Friday, December 04, 2020

Five on Friday


1. Sitting at the table with candles lit in the early morning half-light is a lovely way to begin the day. Christmas decorating is happening very slowly here. It's a matter of time and energy, not will. This weekend we will hunt out and put up the tree. 

2. I had a burst of energy last night and put up our stockings and hung the wreath on the outside of the house. I'm sure Tim thought I was crazy to be on the porch at 9 pm fussing with lights and a wreath. 

3. I'm slowly writing Christmas cards. Most of the envelopes are addressed and it's the writing of personal greetings that is happening now. It's high time to get the overseas envelopes in the mail. 
Do you send Christmas cards? With e-mail and the high cost of postage stamps many people don't. I like receiving cards, and I'm certain that others do, too. This year, with fewer face to face gatherings, a little reminder that someone is thinking about you is a sweet gesture. 

4. Iris spent last weekend with us. She loves being outdoors, and was very excited to help rake leaves with Grandpa. He set her into the wheelbarrow and piled the leaves on top of her, then trundled her down to the compost bins where she flung handfuls of leaves into the bin. Such fun. 

Alas, her pink hat is now gone. She went for a walk one afternoon with her other grandmother, on a very blustery day. Iris is fond of pulling off her hat and when she did the hat flew off into the water under the bridge they were crossing. She was heartbroken, and even a day or two later the mention of a hat brought consternation. 

5. Thank you for all the congratulations on my last post's announcement. I don't have any good photos yet, but will share one when I do. Our early Christmas gift's name is Cora Cassandra, she weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz, and is the sweetest bundle. I spent several hours in a rocking chair holding her against my chest while her mother slept. Utter delight. 

Five thing. Four photos. Have a wonderful weekend. 


  1. How sad to lose a pretty hat. Can Grandma knit/sew a new one....amongst all the other things one has to do!

  2. I wish I could send and receive mail. I would be doing it all the time. Unfortunately, the postal system here is the pits and unbelievably has yet to reopen so no one can send anything if they wanted to. I think Santa will have to bring Miss Iris a new hat. :) Have a good weekend.

  3. It is so much more fun to do the work with a grandchild around.It may take longer, but memories are being made. I don't mail out any cards, but do send some via email.

  4. Iris looks so cute in that wagon! Yes, I still send Christmas cards. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. I can’t believe how grown up Iris looks. Must be having a baby sister :). My cards were posted today. We have a cheap postal scheme for Christmas cards but they had to be sent by today so it made me get busy. Here’s wishing you a lovely weekend. B x

  6. Cora is a beautiful name.
    Lovely cards. It is time to get them in the mail. USPS has a variety of festive stamps, I chose the holiday wreaths.

  7. Iris in the wheelbarrow filled with leaves makes for a pretty picture.
    When I read that you had hung your wreath on the front door I realized that that was something I needed to do and I went right out and did so.

  8. Precious photo of Iris among the leaves. Oh how sad about her pink hat. Perhaps she will connect the behavior with the loss and that will be the end of losing hats. Good thing Christmas is coming.

    I can't think of anything more sweet than holding a new baby granddaughter. Such peace.

  9. Congratulations!!!!

  10. Lorrie, hi! So good to meet you this week. I'm appreciating the prompt to write cards this year. It feels like there's not a whole lot to say that hasn't already been heard, but maybe, more than ever, we need to connect with those who are far away in miles, but quite close in heart ...

  11. Sweet pic of Iris in the wheelbarrow of leaves! Sorry about the hat that is 'gone with the wind'. Looking forward to seeing a pic of your new precious granddaughter.

  12. I am so happy that you have such a sweet new baby for Christmas. tht is wonderful!!!! I do send Christmas cards but have to get at them..running late with things this year. xo Diana

  13. Iris is so cute. Such a fun photo of her in the wheel barrow! I'm working on our Christmas cards right now and I do still send the old fashioned cards and greetings. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.

  14. What fun Iris is having in the wheelbarrow, she is adorable. Congratulations on the new addition such a beautiful name. I am sending lots of extra cards this year with the hope it will bring a little cheer.

  15. Lorrie, our six year old granddaughter is also Cora!I'll look forward to photos of yours. What a darling picture of Grandpa's little helper, but oh how the loss of a pink hat hurts, especially knowing that it happened right before her eyes, poor dear! I have a feeling that Santa will bring her at least one replacement.

  16. How sad to lose the pink hat. I'm in the middle of writing cards and notes it seems harder this year somehow and yet, as you say, much needed to offer thoughts and cheer and to let people know they are still remembered even if you haven't met them for ages:)

  17. Dear Lorrie,
    Iris will have such happy memories.

  18. Such great times with Iris, a sweet name too.

  19. What fun!!!!!! Lorrie your family is growing. Such a gift this is , to all of us , in COVID times. To know babes are still coming, and waiting arms will hold them.

  20. Good morning, Lorrie. How I love precious Cora's name. It is beautiful. She is a true Christmas blessing, as is little Iris. Love her in the pile of leaves.

    I do hope Santa will bring her a new pink hat. Have a wonderful day and week ahead. And, yes, I still send Christmas cards.

  21. Five very lovely things! Holding a sweet, sleeping newborn against your chest is one of the finest pleasures of life!

  22. Sounds very much like here... so fun to imagine us all in our homes preparing. We put up the real tree in the great room today and I finished the cards. We already had an artificial one in the dining room. Love your treasure in the wheelbarrow.

  23. What sweetness to get to spend time with your Iris.
    Yes, I still send cards, but question the cost. It does get spendy.
    It is always lovely to be decorating and fussing with things at this time of year.

  24. I do like the photograph of Iris, she looks so cute in the wagon.
    Cora is a lovely name, congratulations to all.

    Yes, I still send Christmas cards, in fact I posted the last of them yesterday :)

    All the best Jan

  25. Yes, I still send Christmas cards! It's my favourite holiday tradition. I usually do the cards in stages, completing the cards with the longest delivery times first:
    1) U.S.
    2) Canada - national
    3) Canada - local

    Iris' wheelbarrow photo is frameworthy!


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