Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Shirts

We went shirt-shopping this past weekend. It was a success: we came home with two business shirts for my husband - not a small feat considering how particular he is.

While Tim is in the changing room --

salesman: Here's another one. Do you think he'll like it?

me: No, he thinks those kind of shirts look like tea towels.

salesman: oh. 

Salesman walks off and then I notice, he's wearing that very shirt. 



  1. Oops, indeed! :)
    I have heard from several people that they saw me on CHEK news, from the Tea Festival. I think that you and I should go halves on someone to help us with spur-of-the-moment responses. I could have done a lot better too!

  2. Oh that is funny. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen those tea towel shirts! LOL...

  3. funny story! I would do the same. The shirts look nice though!

  4. Hee Hee. Men are so direct and say what they feel when it comes to fashion. Your man know what he likes and he has good taste.


  5. oops...too cute..have a good week...

  6. Did you try to put the other foot in your mouth?

  7. I went shirt shopping as well this weekend and surprised the farmer with a new shirt for the wedding we were attending. He complained the minute he saw it and said it would be too short to tuck in. It was 2 inches longer so off he went looking much more in style. Have a good week Lorrie!

  8. LOL! Poor salesman...he'll be looking for a new shirt. But what's wrong with a tea towel...LOL!

  9. I think we've all had similar moments at some point or other!

  10. so can I guess tattersall-patterned? Mine is similarly conservative about shirt patterns, but has decided he can go as far as that kind of plaid, as long as it's in neutrals. . . . cute story!

  11. Too funny Lorrie! We leave to California on Sunday, so we were clothes shopping for hubby last week! He actually found some things yeahhhh! Now to get packing...I think I may need a suitcase just for shoes and boots :)

  12. Been there before . . . I'm sure he will get over it.

  13. LOL! Thanks for the laugh! My husband doesn't like tea towel shirts, either.


  14. Ooh, insert foot into mouth. Been there more times than I wish to remember.

  15. One can never tell!!


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