Sunday, September 26, 2021

Rainy Sunday at Tod Inlet


In the early darkness, the rain beats a soft steady rhythm that provides the perfect background to a quiet Sunday evening. A candle flickers on the coffee table. I am filled with an enormous sense of contentment.

It's been a weekend of celebration - one birthday party for a friend and another to celebrate our youngest daughter and a son-in-law. A get together with friends for lunch this afternoon.

Feeling the need for fresh air and a little exercise, we pulled on our rain jackets and walked the short trail to Tod Inlet, a favourite haunt in any season. 

Autumn colours are making their debut here, doubly beautiful when reflected in the dark water of the inlet. A few raindrops soon turned into steady rainfall. There were few people here today. The deep silence seeped into our souls, filling us with peace. 

Even the gulls were quiet, floating silently through the greyness to alight on a protruding rock and then stand still as water dripped over and around them. They looked as peaceful and contented as we felt.

We stood on the bank of the inlet, in the rain, and watched leaves fall slowly like pieces of gold into the dark water, each one trembling a little before letting go.

Neither of us was in any hurry to leave, but finally we turned back to the path and hiked through the silent sunless forest back to the car. Once home again, we shed our wet clothes and enjoyed a cup of tea together. 

A few more days of rain are in the forecast, and I am so thankful for a warm dry house. 

Is it rainy or dry in your corner? How was your weekend?


  1. I always admire your getting out in any weather. I guess it helps to have a walking partner! I almost get chilly looking at these pictures, even though I am in a not-cold, dry house ;-)

  2. Here in Brittany it is sunny and we can have supper outside and go swimming.
    A very nice Fall beginning.
    But I am sure when we go back to Normandy we will have rain! But I also like rainy days.

  3. I am sitting in bed as the winds howl and the rain pours. Your post chimes perfectly with my morning. Loving all your autumn colour. Still quite green here although a few chilly days will bring more leaf colour. Glad you had a lovely weekend. B x

  4. Our Indian Summer was predicted to vanish today so I was surprised to wake up this morning and find that it is still with us - I intend to savour every moment of it whilst it remains. Your soothing words and lovely images are a real tonic to read.

  5. Your sense of contentment comes through so beautifully in this post.

  6. Beautiful rainy day photos. When you live in the Northwest it's good to embrace all our weather! We are in Kentucky today and it is sunny with no rain in the forecast.

  7. What a beautiful rainy day post. We are having sunny mornings here in Naples, Florida and rainy afternoons. Typical for July through September here.

  8. How beautiful to see the Fall leaves and nice to get outside. We are having drier and less humid days so even with the heat, it's nicer to get outside. It's making me love Fall...I can't believe I said that! lol Hugs!

  9. The gull sitting so still perfectly conveys your words of contentment, Lorrie. Contentment comes through to me as I read. You have that talent of choosing few words to express so much so clearly. Much more than you write is there.

    We had four days of AC off here in Tennessee. It was wonderful and gives me hope that October will bring more of it in between more summery days. And along with it the colors that we just don't get here until much later than you.

  10. Such a lovely post, Lorrie. I enjoy rainy days and we are in dire need of rain in our area. I see autumn is turning gold in your beautiful corner of the world. We are seeing glimpses and it is so welcome.

    Have a wonderful week.

  11. The ambiance of rainy walks in autumn has a way of warming one's soul. Beautiful walk

  12. Your photos, and your words, are a lovely form, of Art.

    Thank you for them.

    Gentle hugs..

  13. I have to keep reminding myself that it is still September. It seem so much colder and rainier than previous years. Our maples haven't yet turned, but it feel like fall. - Margy

  14. Beautiful fall colors in your area and lovely ambiance, Lorrie! Fall is my favorite season. After the unusually hot, dry and smoky summer we have had I look forward to cool and clear weather and all the fall colors. Now if we could also get some well needed rain...

  15. Beautiful colors. I think the rainy conditions help to make those colors pop.

  16. We had a brief (30 minute) rainstorm on Saturday afternoon, but it's been sunny and dry for the last few days. I'm also enjoying the leaves' changing colours.

  17. Ahhhh I’m enjoying your glorious pictures early Autumn, Lorrie. You’re so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area. Your photos from your previous post of food, flowers and berries always make me want to see more.

  18. It is so pretty and peaceful. We've had some rain, which has limited activities! Mind you, I'm happy to be home.

  19. Beautiful pictures. There's nothing like a walk in nature to refresh oneself.
    Have a great week.

  20. The Rain makes for amazing photos. Thanks for sharing the inlet ! I think it is beautiful.
    Our weekend was warm, sunny and a good one. We missed our kiddos though. Weekends do that to us

  21. It's monsoon season over here in our corner of the world.

    Loving all your glorious fall captures, Lorrie.

  22. What beautiful photos of the British Colombia forests I remember, so dense and green. I love Emily Carr's paintings featuring the forest, and in fact have a print of the Little White Church (Toronto Art Gallery) above my desk. The golden leaves of a Canadian Autumn are exquisite. Enjoy this precious time.

  23. I feel the contentment in your words and I can't help but think of the Scripture, "Godliness with contentment is great gain." So good to hear about your celebratory and peaceful weekend. God gives good gifts!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Lorrie - we have had about 3/10 inch of rain in the last 48 hours, which is quite welcome. We are preparing to transplant a few aspen this weekend, and I have been watering the trees that will be moved, as well as the spots they will go. The water disappears so quickly -- the ground is parched with a capital P! Your prose is lovely, as always!


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