Thursday, September 30, 2021

Friday Favourites: September Ends and October Begins


Rainy days are very welcome after an extremely dry summer. I went outside just before dinner to clip some chives for a salad. The beautiful light had me setting down the scissors and going back indoors for my camera. After the rain I wanted to drink the pure air like a clean, fresh tonic. 

The thyme plants have regained their bushiness after flowering and being cut back, and I plan on cutting more to dry before the colder weather comes. How sprightly it looks next to the feverfew flowers. 

Some of my dahlias are just beginning to bloom now. This café au lait is so creamy and beautiful that I forgive her for being so slow. There are several more flowers forming, and we usually don't have frost until later in October, so I'm hoping they will have time to open. 

My favourite month, October, arrives tomorrow. So much to look forward to - Thanksgiving (Canada), golden light, cozy rainy evenings, and at the end, my birthday. 


  1. Lovely mosaic with your flowers.
    I also like October with it’s beautiful lights and colours.
    I hope you enjoy your Birthday month and the gathering family for Thanksgiving !
    I wish you a nice Autumn week end and a happy October !

  2. Lovely autumn colour and your dahlia is gorgeous. Rain and winds here too. As you say autumn has well and truly arrived. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  3. The rain must be such a welcome visitor!

  4. Your September garden is lovely! I must remember the name of that creamy dahlia come spring planting time. So pretty! Happy October!

  5. Beautiful flowers...

    Yayyyyy Ocotober!
    🎃 😊 🏈 😊 🎃

  6. Gorgeous! Enjoy these beautiful October days.

  7. There are many special moments to still look forward to in October as the leaves turn crip and golden before finally departing for the winter.

  8. I hope you do continue to get more lovely dahlia blooms, Lorrie. Maybe we treasure the late garden gifts even more than the spring ones. I think I love November most of all, with December second, but October is next. The three of them together are straight from heaven!

  9. Happy October!
    Lovely photos
    A special geranium, deepest red, is blooming better than it has all summer. Some flowers prefer a bit of chilly air.

  10. I like that pretty Dahlia and the Cosmos with the hint of purple in the middle. Lovely. Happy October.

  11. Your seasons are so much longer than ours! I love them.

  12. As usual, your flowers are lovely. I'm especially partial to the cream dahlia!


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