Friday, September 17, 2021

Popping in to say Hello


Hello there! 
It's been a drippy, grey morning here at home. We arrived last evening around 5:30 and I immediately went out into the garden to collect produce before the expected rain during the night. I gathered 13 pounds of tomatoes and many of them are now roasting in the oven, destined for the freezer. The kitchen is filled with warm fragrance. 

We had a most wonderful vacation in the Canadian Rockies. What a stunning world we live in - so much beauty at every turn. I'll share a few special sights in the coming days.

view from hike to Larch Valley

For today, the washer and drier are whirling, and as soon as the tomatoes are roasted I'll be heading to purchase some groceries. 
While we were away autumn arrived with much cooler temperatures and much needed rain. 
I'll be slowly visiting your blogs and catching up over the next few days. 
Have a good weekend!


  1. How true...and how wonderful to be able to travel and see such beauty! I love the photos you've shared and can't wait to see more.'s a fact of life! lol Enjoy your weekend!

  2. It was wonderful that you could be away for the opening of school. I am a retired teacher so I have been there and done it. I suppose I will always get the fever to get back in the classroom every fall. I am looking forward to seeing lots of vacation pictures!

  3. Welcome Home!
    Beautiful photos
    I look forward to seeing your pictures, and rrading about your vacation.

  4. Welcome home.. The Rockies are spectacular! Love the photos!

  5. The beauty of our Canadian Rockies is awe inspiring.

  6. I have been away a bit so am popping by to play catch up, too, Lorrie. xo Diana

  7. Your trip photos that I've seen on Instagram show off the beauty of God's creation there as do these. Happy Tomato roasting to you and happy weekend.

  8. Hi Lorrie,

    Welcome home and I'm glad you had a great vacation. What a beautiful shot of your Canadian Rockies. Is that a Canadian Jay in your first picture? We watch a Canadian birder on YouTube, and she frequently shows those birds. They're very interesting, and we don't have those in the U.S. -- we have Blue Jays. Your roasted tomatoes sound wonderful!

    We are seeing small signs of fall here, and I'm happy to see them. :) Have a good weekend!


  9. It's great that the rainy weather waited until you were safely back home again.
    Roasting tomatoes...YUM.

  10. Welcome Home, and isn't it a good feeling to have a warm and cozy home to come home to! I love the sounds of it, especially the roasting tomatoes.

  11. It sounds like Fall to me :-) Everything is delicious: the mountains, the coming home, the roasted tomatoes. Thank you for the homeyness.

  12. So glad you had a nice vacation! We went away too and just returned on Tuesday. We had 3 weeks worth of laundry to do too!

  13. Welcome back! As you describe it, I am feeling cozy in your home with the laundry whirling and the aroma of roasting tomatoes. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos!

  14. I enjoyed catching glimpses of your trip on Facebook. It's always nice to go away on a holiday, but there is something lovely about coming home again. The thought of your tomatoes roasting in the oven - what a delicious smell that will be.

    Wishing you a pleasant Saturday!

  15. Welcome back home.
    Lovely to see your photographs here and I look forward to seeing more.

    All the best Jan

  16. I was so surprised to see your parents at our church Kickoff and I hope they did not mind me prancing up to them and letting them know that I know who they are. It must feel a little funny when someone recognizes you from pictures, but I was so sure, having just seen your post about your mom's Birthday, that I did not think long on it. It was so nice to actually meet them in person and find out that we attend the same church. Maybe we'll see you with them one day. =)

  17. Good morning, Lorrie. I know your vacation was grand. You do live in such a beautiful part of our world. Your tomatoes sound wonderful. We had an abundance of them this year also. They are now happy in their jars in the basement. I am so looking forward to seeing more photos of your trip, I know they will be wonderful. Have a great week.

  18. Tomato harvests are so the roasted flavours so much.
    Your trip looked like a fun adventure...enjoy your garden time.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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