Friday, December 08, 2023

Christmas Inside and Outside


A recent walk took us to Tod Inlet where fog crept wraith-like along the shore, swirling up into the forest and down again. Sparse light filtered through the clouds, just enough to make silvery reflections on the old moss-covered pilings in the inlet. 

Nature's decorations - red berries touched with crystal-like water droplets. 

The new fireplace surround and mantel

Inside, a little bit of decorating is happening. We are having some work done on the house this next week and I don't want to put up a tree and other decorations only to have them coated with dust or have to remove them. By Wednesday we will be able to put the house back together. 

The old fireplace surround and mantel, last year at Christmas

Tim finished the fireplace update, diminishing the profile a little and putting in a more neutral porcelain tile in place of the black marble. Just now, as I sit in my chair, a fire glows and the lights shine in the gathering darkness. Red velvet cushions on the sofa add colour and coziness. 

It's a busy time of year - students are becoming restless, eager for the Christmas break - and teachers are not immune, either. School goes late this year, right to the 22nd. 

Here at home the baking has begun, with rugelach, shortbread, rum balls, and marshmallow roll in the freezer. Every day I read a little - this week I finished SJ Bennett's All the Queen's Men, a cozy mystery that takes place at the royal estate in Sandringham at Christmas. A great way to relax in the evening. 

And with you? How are things? 


  1. Lorrie, you've done it again, nudged aside some of my favorite poets with your "fog crept wraith-like along the shore." Oh my, how handsome your fireplace is now! What a smart idea and now I'm curious as to what the next change will be. That freezer of yours is certainly holding some treats!

  2. Love that first photo! The fog adds an element all its own. The fireplace looks great!

  3. The first photo is perfect. It makes me feel the fog like I'm there though so far away.

  4. Lovely photos of an atmospheric walk. The new fireplace looks good as does the sound of that book. Enjoy your weekend. B x

  5. Your new fireplace looks very chic , Lorrie. It's surprising what one alteration can do to a room. Your photo of the rosehips is exquisite and should be in Country Living.

  6. Oh my, it's beautiful in your world -- inside and outside! (That book sounds good!) I haven't started baking yet -- that's this week. Such a busy time but a fun one!

  7. That is late going all the way to the 22nd! I'd be restless. Lovely crisp photos out of doors. Christmas decor is slow going here. I think Monday I'll get it done. :)

  8. The outdoor photographs are superb. We are presently visiting my daughter and her family in Ottawa where there is snow on the ground and it looks like winter should. Oh joy!

  9. The red berries touched with water droplets is my favorite outside photo.
    The new fireplace - is my favorite inside photo.

  10. Hello, Lorrie! Your outdoor photos are incredibly Christmassy, even without snow!
    The fireplace mantel with decorations looks very elegant.
    Happy second Advent Sunday tomorrow!

  11. Love your mantle - it all looks so cozy and festive and elegant. Been wrapping presents and writing Christmas cards. No baking. I do love the SJ Bennett mysteries. Happy week ahead, Lorrie.

  12. Marilyn M5:21 PM

    The new surround on the fireplace is very nice. The first picture on your post is stunning! Love, love seeing red berries in gardens this time of year. Enjoy the season! Oh, I made your ginger cookies recently, so good.

  13. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Your mantel looks lovely. I'm curious what the latest reno will be. GM

  14. The new fireplace redo is beautiful, classy and stylish.
    Your rum balls reminds me of a time when
    I worked as a nurses aid during the Christmas break from college. Patient families brought us lots of goodies.
    One such good were rum balls soaked in real rum. A few of us, unaware they were made with real alcohol, began to feel dizzyish. The charge nurse figured it out and locked the rum balls in the med room. It gave new meaning to worrying about what we were coming down with. lol

  15. I think your new fireplace surround and mantel look very nice.

    SJ Bennett's 'All the Queen's Men' book sounds good.

    All the best Jan

  16. Happy to visit with you Lorrie - your home is just lovely! I know you are enjoying all of the additions and renovations! Your reading in the evening sounds wonderful. We've gotten some snow yesterday, and it is so beautiful outside. Your fog pictures on the water are just gorgeous! Yes, I well remember the days before Christmas as a child - seems they quite drag on! Blessings to you today dear friend!

  17. Your fireplace update looks lovely and so nicely decorated.
    Delicious sounding treats coming from your kitchen. I baked several things last week and they are more or less gone now. I see more baking in my future.

  18. Nice new fireplace. I will continue the baking tomorrow. I went to my shop today and had a lot to do in the house these days.
    The weather here is not too cold but rainy not a nice weather for Xmas.

  19. Your fireplace and mantel look lovely!


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