Thursday, February 23, 2012

What Intimidates You?

I was called in to teach yesterday. One block was a photography class. The students had projects to work on and I was there just for supervision. So, I spent a lot of time wandering around the classroom, which happened to be held in the art room. My camera was in my purse and since the students were working on photography editing and shooting, I snapped a few shots myself.

In high school I yearned to take art, but never did. I was always intimidated by the "artistic" students - those who I thought grew up drawing realistically from the time they could hold a pencil. I envied them. Creating visual art on canvas and on paper is something I've recently dared to attempt. I love the idea of being able to be free with colours, shapes and textures - mixed media is what appeals to me. 

I was surprised at how intimidated I felt in that art room yesterday. All the old anxieties about not being good enough to even try came to the fore. And yet I longed to pick up those pastels and start making my own marks. And I will. 

What intimidates you? Is there something you've always longed to attempt but haven't? Why not?

Today was Nana day. The sun shone and I took the Little Miss out into the yard. She looks so tiny wandering around on the uneven ground. Tumbles didn't deter her one bit, she just picked herself up and barreled on. She played with rocks (tried to eat them), a dandelion (tried to eat it), and these dry sticks that I collected. Exploring was fun, but exhausting. She went down for a nap soon after.


  1. It is hard to believe that your granddaughter is already walking. She does look determined.

    So many things intimidate me. I have to "barrel" through sometimes just to have some momentum; otherwise, I get stuck.

    What kinds of projects were the students working on? Anything that knocked your socks off?

  2. Your granddaughter is adorable!!! And..I would've been intimidated in that art room, too.... there is still so much for us to do, isn't there!!

  3. Little Miss is a cutie pie! What fun. I have to be honest and say the things that intimidate me I stay away from.

  4. your granddaughter is so cute..will see mine in 10 days...

  5. Like you, I was intimidated by the art class in high school, and early on determined that I had no gift of creativity. I am still intimidated or left with a feeling of inadequacy when I think of how I'd like to express myself with paint or chalk. Perhaps someday.
    Your little grandgirlie is adorable! We should go for a walk one day!

  6. I've been intimidated to take modern dance classes. My girls were all into ballet so I watched them but now I'd like to try to do some dance.....I'm feeling VERY intimidated!

  7. I am like you I yearn to draw but stick figures are beyond me. What a wonderful little face.

  8. I dabble in a lot but don't have a "super skill" if you know what I mean. Art is one example, and there are others in my family that are much better than me at it. Your granddaughter is a cutie pie!

  9. I thought about your question as I lay in bed last night and realized how often lately I've been intimidated by educated, worldly people in large groups. They're articulate, passionate and opinionated. In one way, I envy those three qualities, in another way though, I wonder if God fits into their lives anywhere.

    Love that baby photo!

  10. Hello Lorrie,

    It's great you took that class!
    And your granddaughter is so adorable!


  11. Love seeing your grand strutting around your yard.

    Anything to do with dance is intimidating to me. When my fitness class decided to do zumba...I changed to a different class!

  12. Love the picture of all the art supplies . . . I have always wanted to paint . . . more than a paint by number which I did many of as a child. Adria looks like she is on a mission . . . so cute.

  13. I picked up some watercolours and paper and it is still in the cupboard. I've never tried watercolours and I was never "artistic" in school, but I figure I don't have to please anyone else, I just have to play with them. But, they're a little intimidating! (I had just assumed you were on of the artistic people since childhood.)

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such thoughtful comments, especially your last with the encouragement. It makes me feel better just to think someone cared enough to take the trouble.
    I too have done some substitute teaching. (Although calling it teaching is a stretch. Most of the time it is just friendly supervision.) I love meeting the students (middle and high school level). I often know one or more of them anyway. I have always had pleasant, positive experiences. And I like the school memories it evokes. I challenge anyone to sharpen a pencil on a wall sharpener, and not have an olfactory memory of school days!
    Yes, art always intimidated me, and phys. ed. I was good at the academics, and a little inept in the specials classes.

  15. I've always felt that way about art. But I'm going to try to overcome that, and I've registered for an upcoming weekend class with an artist friend of mine on Keeping an Illustrated Journal. We'll see . . .

  16. Phys Ed was the class I disliked. Because I'm tall, high jump and everything else should have been easier but I was tall, gangly and very gladto go back to the safety of the classroom, As an art teacher I really encouraged creative projects that were always a success. How lucky you are to be living os close to your sweet granddaughter, many special days to look forward to!

  17. I love the picture of the art supplies... really grabs my attention as it calls, "Come play!" I actually visited you here right after I posted yesterday and was going to comment, but I got pulled away. I was so glad to see your comment this morning. Cannot believe how your beautiful little miss is growing so fast! Soooo precious. I read back a little on your blog and thought the photo showing her eyelashes was wonderful, a treasure! Yes, God is good, and these days... as wonderful as they are... are just a taste of what is to come with Him. Happy for you that you are near enough to yours to get to have Nana time! :)


  18. Oh to be able to back up to face some of the fears we had when we were younger! I couldn't help but identify with your thoughts of being intimidated by the classes in art, foreign language and shop. Perhaps we need to remind ourselves that its never too late to pick up a pastel.

  19. Where do you want me to start?

    I'm afraid I'm still stuck in the groove that says: why try, you can't do it anyway".

  20. Hi Lorrie,

    I can't imagine anyone with your talents letting anything intimidate you! You are uber talented!!

    Your granddaughter is a real beauty. I know you loved having some "spoiling" time with her!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  21. I wish I had learned to play the piano or anything musical for that matter. I am not intimidated by the fact though but would just love to play.I cannot read music which certainly does not help.

    Amazing how quickly the grandchildren grow up. I remember just a baby in arms! Gorgeous.

  22. I was intimidated by quite a bit when I was young--I was quite shy. In school, foreign languages were my nemisis, but I did enjoy art class. I played basketball on a team for two years before entering High School, but I felt intimidated to join the HS team as the girls who were on it were all friends from the same elementary school. Now I wish I had been brave enough to try out.


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