Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When I Just HAVE to Decorate

Included in the furniture left in our other house to make it look "lived-in" is our dining room table, chairs and china cabinet. The dining room here is thus totally empty. It's great for playing chasing games with the Little Miss, but looks bare the rest of the time. 

Last week I did a little painting and needed the step ladder. In a whimsical moment I decorated the step ladder after I was finished with it. I hadn't intended to leave it, but it fills a corner nicely, and allows for a little space on which to place a few plants. And you'll notice my Christmas cactus is blooming - why I don't know. It bloomed nicely at the end of November and now here it is with beautiful blossoms again. I don't mind.

My painting project was the kitchen/eating area. Formerly yellow, it's now the same grey as our house in Parksville. We bought a LOT of paint and didn't use it all up there, so this cost nothing.  The shelves here are sparse for now. All in good time.

A pretty bouquet of tulips is so cheery and welcome. I bought them as tight buds and within a few days they are full, growing paler as they mature. Soon they will droop, but be beautiful still. 

A cold front has moved in along with a nipping wind. I'm glad for warming cups of tea and pink flowers to cheer up what could be a dreary day, should I focus on the weather.

What's cheery in your day?


  1. Love the ladder display! Fun.

  2. You are a clever gal who could create home anywhere using whatever is on hand. That's the sign of a true home maker.

  3. In answering your question, getting a note suggesting a get-together with someone I haven't seen in ages is cheery, as was sending off a special package in the mail.
    There are more examples!

  4. Love the ladder decor and the soft gray walls. The tulips are just lovely.

  5. I love spur-of-the-moment decoration and that step-ladder is just that. I hope your house sells soon so that you and your furniture are reunited!

  6. I LOVE your decorated ladder, Lorrie!

  7. Your step ladder makes an excellent plant stand, Lorrie. I like your soft grey walls as they are restful looking, and the bright pink tulips are very cheeful.

  8. Hi Lorrie - I love the way you decorated the ladder. I've been bringing out treasured items to decorate my buffet and hutch today. It was -22 this morning but the best news is that the farmer has decided to make stew. I love it when he cooks!

  9. Your tulips are cheery! This morning I went for a walk and turned my face to the sun as I waited for my friend to join me... I looked for spring growth along the path ...now I look out and it's snowing!

  10. Lori I used a stepladder in that fashion in one house we lived in once upon a time. I just love the idea, it's very versatile! Cute! And such pretty gray paint. I am considering grays (what an array there is) for a bathroom.

    We spent a week or two in Ecuador 20 years ago--and arrived there just in time for an earthquake. I was terrified at first!

  11. Clever use of the ladder to display your plants and other items, I like the piece on the top shelf ,too.
    Purple crocus flowers, in a rattan basket, out in the garden cheered me up today.

  12. your picture makes me smile..I un-decorated today as our lil miss monkey..nearly 2..is coming tomorrow..everything had to be moved up !!!

  13. Hi Lorrie!

    Love that stepladder display! How cute!!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. The step ladder looks a real work of art.


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