Monday, September 21, 2009

A New Season

Faint wisps of cloud trail across the September blue sky. I lift my face to the warm sunshine and feel reciprocal warmth radiating from the earth. These clear days linger on with only a hint of chill in the breeze that comes from the sea to remind me that autumn is coming. Today is summer's last.
I reflect on the season that is ending and wonder about the new season to come. Not just on the calendar, but a new season in my life. A new career for my husband. A newly empty nest. A new kind of normal life. A season to let God heal the hurts. A season to withdraw a little from elective responsibilities and focus on what's most important - my own relationship with God and with my husband and family. A season to contemplate, to weep a little and wait for joy to return, to ponder and to realize that the answers to my questions might never be known on this earth. A season to rest after the busy summer, to enjoy the harvest and reap the benefits of years spent putting roots down deep into God's word.

As I puttered about my house this weekend, I put away the summer decorating and brought out the warm textures of autumn. My style is spare but not minimalist, I don't like clutter. I'm sure I will add more as the season progresses, but for now I'm enjoying clear glass filled with collected bits of driftwood, another with pinecones, and a third with vine balls. Candles of course, and brass which gleams in soft candlelight. I'm looking forward to the first fire in the fireplace, watching movies with my husband, evenings spent reading or doing handwork, pumpkin desserts and warming soups.
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  1. So enjoyed your posting..... I could feel it wrap warm cozy around me as I read it!

    Thankfully the Good Shepherd promises restoratives for our souls.... methinks autumn's promises are in the list of ingredients in that healing balm.

  2. I love this time of year - love the drawing in, the lighting of fires and the kind of personal reflection it always brings up in me.

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    I can feel the sweet peace of the Holy Spirit in this heartfelt post as it brings tears to my eyes! I think we should all be in the same frame of mind as you. I am reminded of the scripture in James 4:8..."Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh unto you....

    Have a great day rejoicing in the goodness of the Heavenly Father, for HE is good and gives only good gifts to His children!

  4. I am loath to give up summer is my fav time..I am nicer, happier, more contented..however summer will come again..I am using this in-between time to reflect on my what I am grateful for and the many blessings of family and friends..thank you for your thoughtful post..

  5. Hello Lorrie,

    Your house looks lovely!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  6. Absolutely lovely, as is your "header."

  7. Hi Lorrie,

    Your post brought tears to my eyes. God has his hand on you and yours.



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