Monday, July 22, 2024

If You Love Blue and White...


It's no secret to those who know me that blue is my favourite colour. Blues of many shades fill the rooms of my home. I've admired blue and white Delftware for many years, so the Dutch city of Delft with the one remaining porcelain factory was on my list of places to visit. We were able to tour the Royal Delft factory and see people at work creating the special pieces by hand.

The little village buildings I brought home were designed in Holland, but not made there. I chose a Klompen (shoe store), Rembrandt's house, a chocolate shop, and a florist shop. They sit on my kitchen windowsill and remind me of a rainy day visit to Delft. 

Delftware was inspired by Chinese porcelain and it took many years for Europeans to be able to replicate the porcelain successfully. The Royal Delft museum displays some beautiful examples of early porcelain. 

Rembrandt's Night Watch is an enormous painting (12 x 14 feet) and is replicated in the Royal Delft Museum in 480 hand-painted tiles. It's in shades of blue and white which my camera did not capture well. Two artists worked for two years to complete the piece. 

Nijntje is the name of a little bunny who is featured in picture books and toys in The Netherlands. We have one little book in Dutch here at home where Nijntje, known in English as Miffy, shows off her toys. The Royal Delft factory had some adorable pieces featuring the bunny. 

Outside, a porcelain Proud Mary figure gives homage to one of the greatest promoters of Delft porcelain during the Dutch Golden Age, Mary II, daughter of Charles I of England, became Princess of Orange when she married William of Orange. Mary loved the blue and white porcelain and her love of it increased its popularity. William and Mary were offered the throne of England after James II died, and Mary took along her collection of Delft pottery, some of which can still be seen at Hampton Court Palace. 

In the centre of Delft a very large square has hosted markets and public events since the 12th century. One of the oldest shops is an apothecary shop where you can choose from a dizzying array of licorice flavours in addition to regular drugstore items. Many of the buildings in Delft were destroyed by a gunpowder explosion in 1654. This building dates from 1759. 

At one end of the square is the New Church, whose tower stretches high into the sky. Completed in 1436, the church contains the crypt where members of the ruling House of Orange are interred. 

We took refuge from the rain and ate our lunch at a restaurant patio (tented) on the square. I ordered a Dutch tradition "bitterballen," croquettes filled with a meat paste. The outside crunch was delicious and the meat paste a wee bit overwhelming after eating one or two bitterballen. They were good with mustard and pickles. 

As we ate, the church bells began ringing out Wagner's Bridal Chorus, also known as "Here Comes the Bride." Sure enough a small party of people crossed the square, in the rain, to the City Hall at the opposite side of the square. 

A sign on the City Hall doors indicated that a wedding party would be happening there. The bride wore a beautiful white pantsuit in place of a dress. 

As we left the square we noticed this wedding car decorated with flowers waiting for the happy couple. I wonder what their connection with Italy was?

Shelves full of cheeses adorned many stores. I do love a good Gouda cheese, do you? Fortunately, authentic Gouda cheese is imported into Canada for our enjoyment. 

I'll leave you with one last photo of beautiful Royal Delft porcelain, this design featuring the interwoven W and M for William and Mary. 


  1. What a wonderful souvenir from Delft. I've always admired its beautiful blue and white design and would love to add a teacup to my collection!

  2. I do love blue and white. Thank you for sharing your foray into the city of Delft, the history associated with the city and the porcelain, as well as some of the very lovely pieces that you saw. I am fascinated by Night Watch created from blue and white tiles! But it was all beautiful!

  3. What a fascinating place Delft is. I would love to go there and browse the china. Years ago we flew with KLM and were given two of the little blue and white houses, which I treasure. Blue and white will always be a favourite colour combination of mine. Were you tempted to bring Proud Mary home?!!

  4. Dearest Lorrie,
    Yes, Delft Blue, the original Porceleyne Fles or Royal Delft is quite a possession to have.
    We have several Porceleyne Fles pieces and our biggest treasure is the collection of Royal Goedewaagen miniature Delft blue houses from Royal Dutch Airlines.
    That also resembles our life as international consultants upon Pieter's formal retirement.
    Enjoy your treasures and memories—they are very special.

    PS You certainly would approve of our blue room:

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I loved visiting the city of Delft many years ago. We were also able to watch these amazing artist work in shop. Picked up two piece that are well displayed in our home. I never get tired of looking at white and blue!
    These two pieces bring back so many wonderful memories. Our grown children love these pieces as well.


  6. Oh my, what a delightful visit to your blog this morning. All that gorgeous blue and white. And yes, there is nothing like a good gouda. I had my first taste of the cheese while visiting Holland back in 1989. It's still a favourite. Thanks for the beautiful post, Lorrie, so glad to see more of your trip to Europe.

  7. It is lovely to bring back small souvenirs from overseas trips along with the happy memories, and your little blue and white village buildings are delightful.

  8. Beautiful blue and white Delft pieces. I like your choice of the 4 houses that you brought back to remind you of a lovely holiday visit.

  9. I have a very hard time walking away from a blue and white plate! I like your houses. That is interesting history of the influence by Queen Mary. What fun to catch that wedding march. Great photos!

  10. I love your little blue delft houses. I wouldn’t have been able to resist them too. In my living room is a blue vase from Holland that exact colour. I bought it for my mother many years ago when I spent a week in Holland. I inherited it on her death and it is still one of my favourite vases.
    Lovely that you could witness a wedding while there. Lots of atmospheric moments. B x

  11. My mother loved Delft and had a small collection. It's fun seeing your photos and learning more about it. The little houses you bought are charming. I love gouda :)

  12. Your Delft buildings are gorgeous! Great post, you look lovely next to Queen Mary. That statue is amazing.

  13. Delft is beautiful. Glad you got to see the last factory!

  14. Delft was my favorite spot in the Netherlands but we were only there part of a day and not long enough to visit the factory. (I did get a few pieces in the store in town, but not quite the same!) I love your houses. Love, love, love them! And I bet the factory was fascinating. Thanks for showing so many gorgeous pieces and sharing everything you did here!

  15. I have four of these little houses. I went through Delft but did not visit the factory, next time we go it will be on our plans. I like cheese and shrimp croquettes best!

  16. Kira Roza10:34 AM

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  17. I enjoyed reading about your trip to Delft.
    The little village buildings on your windowsill look so charming.
    Love the photo of you next to Queen Mary.

    Happy Friday, Lorrie!

  18. Oh, yes...I love the blue and white china! What an amazing trip. I loved seeing the flowers in the gardens on the previous post too. You're making memories this summer!

  19. Viktoria9:05 PM

    I hope everyone is doing well, I have some news to share today.... In the next week I am moving to NOLA and hoping this new journey will put me back into the attitude that change is good. So much to do and not enough time to do it. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life (including Pedro Jerome) a loan lender that support me at all times I am excited and also worried my life has been such a downer for so long that getting out of it has been hard, but I do really feel that this change is going to be the best thing I need right now, and I have hopes that all good things do come to those that wait.
    I'm thanking a loan lender who helped me with a loan of 1 millions dollars to boost up my business once again at the rate of 2% annual return which is so wonderful, and I would like anyone stuck in financial situation to reach out to Pedro the loan lender on WhatsApp: +393510140339. For loan assistance.
    So please keep me in your thoughts, and thanks to this blog I can at least keep in contact with all of you.

  20. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I love seeing Delft, but have never been enticed to buy it. That last picture could definitely entice me. I have never heard of the bitterballs, interesting! The gouda cheese I would love having nibbled on.

  21. What a lovely place.
    But then your province is amazing.


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