Monday, March 25, 2024

A Wander Through my Mind


Nothing is so beautiful as Spring - 
When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;
Gerard Manley Hopkins

When I opened my bedroom curtains this morning the fat golden full moon looked at me directly, as if to say, "Wake up, sleepyhead!" Now I sit here at my computer looking out on a cloudy morning that will surely brighten. One fat robin, red breast highly visible, sits in the neighbour's blossoming plum tree. Daffodils are nearly finished, and hyacinths soon to follow. A dark-eyed junco perches on the deck railing. I see the tiniest buds of lilacs beginning to form. Hooray for spring flowers. 

I confess that Spring is not my favourite season. She's too capricious. On days when the sun shines warm, the wind blows chill. I welcome the change of seasons, and there is much to admire - emerging plants, the turtles sunning themselves on the log in the pond, blossoms galore, and the increasing light. On the flip side, one might wear a down jacket, a raincoat, and go sockless in sandals all in one week. Capricious!

"The world is full of peril and there are many dark places. But still, there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater."
J. R. R. Tolkien

I've been stuck for words lately. Feeling unmotivated. There are ideas bubbling up inside me that are looking for expression. I am learning to wait for them like bulbs forming roots before bursting into colour. I'm also leaning more and more into staying away from media that encourages short interactions, such as Instagram and Twitter, and instead enjoying the thoughtfulness of blogging. But have you experienced how addicting those short snippets of irrelevant information can be? I am taking back my time and hope that it will result in renewed motivation and creativity. 

"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."
Annie Dillard

This week is busy with wonderful things. We have a birthday to celebrate (Tim's), Good Friday to observe, and Easter dinner followed by an egg hunt in the garden (weather permitting). I sat down this morning and made a lovely long list of tasks that I will enjoy ticking off one by one. 

I'll leave you with one little Easter memory. We usually visited my grandparents' home on Easter and Grandma had a special large chocolate egg hidden for each grandchild. I was the eldest and no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find my egg. I found my sister and brother's eggs, and those of the cousins, but not my own. As I became more and more frustrated, my Grandma told me gently that since I was the eldest my egg was hidden in a more difficult place, and that I had done well in helping the younger children find their eggs. I don't remember where the egg was finally hiding, but I do remember Grandma's encouragement. 

Then there was the time I got stuck in the outhouse at my other grandmother's farm home while wearing my new Easter dress - a pale yellow linen dress with a hand-embroidered daisy on the shoulder. My mother made us new dresses every Easter and every Christmas. No matter how I loudly I hollered no one came to my rescue. They were all busy eating dinner and visiting indoors. I finally managed to pry the door open and escaped, thinking I had been gone for ever so long only to discover that no one had missed me. 

So that was two little Easter memories. Now it's time to tackle that list of tasks. Have a most wonderful day, and I'd love it if you shared any Easter or spring memories of your own. 


  1. I loved this wander and can only wish that I possessed half your talent and creativity on one of my good days. I agree with you about those other social media connections as opposed to the more thoughtful blogging. ... Spring used to be my favorite season, but now it is Autumn. Partly because I don't get to experience Spring much these days.

    1. Autumn is my favourite season, but I enjoy Summer an awful lot, too. I'm just glad I live where we have four seasons!

  2. What lovely memories, Lorrie. Easter was always the most special time of year when I was a child.

    1. I think many of us have wonderful childhood memories of Easter.

  3. How cool is this hidden chocolate egg custom Lorrie . An adventure for every child. Very wise and the quotes you write. Your flowers are excellent. Have a nice week!

  4. I enjoyed this post dear Lorrie. I often see much of myself in your stories, especially our mothers making our dresses, hiding the chocolate eggs etc. Our Easter celebrations were so special when I was a child.
    I too have been thinking of skipping away from IG as I am spending too much time posting and reading others. I still like blogging but it does take so long and for some reason I just seem to run out of time. So much to do here at the house although today the painters should finish up - but the leaking shower - which started all this mess - is STILL leaking as I wait for yet another part to arrive. The plumber I'm now questioning. Service people have sadly not done their work and our coffers are emptying fast and furious!!!!!!
    But, it's not all bad. The garden is lovely and everything is in bloom - even bluebells peeping out today. Azaleas should be perfect by next weekend with sunny days and then a couple of rainy ones prior to Easter. I may just buy myself a chocolate egg this year - I feel I've earned at least a small one!
    Love Annie Dillard's words, thanks for sharing. Tell Tim we send birthday greetings for Friday.
    Have a beautiful Easter.
    Mary X

    1. Thank you, Mary. I hope your plumbing woes will soon be over. I'll definitely pass along the birthday greetings to Tim. Happy Easter to you and Bob.

  5. Your flower photos are so beautiful, Lorrie.
    I did enjoy reading about your two childhood Easter memories. When I think back to Easter memories, I mostly remember patent leather shoes, white socks with a ruffle along the edge and white gloves. Also, the Easter basket filled with yummy treats.
    I feel the very same as you regarding social media. I find that Facebook and Instagram are so filled with ads and possible sights you might be interested in that it takes a lot of scrolling just to find posts from your "friends" and "followers". I have come very close to deleting my accounts and being done with the whole thing. I definitely prefer the good old fashioned blogs (without ads popping up).
    Happy Birthday to Tim.

    1. Your childhood memories are similar to mine with the white ruffled socks and white gloves. And the Easter basket! Happy Easter to you!

  6. I don't really have Easter memories, but I didn't get locked in the loo!
    I've been lacking motivation. I sat outside and listened to the birds, which was lovely.

    1. Taking time to enjoy the birds is a very good way to spend time.

  7. Dearest Lorrie,
    Going sockless is not yet in the making... spring first needs to advance.
    Holy Week is a busy week and Easter is always joyful to celebrate with Family and Church members.
    Love your blossom photos!

    1. Thank you, Mariette. Yes, Holy Week is busy, and full of wonderful hope and joy.

  8. I have never used instagram but I cut out Twitter several years ago. It was a rabbit hole which was swallowing me! Best move I ever made regarding social media.

  9. I have Instagram and Twitter accounts, but never post anything. I just use these accounts to follow tea companies and potters (Instagram) and journalists (Twitter). I prefer blogging because we have more control over the content and it's easier to search the blog archives.

  10. I enjoyed reading about your childhood Easter memories. I hope the weather will cooperate so you can have an outdoor egg hunt. Have a blessed Easter.

    1. A blessed Easter to you, too.

  11. I also had a new dress for Easter, we used to go to church and then I went egg hunting in the garden. At this time the weather was fine for Easter. This year it is raining all week but not on Sunday for the moment. We will have a three days weekend.

    1. I hope you enjoy your three-day weekend, Catherine, and that the weather might improve.

  12. The way you write about the times of day, or year, the weather, the birds, the flowers keeps mesmerising me. So vivid, so beautiful.
    Spring is not behind the corner here, it's still snowing. I have grape-hyacinths in a pot inside, they don't look as happy as yours. :)
    I have tried Instagram and have a Twitter account but feel much better without them. Already the accounts I followed took too much time and the worst thing is the rubbish Instagram and X kept suggesting to me.
    It almost looks to me that blogs are becoming more popular again.
    "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily." Very wise words.

    1. Thank you, Sara. Yes, IG and X think they know what we want, but they don't. And it's exhausting.

  13. I so enjoyed reading your Easter memories. Yikes about the outhouse, though. My mother, too, sewed new dresses for us for Easter and Christmas. That is a fond memory. We also enjoyed cracking hard boiled dyed Easter eggs on each other's heads. Hmmm. Happy Easter week to you and yours!

  14. Lovely photographs Lorrie.
    Many thanks for sharing some Easter memories.
    I hope the weather will be good for your planned Easter Egg Hunt.
    Happy birthday wishes for Tim.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. The forecast looks reasonable, but one never knows with the weather. Happy Easter to you.

  15. Ah, the capriciousness of spring -- that's a wonderful description, Lorrie. I would say that words are NOT failing you -- at least not today!

    I loved hearing about your Easter memories. Your grandma sounds like an interesting woman. My greatest Easter memories are singing in choir as a kid/teen -- 250 people in four choirs, trumpets and timpani, and a big communal breakfast between services. We'll miss egg hunting this year -- the grands are in Florida this time but we promised we'd do it when they came home!

  16. That Hopkins quote reminds me of two practices I am torn between - pulling weeds or beholding their glory ;-)

  17. Lorrie, your flower photography is stunning! And reading your thoughts about social media took me back to earlier in the week when I was scrolling through Instagram and was so struck by the time and care so many posts must take, only to flash by and another one or more expected soon if to keep up with expectations. How few people must take (or have) the time to savor a picture, look at each detail, read every word of text. There is one beautiful account I follow who one day recently placed a sentence at the end of her text, asking for the reader to comment with one word--I can't remember what word it was now--and the author would sent them a private message. Only a few of us commented with that one word, revealing the many other comments on the picture itself showed that few read the words written about it.

    As far as you searching for motivation lately, I do believe that too much input into our minds can often overwhelm creative thoughts. And you're not alone. I've heard Instagramers, podcasters and YouTubers recently talk about the same thing and say they were going back to their blogs, something they had ignored in the past few years. And yet when I've visited their current blog, and read their beautifully crafted post, there have been only a few comments left, compared to the hundreds they get on Instagram and their YouTube channel. I find this confusing but probably very revealing of the times we're in now.

    Dillard's "the secret of your success is found in your daily routine" is excellent!

  18. Have a pleasant and loving Easter.

    I wore sandals out today, first time this season. It felt liberating.

  19. Capricious is such a wonderful word to describe spring. I feel the same way about spring here as well. Many people think California is always sunny and warm, but that is certainly not true for Northern California. We currently have a cold spell again after a few beautiful warm days. We often say that we have four seasons in one day.
    I used to have a pretty active Facebook account, and during our horrible wildfires in 2017 it was THE way to connect to others. But I haven't been there for a few years now. I do like IG for the photos and I made a couple good connections, but I agree that it's often a waste of time and can one really suck in. I'm setting time limits for myself and that works reasonably well. I don't have a Twitter account since I was always a bit weary of that one.
    I remember painting Easter eggs with my mom. I always liked that - she usually was telling stories of ther childhood that I loved to hear. There was always some beautiful table decoration on the Easter breakfast table - usually flowers - and our parents hid some chocolate eggs for us kids. Sometimes Easter was so early in the year that we looked for them in the snow (that was fairly easy). We never had a special Easter dinner since Sundays in my childhood home were "dinner free" so my mom didn't have to cook.
    I love love love your flower photos. While spring is not my favorite season, it's a close second (autumn is first) and I enjoy stepping out into the garden every morning and see what changes are underway. It's an exciting time.

  20. So enjoyed your post, Lorrie. For being dry for ideas/words, your post belied the lovely outcome. I loved your Easter memories - both a little fraughtful indeed for a young girl. A wise Grandma to gently encourage you in your egg hunt. I truly disliked those old outhouses--we had our share of them growing up--thankfully, I never was locked in one. Oh, and capricious is a delightful word for weather in Spring.

  21. Lorrie, your post is lovely! I felt like I was right there with you, looking at the spring blooms and enjoying your Easter memories. I agree about social media—it can be overwhelming. Your blog is a breath of fresh air!

    Hugs and blessings

  22. I enjoyed reading your Easter memories, Lorrie! I can imagine your panic at being stuck in the outhouse . . . and your consternation at not even being missed!

    My relationship with Instagram is very different from my relationship with blogging. I kind of use IG as a magazine of sorts, being inspired by colonial decorating accounts. And sometimes, the short interactions are what I have time for. Blogging, however, is, as you say, more thoughtful and different things are shared and discussed and there are deeper musings.

    Blessings on your Resurrection celebrations!

  23. Dear Lorry, a warm Easter Sunday greeting and a hug for you.
    Yesterday we visited a castle and ate ice cream - because the weather is so incredibly beautiful - I'm so happy about it.
    Nice breakfast with loved ones today and looking for Easter eggs in the afternoon...
    Of course I also baked and cooked.
    Nature literally explodes and the birds sing their magnificent songs...
    it is great. Thank you. Tomorrow we celebrate Easter Monday and from Tuesday it will be cooler and raining... but nature needs the rain, otherwise there will be no green... so everything is fine.
    I wish you a happy time, alongside the Easter season. Hug.
    (p.s. I haven't been in the media for a very long time.)

  24. Loved reading your childhood Easter memories. So special to have them written down for others to read later. It made me think of family times at Easter of around my birthday which is mid April.
    I know what you mean about social media and I too prefer the depth of blogging. Hope you had a great family Easter. B x

  25. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.. and the weather cooperated with your egg hunt.
    The outhouse story is a little scary.

  26. Lorrie - thanks for sharing, and letting us take a wander through your mind - sometimes we need to let our emotions flow, and then the words come. And it is a wonderful thing that we have this safe space of blogging to do that very thing.

    I am sad that you were stuck in the outhouse and no one noticed? For me, that would be quite a painful memory.

    My earliest Easter memories are coloring eggs with my Mom and my siblings (Dad was at work). We used crayons and rubber bands to make patterns on the eggs - the aroma of the vinegar is still with me, all those years later!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Bouncing into March

  March might be the most capricious month of the year. She came in like a lamb, warm with a bit of sunshine. False spring we call it here b...