Thursday, December 30, 2010

Abundance in 2010

Last year at this time I was thinking about my focus word for 2010. We were in a hard place - my husband had lost his job and started up a small company while continuing to look for work in his field. 

The word that kept coming to me, in my reading and thoughts, was "abundance." I listened and accepted. Throughout the year, I made a conscious effort to look for abundance in my life, although there were many times when I just complained. 

Abundant provision:
*  Tim was hired into a new position in March. He loves his new job and there are all sorts of possibilities for the future.
* We found renters for our house in Victoria and were able to purchase a new home here.
* A new job for our eldest daughter 

Abundant sorrow:
* the loss of my 29-year-old nephew Colin in July
* the loss of a tiny still born great-nephew I never met in November
* the loss of my aunt Irene in December

Abundant change:
* moving away from family, friends, church, job

Abundant JOY:
* Our youngest daughter's wedding in September and welcoming Owen into our family
* The birth of our first grandchild, Adria, in December
*laughter and sharing good times and bad with family and friends

Abundant grace:
I think 2010 has been among the most difficult years of my life.  I've not shared all of the events of 2010 - many more joys and many more sorrows have occurred. But throughout the dark days and the bright days, God's grace has been very present in abundance. And because of grace, 2011 can be faced with hope, joy and confidence.

Happy New Year! 2011 is just around the corner!


  1. Amen!
    May the New Year bring you much more abundance in happiness and joy and less grief.
    Pamela xo

  2. Thanks for sharing. The verse says,"My grace is sufficient for you." But because God loves us so, He gives it to us in abundance!!

  3. It's been quite a year for your family, Lorrie. I love the way you have couched this post - in terms of the word that was given to you. It seems to me that you have been given an abundance of patience and strength to come through the difficult and to celebrate the good times.
    I wish you and yours all the very best of life in 2011.

  4. Dear Lorrie,
    I guess we all look back at this time of the year to review the past 12 months.
    It sounds as if it has been a turbulent time for you and I applaud your optimism for 2011.
    To quote Friedrich Nietzsche
    "What does not kill me, makes me stronger".
    Wishing you and your family Health, Wealth and Happiness for the New Year.

  5. It seems that, like me, the hymn 'This, this is the God we adore'... would be a suitable summary for your experiences of abundance this year. Thanks so much for this post and have a wonderful and blessed 2011. See you then!

  6. What a lovely positive post Lorrie, thank you. So many changes have come about in the past year.
    Like you, I shall be so glad to leave it behind!

  7. I totally understand. There have been some years that I could hardly wait to end. Thank God for the hope of better things to come. Wishing you much joy and peace in the year to come.

  8. Your faith in God and strong family bonds will guide you through the coming year. I hope this year will be one of the best for you.

  9. It's good that we do not see ahead. I think pain is easier to bear looking back than looking forward because we have come through it. Could be daunting and yet I know you know that our lives are in His hands so we can trust Him.

    Your post looks like a typical picture of LIFE and my prayer for you Lorrie is for many blessings in this coming year.

  10. I'm sorry you've had "one of those years". I pray 2011 is filled with joy for you and yours!


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