Thursday, October 03, 2013

Sunshine, Flowers, and Soup

Beautiful sunshine today meant a walk with Little Miss S and her mother, some garden clean up, and photos of some indomitable roses. They survived the fierce winds and rain of earlier in the week.

This is an overhead shot of a hydrangea bush that produced deep blue flowers in the summer, which slowly mellowed to this rich purpley-pink. I think I'll cut some to dry.

In contrast, this hydrangea bush produced paler blue flowers in the summer and is now pale pink with some darker petals. 

And for dinner, a warming bowl of Roasted Butternut Squash Soup. By candlelight. An autumn delight.

What fall delights are you enjoying in these early days of October?


  1. I'm impressed that your rose survived.

  2. I remember that soup recipe! And it's time to enjoy it again, thanks for the reminder. btw, wondering if you're still planning to come up to my island for Alison's weekend course. If yes, email me (fsproutATgmailDOTcom) and I can arrange a bed for you, should that suit, in our little guest cottage.

  3. Yay for the sun! It does so much to lift our spirits. The autumn flowers look beautiful with some age on them and that soup looks so good.

  4. Beautiful photo of the sunlit rose and hydrangeas dressed for autumn. I was surprised to see a monarch in the backyard yesterday, especially since I've seen very few all summer.
    I've made a couple of pots of soup so far but will have a look at your recipe, there's nothing like roasted veggies to enhance the flavour.

  5. I love soup! One of my favorite " anytime" meals . I try to have " soup Sunday" for the Motzs at least every 6 wks over the winter months. Easy meal and gives us time to get together.

  6. Your rose and the rosy coloured hydrangea are just beautiful! The soup looks and sounds really good. I like a squash soup but have never made it from scratch. I'll check out your recipe. I hope you have a nice weather weekend.

  7. As hard as I'm trying to enjoy fall delights, the heat and humidity are making a last attempt to thwart my efforts! Today the AC is on again, but it looks fall-ish inside and out, so I am choosing to pretend that the air is cool and crisp. :)

    Your soup looks delicious! I'm sure your walk in the sunshine with your loved ones was refreshing too.

  8. Lovely delights! I'm going to get out today in the beautiful weather I woke up to and find some delights!

  9. We are still watching our hydrangeas gradually losing their colour. Nearly time to cut the heads back...soon.

  10. That soup looks amazing! I will miss the roses and hydrangeas of summer.
    Blessings, Aimee
    PS: We have sun today too! Yippee:)

  11. Just looked at our hydrangeas....from sky blue in bloom to dusty purple today.

    Enjoying the cooler (slightly) temps, nature readying itself for a winter's nap and Autumnal decorations.


  12. That soup look yummy!!!

  13. What a lovely day that must have been. I have been scrambling to catch up after having been away in Ottawa and am now scrambling to get ready to go away again. No soup here - all very quick meals - but I long for it! Isn't it funny how hydrangeas on the same property can be so different?
    Won't you be going on a workshop up-Island soon?

  14. Ahh, I remember the ginger pear version of your soup that was wonderful. I must make it again!

  15. Lovely flowers even so late in the year, would love to taste your soup perhaps I'll look for butternut squash next time I go shopping. We don't see them often here in France but it's worth a look.

  16. With all the rain and wind we had last week I'm surprised our flowers survived! October is my favourite month not just for the colours and weather but we have so many birthdays to celebrate within our families!
    Have a great week, Lorrie.

  17. Beautiful Autumn ??I love hydrangeas at every stage. And the soup looks amazing. Those question marks aren't supposed to be IPad has a mind of its own..

  18. The flowers are lovely and the soup looks so good. Right now it is hot and humid but soon we will have cool temps again and such a soup will be most welcome!


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