Sunday, June 07, 2009

a note from the road

I'm writing this from Munich on a rainy night. My sister and mom and I spent three wonderful days in Paris, visiting Versailles, the Musee d'Orsay and wandering around the beautiful streets.

Then a train to Frankfurt and now we're on a bus tour throughout the Alpine countries. I've prepared several posts ahead just for fun, and today I managed to log onto my account and read them.

This evening I'm planning to spend some time sketching and painting in my room. The days are full with so many interesting and charming things to see. And the food! German salads are fabulous!


  1. I know it goes without saying - but have a wonderful time enjoy yourself - you deserve it after all that studying. May you have plenty of sunshine and blue skies on your trip.

  2. Hi Lorrie....

    It has been awhile since my last visit...your blog posts have been wonderful...I have enjoyed reading them.
    I hope you have a wonderful, fun time. What a great way to relax and enjoy some well deserved R&R.

    Hugs, Nancy

  3. Je suis contente que tu ne regrettes pas d'y être allée finalement !
    L'Allemagne est un pays que j'aime beaucoup !

    gros bisous

  4. It all sounds perfectly deightful, Lorrie. Even the rain in Munich. Your mention of Versailles makes me want to dig out my own photos from my trip to Europe and visiting opulent place. Amazing, isn't it!!

    Enjoy and enjoy!

  5. Hi Lorrie, now that things quiet up a bit here at school I wanted to ask about your trip and when and where you will be in Switzerland, since we're living next door, maybe we could have arranged a meeting ! Well, maybe next time :)
    Munich IS lovely, we travelled through it on our way back from Slovakia and even got a little lost there, much to our delight because we saw many nice sights from the center !
    You should be lucky with the weather, it's getting better now (we've had A LOT of rain the last 4 days), nice and sunny.
    Enjoy your trip !

  6. Oh, how wonderful, sounds like such a great vacation.

  7. Hi Lorrie!
    I've been thinking about you all week knowing that you were wandering around the Hall of Mirrors where our dear Marie once walked. Can't wait to see your photos of Paris and I hope you girls are having a FABULOUS time : ) xoxo ~ Joy


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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