Thursday, December 16, 2010

She's Here!

It's been a whirlwind around here. We zipped down to Victoria (2 hours away) yesterday afternoon, had dinner with our youngest (September's bride) and her husband, and as we were finishing dessert the phone call came - Adria Natalia had made her appearance. 

We rushed over to the hospital to sit in the waiting room with other family members for a couple of hours until everyone was ready for visiting. Here's Tim holding the precious bundle.

We spent the night with our eldest daughter and her husband, and spent today alternately visiting at the hospital, shopping and lunching with our daughters and one son-in-law. Then back to the hospital to help with Adria's first car ride - home. Here's the new mommy and daddy dressing her. Travis is putting on a sweater knit for him by his paternal grandmother 27 years ago. 

And here she is, all dressed up and ready for the big world. She's wearing an elf hat knit for her by a friend of Katie's. And the blanket was crocheted by Travis' maternal grandmother, again for his birth 27 years ago. Really, where did all that time go?

We're home now and I'm counting the days until I hold her in my arms once more. 


  1. Oh she's adorable and what a pretty name! Christmas will never be the same again for your family. Hearty congratulations all the way around.

  2. Congratulations, Lorrie! What an incredible Christmas gift!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Oh congrats!!! How exciting and soooo cute especially in that hat! My daughter is due Jan 19 or thereabouts!

  5. Congratulations to you and your husband, Lorrie. You must be absolutely thrilled. You are lucky to live so close to your dear little granddaughter and I predict you'll be driving over the Malahat often. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

  6. What a special gift...just in time for Christmas! Congratulations to all...first time parents and grandparents. How sweet that she went home bundled in handmade items from so long ago.

    Enjoy your new are in for so much fun!

  7. Oh... isn't this just the most wonderful day!!

    Little Adria looks so sweet in her elf hat!


  8. Aww, congratulations!!

  9. Bless all of your hearts this wonderful Chirstams season! How amazing to have a new baby to hold...I am so thrilled for all of you...
    Your friend Karla

  10. Congratulations to everyone. She's beautiful. Have fun. xx

  11. Congratulations! She's beautiful! What a gift this Christmas, Lorrie! I'm so happy for you!

  12. Congrats Grandma!

  13. Oh Lorrie I am SO happy for you! What a Christmas blessing.

    That elf hat is almost as cute as she is.

    Be merry and bright.

  14. Congratulations to one & all.
    She looks adorable and her name is just gorgeous.
    How happy you all must be that she is here to share Christmas with you.

  15. Congratulations! Savour this time, as you well know how to do -- I can't believe two years have flown by since my granddaughter was this size.

  16. Congratulations ! This is such a happy event not long before Christmas... I'm really happy for all of you !
    (Thanks for the lovely card, you are so sweet to think of us ! Now the holidays have started and we'll all have a little time for all the things we really want to do - this means I'll update my blog, yay !)
    Warmest season's wishes to you and your whole family.

  17. Congrats! "Grand girls" are so much fun! Mine are coming to visit tomorrow for a whole week...can't wait!

  18. Congratulations Lorrie..she is so sweet...alot of lil girls born this year....Bye Grandma..

  19. ohhhh...Lorrie...what miraculous beauty. Congratulations to your family on such a lovely new member.
    Sending prayers and good thoughts for a lifetime of happiness and love.

  20. P.S. I forgot to tell you...that image you asked about originated from the Swedish magazine "Skona Hem"!

  21. Such a beauty and such a pretty name. Congrats.

  22. Congratulations! Our granddaughter is scheduled for delivery on Tuesday. I still can't believe our daughter is going to be a mom. We're awfully glad for this new blessing, just as you are. Enjoy her as often as you can!

  23. How sweet. She is a Christmas present. Congratulations!!

  24. I had a lovely time visting from A Pause in Advent. And CONGRATULATIONS! What a little cutie pie! Advent blessings to y'all! :)

  25. Congratulations Grandma. I know how overwhelmed you are feeling and it gets better and better.

    Your Gingerbread evening with the family looks like a lot of fun.

    Do hope you all have a wonderful time so here's wishing you every blessing for Christmas and the coming year Lorrie.


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