Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Two More Sleeps


For a child, the few days before Christmas are fraught with excitement and anticipation. My brother and sister and I counted down the "sleeps" until the big day, and my own children did the same. As an adult, I count down via my list. Is everything done that needs doing? Now, just two sleeps before Christmas, everything is well in hand. 

The cookies are baked and plates of them delivered to driveways across town, with short, chilly visits at a good distance. Gifts are wrapped and delivered. Since we can't be together for Christmas this year, my daughter-in-law had the great idea that we could all exchange a food item that is "Christmassy." Hot crab dip, a savoury cheesecake, gluhwein and cardamom buns - doesn't it all sound delicious? For my part, I made Tim's mother's fruit salad, some chex mix, candied pecans, and plates of cookies. A mother can do a bit more, can't she?

Since it's just the two of us, we won't be using the dining room table for our meals, but sit by the window at our breakfast table. We'll watch the birds eating at the same time. I bought a piece of fabric and hemmed it to make a new tablecloth to gussy things up a little. 

The linen napkins are ironed smooth, softly folded, and stacked ready for use. As I ironed this little pile, I reflected on years when the pile was much higher. It will be again, God willing. 

A pearl bead garland encircles the dining room light fixture and from a certain angle, frames the wooden nativity set. On Christmas Eve we'll watch our church service on line. These past few days the sweet old Christmas carols have rung throughout the house as I cooked and wrapped. 

Tomorrow I'll do a quick tidy up of the house, and finish a few things in the kitchen, including a Buche de Noel. I normally make a chocolate one, but this year I'm doing one with vanilla cake, lemon curd and raspberries. Plus lots of whipped cream. 

On Christmas Day we will open stockings, then have breakfast and read the Nativity story from Luke, and open other gifts. Perhaps a long walk will follow, then dinner à deux, perhaps a movie and reading. There will be texts and phone calls and a lovely sense of contentment and joy. Different, but still celebratory. 

I wish all of my readers a wonderful celebration of Christ's birth and much joy. Merry Christmas!


  1. It all sounds and looks lovely. I had to look up gluhwein and definitely wouldn't mind having some of that. :) No doubt everyone is finding new and creative ways to celebrate despite any restrictions. Merry Christmas Eve.

  2. How lovely to send gifts of food to your neighbours and family. I have my gift trips to make today. Your Christmas sounds special even though it is only the two of you. Wishing you happiness. B x

  3. It sounds like you're all ready for Christmas - everything looks lovely. Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Lorrie!

  4. A perfect, if different day. All best wishes for a Happy and peaceful Christmas.

  5. It is lovely that you are all sharing tasty plates of treats with one another for Christmas. Our sons and their families are too far away for us to be able to wave or smile at one another through a doorway or a window, but we shall use the computer, and then enjoy a candle lit Christmas dinner à deux.

  6. Blessed & safe Christmas, warm greetings, riitta

  7. Your lovely post reminded me that somewhere I have paper Christmas cuttings. It's time to dig them out. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  8. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  9. Sounds like a peaceful and nice way to spend the day. I'm tiding today too and hope we can get out to walk some tomorrow afternoon. It's a day to be extra thankful. holiday hugs!

  10. Such a sweet post, Lorrie. Merry Christmas, dear Friend, and may God Bless You and all your loved ones! We shall all hope for a better year next year.

    Love and hugs,


  11. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Beautiful photos!

  12. That Buche de Noel sounds perfect for Christmas. Yum. What a wonderful idea to exchange Christmas food items to one another. Of course a mom can go over the top. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  13. What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas with your family...and now I am pining for some hot crab dip! lol
    Wishing you and your hubby a very, very Merry Christmas. xo Diana

  14. Only one more sleep now. All I still have to do is fill more tins with goodies then I'm done.
    Your Christmas Buche sounds lovely. Vanilla cake, raspberries and lemon curd will no doubt taste amazing.
    A very Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  15. It seems that as we are forced to change traditions this year, we come up with creative ways to celebrate Christmas. May you have a Blessed Christmas.

  16. It sounds like a beautiful day. Merry Christmas. Stay safe.

  17. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas planned. I hope it was wonderful.

  18. Sounds like a lovely Christmas Day, I hope you enjoyed it. Your Christmas bakes look awesome!

  19. Counting down the 'sleeps' ... love that image, Lorrie. I hope your celebration brought you comfort, joy, and hope as we wind down this year.

    What better way to end 2020 than celebrating our Savior!

    Bless you in the new year ...

  20. Your Christmas cookies look great!

    Instead of the usual gift exchanges, we gave and received food from our relatives. It was actually pretty nice!

  21. It all looks so lovely, Lorrie. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  22. Lorrie your paper ornaments♥
    Our Christmas photo looks the same.....


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