Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Enjoying the Bounty

My garden is bursting with tomatoes and green beans these days. Last night I made this salad that featured them both. Roasted tomatoes and green beans with a hint of orange dressing topped with garlicky shrimp - a wonderful taste of late summer.
The recipe can be found here, on my recipe blog.
And to finish the meal, some fresh peaches and prune plums with a honey syrup and toasted pistachio nuts, also found here. (just scroll down past the salad)

I've noticed in the past couple of years that our springs have been miserable and cold, but summer lingers long into September. I love the lengthening shadows around dinnertime, the blue, blue bowl of sky above trees just starting to turn orange and yellow. And the crisp evening air. Days to savour the warmth, to walk barefoot on the grass, and revel in God's good gifts.
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  1. oh so agree..I live in Langley..last night we bbq'd yellow and orange peppers..oh so yummy..have a great day..

  2. You make the best salads!! I wish my husband would eat more of them but it seems that I am the only one that likes "healthy" food. That peach salad looks good, too!

    I love to eat things that I have grown--it is such great satisfaction. I am glad to hear that your garden was so abundant this year! I had little time to devote to one this spring, so all I planted were 2 heirloom tomato plants and they have produced pretty good. I have been fortunate to have a very nice neighbor that lets me gather from his garden--that is almost as much fun as if it were my own!

    Thanks for sharing your recipes. I have tried a few of them, and they were very good!

    Have a great week.

  3. Those plates look yummy!
    I wonder if our summer is on its way out? Time to bring in the last of the tomatoes and roses I think.

  4. YUM! Lorrie, you definitey live The Good Life! Bathroom mirror make overs and beautiful, healthy meals. Why do you live so far away? Really, it's unfair. :)

  5. Oh my, you are really, really making me hungry. Shrimp, fresh tomatoes and green beans... some of my very favorites. But the peaches with honey and toasted pistachios... I could eat like that every day. So fresh and healthy!

    :) Christi


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