Wednesday, October 02, 2013

A New Month

Welcome, October! My favorite month of the year. September seems like a long goodbye to summer for me, but October has so much to celebrate! Autumn leaves, pumpkins, Thanksgiving (here in Canada), and at the end, my birthday! 

I wish I could share a cup of tea and a cookie with you today. I pulled this photo from last year's archives since I've been teaching this week and have had no time for photos, leisurely cups of tea or candlelight. I've been refreshing my brain with the delights of Shakespeare and the Stuart/Cromwell period of English History.

I lay in bed a little longer this morning, thinking I wouldn't be called in, but at 7:15 the phone rang. Fortunately, it's not until 2nd block of the day, so I'm running off to get groceries before I teach. 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Busy days, busy days! Have you formulated Thanksgiving plans yet?

  2. Lovely to hear from a blogger who enjoys October so many seem to feel it's the beginning of the worst season. I love it like you though and your photo is evocative of a friendly get together of a cuppa!

  3. I really enjoy this time of year, too.

  4. It's great to pull out photos from the archives. I like the china cup and saucer as it looks so like a fall bouquet. Working as a substitute teacher is difficult when you never know when you'll get the call to go in. I hope it was a good afternoon.

  5. I hope the teaching day went well, Lorrie. I like the autumnal teacup.


  6. Welcome October...indeed! I like your fallish table setting...along with the basket of hydrangeas!

  7. Pretty, cozy photo. I remember lying in bed waiting to find out if I was being called into work. At least you had a little time. Your rain looks good to me right now. And your daughters blog is lovely. I like her description of how she made the wreath from withering heights,

  8. October is nice, but I like November.

  9. Pretty photo - pretty teacup. Seems sometimes life gets busy but then it is nice to lie abed and think about things - before rushing off.

  10. I would love to have tea and cookies with you! I love October too.

  11. Tea and cookies in October sounds like a good idea. It's my favourite month - hands down!

  12. Hope your teaching day went well! Your photo is full of autumn goodness! Pass the cookies please!

  13. Tea and cookies sounds like an ideal way to welcome October. Your photo is so warm and cozy. I love the hydrangeas in the basket. I have a similar basket, now I'm just wondering whether I can scrounge up enough hydrangeas to fill it up.

  14. Hope your work week goes fast so you can enjoy a cup of tea and a cookie this weekend!

  15. Wishing you a sunny day of relaxation coming up soon. I love most months, January maybe not so much.


  16. Ah, tea time--just one of the many, many things I loved about our vacations in Canada! Wishing you a great October!

  17. Busy lady! But I can tell you are happy doing what you're doing! Happy Birthday Month!

  18. Oh the subjects are right up my alley!

    I am having a Fun Fall Foods Linky party tomorrow and every recipe link (old or new) is elegible to win the giveaway.

    I'd love for you to link up!

  19. That is a lovely photo, and I'm glad that you dusted it off from your archives to share it with us. I adore the month of October too.


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