Friday, June 08, 2012

A lot like yesteryear ...

Here, she is - Sadie Victoria - wearing the same dress her mother wore home from the hospital after her birth in a little jungle hospital in Ecuador. The dress is newborn size, but still very big on Sadie. 

I awoke in the night after the excitement of Sadie's birth. Two scenes played in my mind - one was the hospital room I had just come from - full of aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Cell phone calls flew back and forth all day. Joy shared is joy multiplied, don't you think? 

The other scene was the hospital room in which Sadie's mother was born. Just the three of us. We were newly arrived in Ecuador and hadn't made many friends. The doctors and nurses were so caring, but we missed family. No cell phones in those days, no internet, nor a reliable land line. Instead I lay there, waiting 36 hours until a scheduled ham radio call could be made and a call patched to family. Tim and I were overjoyed at the birth of our daughter, but longed to share the news. 

I have to confess I shed a few tears for that much younger me during the night. And gave thanks for God's faithfulness even when things are tough. 

But enough about me - isn't Sadie just lovely? I marvel at her tiny perfectness.


  1. Oh my goodness YES, Sadie is lovely!
    Here's a hug for the young you.
    Here's a hug for the happy Grandmother.
    Hugs all around!

  2. Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful! And good for you for saving that sweet dress. Enjoy your weekend. Bonnie

  3. What a tiny treasure Sadie Victoria is! How wonderful that you saved Cristal's dress all these years. It must have been difficult to be alone in a new country but now you are blessed to have your family closely.

  4. I understand how hard that must have been for you as a new mom in strange land. Good news like that is meant to be shared far and wide. Just think of how many people know of your dear Sadie's birth thanks to the internet.

  5. This little one is very fortunate to have so many people to love her. She's lovely.

  6. She's lovely, Lorrie. May God bless her and keep her in his loving care all her life! Two little granddaughters - what joy!

  7. She is perfect...a beautiful little baby girl with a wonderful old-fashioned name. (I get nearly as excited over that.) Times have certainly changed for the better. One day your granddaughter will be telling the story about her mother being born in Ecuador.

  8. Oh, what a precious little bundle! There is nothing in the world like a new baby...and a new baby is never "old hat"! I love that she is wearing the same dress that her mother wore. My own four babies each wore the same white outfit home from the hospital, even the youngest who was 7 weeks premature. She was swimming in in, but it was tradition. :D

    I can only imagine how difficult it was to be a young, first-time mother in a new country and not be able to share the happy news.

    What a blessing to be able to share the happy news of Sadie's arrival! Congratulations to all!

  9. How beautiful and I love her name. And the dress!!! Having lived in Africa during that same era, I understand your tears and memories completely.

  10. So incredibly beautiful! Congrats! Kit

  11. Yes...she is most lovely! And shared is joy multiplied.

  12. What an absolute blessing! She is precious. And thank you for sharing your heart. I know you are a wonderful mom.


  13. Oh the advancements. But it truly does boil down to how blessed we are. She is a doll. I love that she wore her mommy's dress home. :)

    At the 11th hour a miracle has happened. I knew it would :) He is ever faithful. Details will follow soon. Thank you for your encouraging friendship.

  14. Lorrie, your grandbabies are awfully blessed to be in such a loving family. It can only get better for them ! Girls, how sweet they are.

  15. May God continue to heal the younger you and how blessed you are to see His hand so many years later! I remember when you shared this story some time ago and I was just in awe what you went through...and still am. The stories you'll have to share with these grandchildren!

  16. Like a little rosebud... she's so beautiful!

    Congrats to you and your family!

  17. A beauty fresh upon the earth! I too had flash backs of my own babies being born as my grandson was being delivered (after 36 hours of labor and 3hrs if pushing...)

    The hard parts and the good parts both were in sharp memory focus. Did you know the brain cells that recorded your child'birth are the same ones you have today, and that us why memories seem like just moments before? Unlike the rest of our body cells that are replaced every seven year. Interesting, yes?

  18. Anonymous6:02 PM

    This is so sweet. I love that she held onto her heirloom dress all of these years.


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