Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sharing the Ordinary

 I've recently read the final posts of a few bloggers who are giving up blogging. There are many reasons for discontinuing a blog, such as other priorities or a busy schedule. A couple have said that they feel they've said all they have to say and have nothing new to report. Life is the same. The house, the garden, the travels have all been written about and posted.

I am finding that I appreciate the "slice of life" blogs more than I ever did. Yes, I like finding new recipes, decorating ideas, sewing projects to inspire, and more. But as each of us lives life in our own sphere of influence, blogging is, for me, a way of reaching out, touching hands and hearts, and saying, "you are not alone, I am not alone." We share life together.  As one navigates the loss of a dear parent, another rejoices in the birth of a grandchild, while others focus on finding balance between work and family life. 

I learn from you. I see those of you with grandchildren older than my own and I think, "I want to be that kind of grandmother."  I commiserate with you, smile with you, and pray for you. You are my friends. 

I love to read about the sense you make of daily life, or the lack thereof. There's always something new to discover and something new to appreciate. Real life lived by real women in a world that often makes little sense. That's what I love about reading your blogs. Please don't stop because you feel that your life is ordinary. Make the ordinary beautiful by focusing on the moments, by sharing the ordinary.

I discovered Louise Penny, a Canadian mystery writer, through someone's blog. And I'm hooked. I've read three of her books, not in order, and will be going back to complete the series. This, her latest, is the one I finished most recently. Beautiful writing. beautiful snippets of philosophy. Have you read any of her books?


  1. Thanks for your thoughts.... I feel my life is too ordinary most days, but I enjoy sharing little bits of it here and there...and I enjoy hearing about your life as well.

  2. Very thoughtful blog post. And I agree, most of the things that happen in our life are ordinary and we should celebrate the ordinary - the wonderful small things that carry us through the day.

  3. Such a sweet post :)
    You touched my heart xx
    Blessings for you ❤️

  4. I know just what you mean but also just what the "giving up bloggers" mean too!! I have thought often of giving up and yet... I guess I should now start my posts with "Do stop me if I have said this before but...."!! You are right it isn't the blogs of those amazing women who achieve so much and never seem to have down days or suffer the ordinary slings and arrows of life that appeal to us but rather the slices of the ordinary which let us know that we share so much in common and we are never alone or "the only one"!! You have put it into words so beautifully - thanks.

  5. Thanks for that! I am often inspired most by ordinary "slices of life" postings...

  6. I agree with you Lorrie! I read blogs not because I want to know what is trendy, but because I want to enjoy friendship and learn from these friends and their daily lives. I love the ordinary.


  7. Dear Lorrie,
    such a touching post ~ thank you for that!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  8. Beautifully written, Lorrie. I agree even as I contemplate when my final post will be. I've been pondering it for a while now. I think that if I make it through the holidays, I'll be doing well. I'm about talked out. John says that we need the connectivity even more now than ever before. We don't always find the like-minded next door or even in our own families. Sigh. What's a gal to do? I will miss some of these same blogs and bloggers you are speaking of. I encourage them and myself by saying: It is a woman's right to change her mind. Maybe just a wee break is all that is needed and not some big pronouncement like "It's Over!"

  9. You have put into lovely words the reason why I enjoy reading blogs - I don't always comment but by simply visiting a select number of blogs (including yours of course) I can share in others' lives all around the globe.
    I have been enjoying Louise Penny's writing for several years and always look forward to her newest novel.

  10. That was so inspirational Lorrie. I have struggled with by blog just like those that quite and you have made me reflect and reconsider. Thank you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Jen
    p.s. Have not read any books by this author, but I will.

  11. If all has been said so a blog needs ending I would advise rethinking ones life. There have Ben times when I went out to take photos and found nothing new-nothing inspiring or interesting. I forced myself to keep looking until I saw something I hadn't see before. Such is life...finding the new is part of the fun. New thoughts, new topics. If one just wanders through the non-fiction part of a library entire worlds of new will open up.
    Lulls are great in life...I too hope the bloggers will just take a break then come back renewed.

  12. PS thanks for the book recomment and the lovely tree photo too!

  13. Lorrie, I think you have beautifully expressed what so many of us believe. This facet of blogging was a surprise to me when I entered the world of blogging. I never expected to find such friends and kindred spirits...all over the world! Our hearts are knit with our mutual love for the Lord, and our lives are intertwined as we walk through the same stage of life. Yes, it was unexpected, but one of the nicest surprises!

  14. Good thoughts and thank you for sharing them.

  15. I'm jotting down the name...Louise Penny. Thanks for the recommendation. Maybe if I quit blogging...I'd have more time for reading. LOL I'm with you...I love reading about the ordinary, everyday lives of women nearby or far-away. Blogging has opened up a whole new set of friendships...ones I treasure!

  16. Your words have touched a chord...
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!

  17. Such a beautiful post, and I do so agree with what you wrote. It seems our favorite blogs are those who let us peek into their lives a bit...


  18. What you said is so true. There is so much to life we just have to look around us and see things through different eyes or perspective. Love the photo of the trees. I haven't heard of Louise Penny but the type of book sounds interesting.

  19. Beautifully said. Blogs are meant to be personal diaries. So reading a blog gives you a peek into a life and an opportunity to expand your thoughts and horizons. I began to read several blogs before I retired 6 years ago, and I vowed to start my own once my retirement was underway. And it has been an amazing journey. I've learned much more about myself, gone in directions I never imagined, and made friends with wonderful people all over the world - including you! I can't imagine giving up blogging, though it take devotion and work. Ordinary lives are really quite extraordinary.

    Thank you for the recommendation on the author. I am always on the hunt for new reading material!

  20. Oh Lorrie, thank you for putting into words what many of us feel and need. Being connected to others, women in particular for me, through our blogs has been a blessing from the moment I began my blog. I've met such kind, talented, and wonderful people (you) through blogging. Thanks for the inspiration on days when I feel grey and for recommendations of books you've enjoyed reading. Take care. xo Carole

  21. I have to say I have enough to blog on for coming years. I still have not finished posting my visits and photos from 2012 yet plus a book containing notes on masses of ideas I have and then there are hundreds of photos from this year. One at a time I say and hope I will eventually get there!!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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