursday. I don't know why I left them open, I suppose that during lockdown we had no fixed timetable so we left the alarm off and it was OK to wake up naturally. I have loved it, watching the light change in the early morning sky, but I think it's almost time now to draw the curtains and get cosy. I know what you mean about dull days getting you down, we had those throughout January, I wish I lived close to the coast to blow the cobwebs away. Take care. x

  21. Hope the smoke clears because no one needs that in their lungs!!!!!
    Happy late walk

  22. The California gull looks stately and proud, I do like the photo Lorrie!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  23. I hope that your air clears for you. You still managed to find beauty on your walk.
    Your cheesy jalapeno dip looks wonderful. I often make a meal of a dip, too.

  24. Love the strut you captured on that seagull! That dip looks so good. I'm copying down the ingredients to make for an evening snack!

  25. Lucky you to live close to the beach. That dip sounds yummy. Do you have a recipe you could share?


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