Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's not over yet!

There's been laughter, tears, lots of conversation, dancing, more than enough food, games, presents, travels back and forth across the water and there's more to come! 

I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas week.


  1. What lovely photos, Lorrie! I'll bet your new grandchild was the star of the dinner!
    We're still celebrating here - we go on until the 6th - but then we start rather late so it all works out.

  2. Lovely mosaic, Lorrie.
    It looks as if you're all having a wonderful time.
    BTW The stockings that you made for everyone are delightful.

  3. Your family looks like they have such fun together. You are lucky to live close to all your children and your new little love. Happy New Year!

  4. It looks like you are having a fun family get together. Here we are enjoying the holidays and staying at home because of the biting cold and huge snow piles.
    Your grand daughter reminds me so much of Elise as a baby, she had almost the same red pyjama !
    And may I add, you look really good in the second picture - beaming in your smile. I'm really happy for you !

  5. Looks like you are having a grand time! We have folks coming on Sat for a birthday celebration, so we are still partying here, too! :-)

  6. Lovely pictures Lorrie..Happy New Year to you and your loved ones..

  7. Love your photos of the Christmas week of celebrations. Isn't it wonderful to be able to slow down and enjoy the season with family and friends. Happy new year.

  8. Fantastic photos - a lovely red and blue theme! Happy New Year to you all.

  9. That has to be your daughter with the long hair and royal blue top. Enjoyed the pictures blown up.


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