Saturday, March 09, 2024

Friday Favourites on Saturday


Spring is slow to arrive. We've had a week with rain, wind, and snow, and hail. And a wee bit of sunshine that I captured as it cast wonderful shadows on the living room mantel. We're happy for all the moisture as it means snow in the mountains that will feed the streams and rivers later on. I am looking forward to warmer weather, though, and am itching to get out into the garden more. We've begun pruning and trimming and I cleaned up one section of the vegetable garden. 

It's been a quiet week of ordinary things, minutes and hours and days falling gently upon each other, piling up in contentment and satisfaction. Here are a few things that have delighted me this week:

- The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams 
I highly recommend this book about books 
and the power of reading

- prunus tree blossoms, pink and white and oh, so frothy

- homemade sourdough bread

- bright patches of yellow daffodils seen from my 
kitchen window

- a little spring cleaning, so satisfying to see tidy shelves and cupboards

A bit of indoor gardening. Basil is leafing out nicely under lights and I'll likely be potting it up this next week.

And finally, one little incident that tickled my sense of humour. When I remember the linens at my grandmothers' homes, I remember how soft the sheets and pillow cases were. Soft and oh, so thin. This week, while changing pillow cases, one case split wide, and I laughed to think that I now had those same soft, thin linens. It's time for a bit of a refresh, I think. 

Tonight the clocks spring forward, not my favourite thing. There's talk of stopping it, but who knows if or when that will actually happen. Meanwhile, we'll change all the analog clocks and the digital ones will take care of themselves.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you are enjoying The Reading List. I'm about to start it for the second time, and I want to read the books on the reading list as they come up in the storyline - I've got all eight lined up on my shelf. Your post is a favourite today - lots of eye candy. Haha, about the split pillow case - I had that happen a time or two myself. And yes, at that stage they are soft, but oh so fragile. Haha. Happy rest of your weekend.

  2. I believe our weather will be becoming milder toward the end of the week. I hope it really does happen. One thing I wish didn't happen is the time change. It always takes me a while to adjust.

  3. Your post painted such a lovely picture of your week, Lorrie.
    The sourdough bread looks divine! Yummmmm😋
    LOL @ the split pillow case!

    Hugs and blessings

  4. Lovely post! Lovely pictures! The bread looks just great :)
    Have a happy Sunday!

  5. Loved the post, it wraps up a beautiful week of flowers, homemade bread and home gardening. Have a beautiful Sunday.

  6. A week with little delights is very lovely. I have had to pause the Reading List for a while but hope I shall feel more like reading it later on. Your Basil is much further on than mine!

  7. It is so refreshing to have a quiet week with ordinary things happening. That bread looks wonderful and it's nice to see flowers. Chuckling about your thin linens. Enjoy the new week ahead.

  8. Happy Sunday!

    Funny about pillowcases. Sewing up a few is on my list this month. I have to buy at the store in person in order to feel whether the fabric has weight, but soft enough.

  9. We are worried, in ONTARIO, about how early our spring is. Just a weird season. Take care!

  10. A king size comforter is a luxurious bedding accessory designed to provide warmth, comfort, and style to a king size bed, typically measuring 76 inches by 80 inches (193 cm by 203 cm). These comforters are larger than their queen or twin counterparts, making them ideal for spacious master bedrooms or guest suites.

  11. I do like a quiet week of ordinary things. I have been doing many of the same things on your list, except for the sourdough bread. Having ventured into that arena yet despite it's popularity. Yours looks absolutely delicious.

  12. Oh, that bread! Fabulous! And I love the story about the pillowcases. I think I have a few thin ones, too. Your basil is going great! I'm a big fan of daylight saving time -- I don't care how dark it is in the morning but I hate it when it gets dark early!

  13. I am not a fan of moving the clocks forward either. How did Saskatchewan get away with staying on Central Standard Time all year long? Lol.

    I still have to manually change my digital clocks on my stove, microwave, and DVD player.

  14. Marilyn M8:00 PM

    I love each and everything that delighted you last week. I feel like I can almost smell the fresh baked bread and flowers. What special little treats.

  15. We have already changed our clocks in February and I don’t like it. They always say that they’ll stop doing it but it is still going on!
    The weather here is rain high tide flooding rivers ! I hope it will be better soon, but we will have water for this summer if we have a dry season.

  16. Ah, the clocks have changed. I must remember that when I contact Canada! Daffodils are a wonderful herald of Spring, one of my favourites. Love that you have them already. Your homemade sour dough bread looks like perfection. Enjoy.

  17. Your Early Spring looks lovely to me. Seeing daffodils from my kitchen window again would be a real treat. So would the bread! The bed linens story made me smile -- new ones are always kind of a shock to the system. I read that the snowpack where we live in Oregon is 109% of normal, so some good news for a change -- I'm looking forward hopefully to a greener summer this year. The time change doesn't really bother me since we can just sleep in on that morning (or anytime we need to for that matter) . And I like the long evenings.

  18. Your beautiful delicate spring bouquet is so beautiful in this vase.
    I baked sourdough bread yesterday and sourdough rolls today, I vary the dough with different flours... oh yes, you can enjoy many beautiful things.
    Thanks for your photos. A warm greeting to you from Viola

  19. Your blue and white arrangement is so lovely . . . a cheerful herald of Spring! Actually, spring cleaning sounds lovely too. We have been headlong into a painting project and that has precluded any other "extra." (Quite worth it though!)

  20. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Your bread looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

  21. Lorrie, I'm so sorry to have missed your recent posts. If only I'd read them in a timely fashion but I must tell you that this one is a treat both because of your always lovely photography and because of the way your words help me see your life. I do enjoy it so much. And I always ask myself why I couldn't at least keep up with your posts and other special blogger friends.


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