Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Biking between the raindrops


Cape Breton Island is filled with history, music, wonderful people, and gorgeous scenery. We went for a short bicycle ride along the southwest coast - a lovely trail with ocean views and shaded forests. Our appetites were ready for a bowl of delicious seafood chowder, one of the best I’ve tasted, accompanied by Celtic music. It was interesting to see that many of the road signs in this corner of the island were written in both English and Gaelic. 

Our last couple of days have been relaxing. This morning the view from our campsite was obscured by steady rain. As I write we are in the line waiting to board the ferry to Newfoundland. Although boarding will be on schedule, winds might delay our departure. It’s a 16 hour overnight trip and I’m a wee bit nervous about the ups and downs in the waves. Tim bought Gravol but that just puts me to sleep so I’m trying some pressure wrist bands. They are on now and will stay until we drive off the ferry tomorrow mid-morning. 


  1. Marilyn M11:29 AM

    Hope you make the ferry ride with no side effects. What an amazing trip.

  2. Judging by the pictures, you have some great views on your route.

  3. It is a journey to get there but worth it! I hope the wind dies down!

  4. What a wonderful trip you're having! Thanks for taking us along!

  5. Prayers for a smooth crossing

  6. Rick is going to cycle from Michigan to Cape Breton next summer, he says, and possibly do the ferry to Newfoundland. I think he found one (but on the other side of the island, if I'm remembering right) that is only six or seven hours. Either way -- that's a pretty darned long ferry ride! I like seeing the photos of this area. I'm a little envious about that trip!

  7. Hope it is calm and you have a good crossing.

  8. Travel safe, and sleep well - hoping the pressure wrist bands do the trick.

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Gravol makes me feel awful. I hope you don't get seasick if the crossing is rough. And I'm still hoping for sunshine for you ( and rain for us). Granny M

  10. Hope the bands work. That is a long ride for sure! Beautiful world you are seeing.

  11. The scenery is spectacular! Wishing you smooth sailing for the crossing.

  12. Hope the journey went well. Lovely images. B x

  13. What a marvelous adventure:) thanks for letting us tag along.


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A Ferry Ride

  There is no bridge between Vancouver Island and the rest of Canada. Instead, we rely on BC Ferries. A fleet of variously sized boats, ply ...