Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Random but Unified

 Thanksgiving preparations are underway here. Cranberry Sauce can be made ahead as it keeps for a long time. I usually prepare enough for Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same time, along with a few jars for throughout the year. It's just as good with chicken as it is with turkey. Our children used to call cranberry sauce "turkey jam." Not that it was made from turkeys, but was eaten with turkey.

Our Vancouver-based daughter made a quick trip home last weekend to attend a friend's wedding. She brought home two vases of beautiful creamy and apricot roses. I've been enjoying them immensely. Just look at those perfectly placed swirls. 

And a question: Do you like cilantro? I do. I love it. But my husband detests it. He hates the smell and the taste. I find it fresh and delightful. Apparently there's a genetic reason for this difference. I rarely buy it because I can live without it, but at the market this week, a bunch of it fairly jumped into my cart. I've been adding it to my salads and soups with great gustatory pleasure. 

The link between the three items above - they're all plants. That's as close as I can get. 

Thank you for your moose/elk/stag story comments on my previous post. Nature can certainly be beautiful and dangerous - often at the same time. 


  1. Turkey jam, that's cute!
    Lovely swirls, perfectly placed as you say!
    Yes, I love cilantro. Like to put it in soups and salads. Hubby likes it too.

  2. I love cilantro and it's funny to note that amongst 7 siblings it's about half and half on the love/hate relationship to cilantro...
    Love that name for cranberry sauce "turkey jam"...

  3. Yummm, cranberry sauce!
    Beautiful roses!
    Cilantro, well my husband loves it and buys it all the time, only to go bad in the refrigerator. I like it OK, but not like he does.

  4. I guess my cranberry sauce will be out of a tin, if I buy some but my friend gave me a bottle of apple jelly so I think I'll use it instead. That rose is stunning and so perfect. I've never knowingly eaten cilantro but sometimes those boxed salads that I buy once in a while have something quite tasty in them. Maybe it's cilantro?

  5. No, I do not like cilantro, but find the hereditary thing intriguing. Now what about your son and daughters? How do they feel about cilantro?

    Oh yes, you're getting geared up for Thanksgiving. So exciting. So sensible (Thanksgiving in October). So delightful in every way... The rose is exquisite.

  6. We both LOVE cilantro!
    You are very sensible to prep what you can ahead of Thanksgiving dinner...
    I set the table the night before!

  7. I love cilantro!

    We try to prep ahead for holiday meals too. I may have to try to make my own cranberry sauce this year.

    Those roses are stunning. Thanks for sharing them with us!


  8. I have an aversion to cilantro and have noticed that it seems people either love it or hate it, and as for cranberries, I love them in any form. I make a chutney which includes filberts, apples, cranberries, etc., ...sort of a tradition at Christmas...delicious!.

  9. Your cranberry sauce looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


  10. I wonder if that's why I don't like basil which nearly everyone I know loves? Corriander I can take or leave. Interesting. That rose photo is so perfect I could almost smell the perfume and your cranberry sauce sounds delicious.

  11. Is Cilantro a type of parsley, I wonder?
    Oh, that rose!

  12. Three things that I love! Although the cranberry sauce made me whimper a bit...

  13. I've grown to like cilantro in things, but I must admit I first found it soapy-odd. Interesting to note the genetic component to my response. . .

  14. I adore cilantro and can't get enough of it! I love how it tastes; but most of all, I love how it smells--and how it makes my hands smell after I pick a bunch up at the store and put it in a bag. Personally, I wish someone would come up with a cilantro bathwash--I'd buy it:)

  15. I never thought to ask, did anyone in the next generation inherit that dislike of cilantro? We love it.

  16. I quite like cilantro...but know folks who detest it. And I like cranberry sauce as well. And who wouldn't like an exquisite creamy rose? I'm with you!

  17. It's a love/hate thing with cilantro isn't it? I don't mind it and will buy a bunch from the grocery occasionally, just wish it would keep longer in the fridge. I went back to your cranberry post and now I'm craving it even before the turkey comes out this weekend.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  18. Cranberry is unfortunately not common here in Norway. But I have made redcurrant jelly, which is lovely with game and other savoury dishes (as it is with scones and waffles, I have discovered.

    As for cilantro, not really sure whether I like it. In small quantities it is fine (as in garnishing curries and the like), but in larger quantities...? My neighbour grew cilantro with great success in her garden this summer, and offered me some of her glut. I did make cilantro pesto out of it, which we ate with pasta, but I do prefer the traditional basil pesto, or (the less traditional) rocket pesto to cilantro one.

    Thank you for your always so lovely comments in my blog. I truly appreciate them, though am not good at returning them. Thank you for being such a faithful reader.

  19. Turkey jam... that's so cute!

    We love cilantro in this house, but we also eat a lot of Tex-Mex. Delicious!

  20. Hello dear Lorrie
    I know where to come for the recipe if I ever find cranberries here - I always have to buy it!
    Lovely for you having your daughter home - brief though it was - the rose is beautiful to behold, especially as you are into Autumn.
    Now cilantro - we call it coriander here and I grow it year round.
    I love it - because it freshens up so many dishes - perfect in asian cooking and I usually add a little to pasta sauce right at the end.

    Lorrie, thank you for your kind words – I was referred to a physio and after just one session I'm a new woman. You are right we have to care for our bodies - at my age I should know better than to be on my knees on the boat painting for 4+ hours!!!

    Wishing you a happy weekend Lorrie

  21. Thank you! I had no idea cranberry sauce could be made so far in advance. But now that you have enlightened me - I am trying out your recipe right after I get through October!!!!

    Cilantro! Love it! But the first few encounters - I thought it smelled like old stinky socks!! But once I had it in salsa, it was love forever after.

  22. We love cranberry relish too. It works great as a side dish for chicken and turkey. The rose is gorgeous! Now that would be a great candidate for applying a texture layer, LOL. And I really don't like cilantro. It seems too pungent to me.

  23. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm so behind!!! I love cranberry sauce! And, yes, cilantro is a really big deal here in Texas! Have to have it for our guacamole!!!


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