Friday, September 03, 2021

September Begins


Choosing a favourite season is a toss-up between summer and autumn. As August ends and September begins, my thoughts drift towards cozy evenings spent reading or stitching in a pool of lamplight, pulling up the covers during the night, crisp mornings and warm afternoons, apples and pears, and heartier meals. 

This past week I've thought about my fellow teachers preparing for the new school year. It was always fun to return to the school and find out what everyone did during the summer, to admire new haircuts and hear vacation stories and garden anecdotes. I miss that this year.

Instead I've been spending time with grandchildren, getting ready for a little vacation, and filling shelves with canning and the freezer with produce. I'm going to have to stop as the freezer is jammed full. 

Today I took two grands - a 9-year-old and a 2-year-old - to Fort Rodd Hill, a National Historic Site. The 9 was full of energy and bounced along the path, eager to get to the lighthouse. The 2 was also full of energy but stopped frequently to observe the world around her. She made 9 and I laugh a lot. 

Golden grasses against blue sky and sea make for beauty that seeps deep into the soul. This photo, and the heron below, are from last week's outing to Sidney Spit.

I find herons elegant and interesting. This one was out strolling the beach, carefully lifting one leg after another in search of something to eat.

Here she is going the other direction and trying to hide in the grasses. She crouched lower and lower, retracting that long neck while lifting those long legs. Sort of like walking while doing squats. That would be hard work for me. 

There's been some cookie baking - I posted the recipe on my recipe blog here. These are chock full of all kinds of good things - cranberries, nuts, chocolate. Yum. 

And so begins this beautiful month. There's a slew of family birthdays, and one anniversary to celebrate, beginning with our son's birthday. We're getting together tomorrow night for a little party. Then we're heading towards the Rockies for a couple of weeks in our camping trailer. There will be hikes, visits with family, perhaps a soak in the hot springs, and lots of beautiful views. I've packed clothes for all seasons as the nights are cool and we could even have frost in the mountains. 

I'm taking my camera and I'm hoping for some good sights in our beautiful National Parks of Canada. 


  1. Hi Lorrie,

    I love these pictures, as they capture well the feeling of summer's end heading into September. I adore fall and have for most of my adult life. It will be a welcome relief this year, as we've had extremely hot, humid weather these past several weeks. My mom and I were talking about starting back to school recently. We reminisced about buying new school supplies when we were children and how we looked forward to that. At 80 years old, my mom still remembers how she loved that as a young girl, and I still remember the smell of the notebooks and plastic pencil cases. :) Fun memories!

    Thanks for sharing, Lorrie, and I hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful trip to the Rockies!



  2. This September will be such a different one but a wonderful one by the sound of it. Enjoy!

  3. This first autumn after retirement feels different for sure. I am glad that you have been able to meet grandchildren and that you have a vacation to look forward to! Me & hubby spent five days on autumn vacation and loved every minute. The sky was clear and the temperatures warm & pleasant. Planted some perennials for daughter and did some sightseeing in Turku. Enjoy your ’free’ time & vacation!

  4. Enjoy your son's birthday, and the slew of family birthdays and anniversaries yet to come.
    Have a wonderful time whilst you are away - heading towards the Rockies sounds such fun especially soaking in the hot springs.

  5. Happy Birthday Son and All!
    Have safe and happy travels!

  6. I do like the month of September, and Autumn is one of my favourite seasons.

    I enjoyed seeing your photographs, all are so beautiful.

    Have a wonderful time away, and in time I look forward to seeing your photographs.
    Safe and happy travels.

    All the best Jan

    PS enjoy all the birthday celebrations

  7. Summer and fall were always my two favorite months as well. I bet this September will seem so different for you!

  8. I remember how much our three sons enjoyed Fort Rodd Hill. Nice that you could take the grands there.
    You got some great pictures of the heron. They definitely look elegant when they walk.

  9. Ooooh, I'm going to the mountains this month, too! Packing similarly, wondering if I will be chilly enough to want to build a fire... Have a lovely time!

  10. I want to see beautiful Canada!

  11. Lovely images. Oh, I can’t wait to see your photos from the mountains.

  12. Lovely photos. A good start to the new month. Those cookies look amazing. Enjoy your camping holiday, Lorrie.

  13. I am definitely like a 2-year old any place I go. ;) My husband is always waiting for me because I'm exploring, discovering and photographing along the way. You got some great photos of the heron. I do love watching all kinds of birds. Enjoy your trip.

  14. Good morning, Lorrie. I am finally figuring out that I have to come to your blog to see your post. I no longer receive them in my email. Anyway, this is a lovely post and the cookie recipe looks yummy. Fall and spring are my favorite seasons and I even enjoy winter. Have a good weekend and vacation!

  15. I do enjoy a loaded cookie! I can watch herons for a long time. It's been quite a while since I've seen one in person. A 9 year old and 2 year old, that's a contrast for sure. How nice that you can have more time with your grands. Happy weekend to you.

  16. It sounds as if you have an exciting time ahead of you. Enjoy your trip!

  17. Your start to September sounds perfect. Sightseeing, baking and getting ready for a trip away. I’m looking forward to a little armchair travelling reading about your adventures in the Rockies. I wonder where you’ll visit? Enjoy. B x

  18. By now you have left on your vacation. Enjoy your time in the Rockies…I look forward to your photos! It sounds like the perfect start to September.

  19. By now you have left on your vacation. Enjoy your time in the Rockies…I look forward to your photos! It sounds like the perfect start to September.

  20. Your holiday sounds like it will be wonderful. Lovely photos, and I look forward to seeing your photos from your trip.

  21. I used to find September very difficult. With few friends here, colleagues at least were there. It took time, as I retired while managing depression.
    I hope you have a wonderful September!

  22. One of the perks of being retired (or not having school-aged kids) is that you can take holidays in the "off-season"!

    Enjoy your holiday!

    P.S. The cookies look yummy!

  23. We both have so much to be thankful for and it's nice to be able to share some on our blogs! Enjoy the week ahead! It's cooled off just a little here so that makes me happy...and ready for more hikes! lol Hugs!

  24. How lovely to be headed to the National Parks of Canada. Have a wonderful time!
    Love seeing herons, they are so entertaining.
    Your cookies look delicious!
    Yes, it is an adjustment to realize you won't be going back to the class room this year.
    So glad you were able to get out and enjoy a walk with #9 and #2.

  25. Beautiful photos, Lorrie.

    Those cookies look soooooo goooood!

    Enjoy your camping holiday, Lorrie.

  26. You are undoubtedly up there in the mountains already or at least well on the way and I know you are having a wonderful time. A wonderful place to camp -- all the beauty and a nice contrast to home (we too love that about camping!). I can just imagine your nature walk with the toddler and older grand... those are wonderful memories. .... Lovely pictures of the Great Blue Heron also; you saw more action than I usually do from them as these birds are so patient -- they will stand perfectly still for so long watching for that fish.

  27. Happy Autumn to all...!

    Lovely happenings already, for you. And more to look forward to.


    🍁 🍂 🍁

  28. I hope you are enjoying your time in the Rockies, that you can feel the freshness and dew in the morning of each day, with the sun on your face and a cup of tea. Oh, and a cozy blanket and a good book to read after a hike and a soak in the pools. Enjoy retirement.

  29. Great to catch up on your news and photos (I love the herons). I've not been able to visit much of late but hoping to have more time now to enjoy the season, autumn is my favorite. Still quite hot around here, though.

  30. Lorrie - two-year-olds are a joy to be with, even if everything takes longer than you might expect. They see everything with fresh eyes, and we can (re) learn so much from them. And we must resist the temptation to "correct" them about their observations ... Enjoy your trip to the Rockies - I am looking forward to your stories about your experiences!

  31. I am enjoying your trip photos on facebook, Lorrie--such a beautiful country you live in! I saw photos of some of the areas here where the aspens are changing colors and it made me anticipate autumn all the more. Your cookies look delicious--thanks for the recipe link.

  32. It looks like you’re having a busy September!

  33. Your September sounds lovely . . . outings with granddaughters, birthday celebrations, and vacation! I am assuming that you are mid-vacation now, soaking up the splendor of the Rockies and God's magnificent handiwork.


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