Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cozy Sunday, Mosaic Monday

Drizzle. Grey. Those two words sum up the weather this weekend. So we were very happy to be invited to a brunch at our eldest daughter and son-in-law's home on Sunday after early church. Seven of us (including the Little Miss and her parents) gathered together in person and our youngest daughter and her husband joined us from Rome via Skype for a few fun moments. 

Yellow daffodils shone brightly as we munched on huevos rancheros, bacon, English muffins, cinnamon buns and berry smoothies. It was the perfect way to spend a drizzly February afternoon.

I hope your weekend was equally fine. Joining with Mary of the Little Red House for Mosaic Monday. 


  1. Oh Yum, I want to come to your house for breakfast! Very tasty mosaic!

  2. This is a very appetizing post, Lorrie! It's nice that you were able to share brunch with your family.

  3. Wonderful set of images.

  4. Those bright yellow daffodils are just the perfect touch of spring!! and your menu sounds and looks yummy!!

  5. It does sound like the perfect afternoon! The food looks delicious!

  6. Yummie!
    Have a wonderful week,

  7. What a perfect day!

  8. Sounds like a lovely visit and brunch with your family. I wish you a Happy week ahead.

  9. What a lovely SUnday you've had! Breakfast look delicious and the daff's are so pretty.

  10. Looks like a terrific brunch - how nice for you to share with family on a gray day.
    Thanks for visiting my little blog project!

  11. What a lovely morning with family! My mouth is watering!

  12. It is amazing these days that we can have a visit via skype from the other side of the world. Modern technology is a wonderful thing. You had a wonderful day. V

  13. Brunch at your daughter's house.
    Does it get any better than that?

  14. What a beautiful and delicious setting...I love the daffodils!

  15. That mosaic features everything so nicely that I am beginning to feel hungry. Just lovely colors and the daffodils do add so much cheer.

  16. You must have had a lovely day with yummy food.

  17. Everything just so delightful! Isn't Skype amazing so that your daughter and son-in-law could join you?!! It sounds like a beautiful day even though it was drizzly and grey...
    Happy Days!

  18. Your perfect Sunday made for a great Mosaic Monday!

  19. Nothing better than sharing breakfast with family (or friends) on a grey drizzle morning. A really nice mosaic.

  20. Perfect indeed!
    Those cinnamon buns look delish!

  21. I love huevos rancheros eggs! Your jonquils look so pretty ...I am already dreaming of spring.

  22. Hi Lorrie, greetings from Northern Ontario. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  23. Your brunch looks like it had too have been very yummy! Happy Valentine's Day~


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