Thursday, March 14, 2024

Life These Days


I only listen to the radio while driving. Occasionally I'll sit in the driveway for a few moments to finish a segment. Last Saturday I heard that multiple ferry crossings were cancelled due to an impending windstorm. Tim thought it would be a fine idea to go down to the breakwater and watch the waves. So we did. 

This gull perched on the breakwater railing looked for the waves just as we did. Instead, the seas were calm. The evening was lovely, with pinkish skies, little wind, and few people. I think they were all at home because of the windstorm. Out in the strait two large ships sat at anchor. We watched another round the point and slide into the strait, a container ship headed back across the Pacific. 

As we were leaving, a pilot boat left the harbour. We guessed that it was headed for the container ship. Ships coming through the Gulf Islands from Vancouver must have a pilot who is familiar with these waters on board. Once a ship is in the strait, no pilot is needed, and are taken off the ship to return home. As we walked back to the car the pilot boat zoomed across the water and slid in beside the container ship. We were too far away to see the pilot descend into the boat, but soon the boat returned to shore. 

And the wind? It showed up later that evening, howling and whistling around the corners of the house. Fierce indeed. 

A grocery store handful of tulips is nearing its end. I cut off the stems a couple of times as they grow and grow into ungainly length. My parents visited this week and we enjoyed a drive up island and lunch out. We'd hoped it would be overlooking the water, but instead we overlooked a yellow digger working beside the water. 

I made a couple of rice bags for friends this week. Heated in the microwave, they are warm and comforting when one feels chilled or has a sore neck or back. One friend is having work done on her house and has no heat in her bedroom. I suggested taking the heated bag to bed with her, as I do if it's very chilly out. I make the bags from flannel or linen, and then make a cover for them for laundering. 

We are expecting a sudden rise in temperature over the next few days and I am thrilled. I'm looking forward to getting out in the garden a bit. That's life around here these days - pleasant and ordinary. Filled with small pleasures. How are things in your corner? 


  1. Interesting about the ships needing the pilots.

    Love the rice bags! Great idea!

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I used to make rice bags from large cotton socks, but yours are so much prettier. I don't have any of those old bags left, but during the winter that is now passing into history, I could have used some!

    Those pale pink tulips are heavenly.

    Gretchen Joanna

  3. Beautiful pictures.
    On the Cornell live bird cam, in New Zealand this year there are 2 royal albatross chicks near each other. At night, you can sometimes see rabbits. The wind does howl there. If you watch at the right time, you can see tankers going by as they make their way out to sea. It is fascinating.

  4. Beautiful tulips, such s pale pink, great idea to make the rice bags as presents.

  5. Very pretty rice bags, and unlike a hot water bottle, they dont leak! We often see our Falmouth pilot boats going out to bring a very big boat into the harbour. They look so small against the huge tankers.

  6. I'm glad you told your friend about taking the rice bag to bed. I do that all winter -- one for the feet, one to hold if my hands are cold! The retain their heat quite well and it helps getting to sleep on a colder night! Yours are just beautiful. I love that you can go to the harbor. How lovely.

  7. I like to be at a seashore with 'weather' and waves. It's nice that your parents can still travel and pay a good visit. We are looking forward to a warm up and are enjoying blue skies and sunshine today!

  8. Nice to listen to the radio while driving, the tulips are like a painting and the rice sacks are a perfect idea for warmth in the winter (never heard of that before). Have a nice weekend.

  9. Here we have 13 C but rain and thunder.
    We have the same thing with boats on the river Seine they must have a pilot coming on board and when we went on cruises once he arrived by helicopter. We had very high tides during two weeks and a lot of flooding in the country.
    It will rain all weekend and at the moment I am making soup!

  10. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I was given some lovely flowers last weekend for UK Mothers Day, and they are still looking lovely.
    Your tulips are a wonderful shade of pink.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. Pretty pink tulips 💗. The rice bags are pretty too, and so useful.

  12. I still have the rice bag that you helped me figure out how to make! I've had it in a ziplock bag so I hope it's still good. Take care. It's that time of year when the weather changes every day!

  13. Sometimes life is all about the small pleasure. Lovely tulips.

  14. A perfect post to remind us to be grateful for ordinary days! Which I am almost always. Thank you for the reminder -- although your "ordinary" days are actually pretty special! ... Bill loved watching the pilot boats on our cruise. They had to be very talented in some of the places where we docked (as everywhere they work of course).

  15. I like to listen to the radio when I am working from home. It's like background noise, and I like hearing the radio personalities discuss local news and traffic,

  16. Marilyn M.5:41 PM

    Things are quite sunshiny here as I am guessing they are there too. How fun to go watch the boats and sea for awhile. Love the market tulips too and plan to buy some for myself very soon. What a nice gift for friends.

  17. Your rice bags are lovely, and it's thoughtful of you to make them for your friends.
    Those pale pink tulips are so pretty!

    Hugs and blessings, Lorrie

  18. Thank you for the beautiful and interesting post, Lorrie!
    Did the warm weather arrive?
    Here still rather cold (-15 C at night) but sunny, it's lovely!


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