Thursday, June 25, 2009

Le Petit Trianon

The palace of Versailles is sumptuous and opulent, grand in every scale. It's beautiful, but there's a place on the grounds of Versailles that I enjoy more. Still elegant and ornate, I can envision myself living here at "le petit Trianon" Marie Antoinette's retreat from the stifling etiquette of the formal court. The perfectly proportioned building is surrounded by quiet gardens, both formal and informal.

Walking into the main floor entrance, this staircase sweeps upwards. I was glad that I found a few seconds to snap a photo without people in it. I recently read that the stair railing was installed by Marie Antoinette after the Petit Trianon was gifted to her by her husband, Louis XVI. The building was originally built for Louis XV and Madame Pompadour as a pleasure house.

"You love flowers, Madame; and so I have a bouquet to give you." These are supposedly the words used by Louis XVI upon giving the Petit Trianon to Marie Antoinette. These white roses bloom in the gardens there.

It has been said that the Petit Trianon is "one of the most beautiful buildings in the world" (Cyril Connolly, Pavilions, 1962). I think it's just enchanting. This photo shows the detail of the ceiling in the Cabinet du Roi, where crimson draperies coordinate with the upholstery, and this frivolous confection hangs from the ceiling.

And here I am, in the Petit Trianon, wearing a Marie Antoinette themed necklace created by Joy of Cupid's Charm. Her work is beautifully done and I'd encourage you to click over to her site and take a look!
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1 comment:

  1. Just caught up on all your recent posts and enjoyed the trip with you.
    On our visit to the Palace about 12 years ago now, a symphony orchestra that was playing there that night was rehearsing and we were able to sit and listen. I did get pics, I must seek them out.


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