Friday, December 22, 2023

The Eve of the Eve of Christmas Eve


Friday evening. No snow at all this year, rather, it's been unseasonably warm. Some rain, and I'm glad for the fires that keep us comfortable indoors. 

My teaching gig ended today around noon, and I handed over my keys, skipped out of school, and headed out to finish the last little bit of shopping. All done now, other than a quick grocery run early tomorrow morning. 

I spent a few hours this afternoon wrapping gifts. They are stacked on the dining room table and tomorrow I'll pretty them up with tags and embellishments. That's the fun part. 

There comes a point each year when the lists are set aside and what's still undone is left undone. I sent off Christmas cards to a certain point in my address book, but ran out of cards, purchased more, but never got back to writing them. I'll send notes in the new year. It's time to enjoy. Preparations are mostly finished - there will be a final tidying up of the house and some last minute cooking. Then, Christmas Eve, full of quietness before the joyous hullabaloo of gathering on Christmas Day. 

And so, I wish you all a most merry and festive Christmas. 


  1. Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas season Lorrie! X Chy

  2. Thanking your for your always beautiful posts, your kind and interesting comments...
    and wishing you and yours a happy and blessed Christmas! ❤️

  3. A peaceful Christmas to you all with lots of delicious feasting. B x

  4. Hello Lorrie, I think to have left you a comment but now I don't see it. Perhaps the system filtered it as spam. (?)
    I try again: Thank you for your beautiful posts and always kind comments.
    A happy and blessed Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Ah, I know I have reached that exact point, Lorrie: what is not done, will remain undone... Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with lots of family and friends, and all that delicious cookery!

  6. Wishing you a lovely family Christmas.


  7. Wow! The cookies on the plate look delicious!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

  8. Wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    Warm hug from Titti
    (The cookies looking really good :)

  9. Looks like you are ready to relax and enjoy the holiday. Your cup and cookies look lovely. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with peace and joy.

  10. Merry Christmas! Enjoy!

  11. Happy Christmas to you and your lovely family Lorrie.

  12. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  13. Yes, I'm with the group, what's not done by tomorrow morning - Christmas Eve - will be left undone! Never realized before how important it is to be fit and healthy for the weeks running up the Christmas - otherwise like me this year it's rough going! No skipping out the door here!
    Have a wonderful holiday dear Lorrie - I know you will enjoy having the family around you, especially those lovely girlies!
    Take care - looking forward to seeing what you and Tim will be getting up to this coming year - I know you will be traveling most likely.
    Love from us both.
    Mary & Bob XX

  14. It's wonderful when everything important is done and we can look forward to Christmas Eve.
    It snowed here last night and today I had a wonderful walk in the forest, the snow-covered landscape is simply wonderful.
    Now I'm starting to prepare the potato salad for tomorrow... all the best to you.
    Merry Christmas.

  15. It's almost here!
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas, and good wishes for the coming New Year too.

    All the best Jan

  16. Merry Christmas to you! Yes, the list seems to be longer than the number of days we have to accomplish what is on it! The same thing has happened to me with cards in the past. At some point, we just have to stop, sit back, and enjoy the spirit of the season! Take care, and enjoy!

  17. Merry Christmas, Lorrie.

    We had a foggy Christmas. The rest of this week will be rainy...

  18. I hope your Christmas was as lovely as this post. I'm just now slowly catching up.

  19. Marilyn M2:50 PM

    Hoping your Christmas was extra special.

  20. Cards in the new year is a great idea. Yes, at some point, what's done is what will be done. I love the word picture of you skipping out of school . . . every bit as excited to be finished as your students were I'll bet. I hope your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were just what you'd hoped for and that these "in between" days are lovely and restful.

  21. Hello again! I hope you are enjoying a happy and blessed Christmas period.
    Only now I'm answering to comments received before Christmas. For the gingerbread biscuits, in our family there's an old set of six cutters: a star, a heart, a spruce tree, a round one, a crescent moon and a flower. Later we have bought some new ones, but these are the most precious.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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