Friday, September 01, 2023

All Sorts of Days


Rainy days, cloudy days, and a few sunny days that we appreciate all the more for their rarity. Unless rain pours down for hours, we manage some sort of walk or hike everyday. Under moody skies Trout River sat like a haven of peace when seen from the trail above the hamlet.

Today, in contrast, is sunny and warm with a cool breeze that hints of the season in waiting. We will be leaving Newfoundland on the Sunday night ferry and then exploring more of the Maritimes for a couple of weeks before heading home. 

I’m sitting outside the laundromat waiting for clothes to finish their cycles. Goldenrod waves in the wind. Bits of milkweed fluff sail through the air. It’s lovely.  


  1. Sounds like your eyes are open to see all that is around you. Enjoy the rest of your journey! Happy September!

  2. A peaceful moment at a launder mat can almost feel like the Earth stood still.
    Happy Travels!

  3. Such a beautiful part of the island!

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The adventure continues. Hoping you get many days of sunshine. GM

  5. This sounds like the most wonderful vacation. That's a fabulous sky!

  6. I appreciate your travelogues! This little village does look charming, and your description of the scene by the laundromat is appealing. God be with you!

  7. Sounds like you are loving every minute. I can picture now waiting for your clothes to finish:) B x

  8. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise

  9. "For a couple of weeks?!" I was a bit in shock reading that =) but I see that while you're already there, you surely are making it count. So many places to see and experience! I hope you get to see some of the fall colors appear.


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