Friday, May 02, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Yellow and grey is a fairly popular colour combo in decorating recently. I like it, although I don't have much yellow in my home. On our Pender Island jaunt last weekend, I noticed lichens of bright yellow and pale grey set against the darker grey of the rocks. You can't beat Nature for great colour schemes.

2. A short walk up the hill from where we stayed was this tiny, cute Anglican Church. I love the crisp white trim against the grey siding and the black door. What fun it would be to attend a service at this little church set among the forest.

3. Lilacs are in full bloom. Along our walking route stands an abandoned lilac bush. We clip a few branches and walk home in the unusually warm and soft air. As the branches swing gently in my hand the sweet fragrance rises on the evening air. Into a vase they go and stand now on the living room mantel, beautiful in sight as well as scent. 

4. We've been enjoying such wonderful weather this week - a veritable summer! One day I planned to take Little Miss A on an outing to the cupcake shop. She told me, "I want to go to the beach. It's so sunny and warm." So to the beach we went. It's a smart three-year-old who'll choose digging in the sand and wading (with shoes and socks) in the ocean over a cupcake. 

5. Yogurt cake. Basic vanilla, but so adaptable if you want something more. I made one yesterday and served it with raspberry sauce made from berries frozen last summer. It's time to use up last year's fruit for in just a few months the berries will be fresh again. (I'll attempt getting a recipe up this weekend.)

Weekend plans? Nothing firm at this point. If the weather cooperates (cooling rain is forecast) I'll plant a few more seeds and do more weeding. If not, well, there's a house to clean and projects to sew. The days pass by without me feeling the least bit bored. Any exciting plans for you?


  1. Oh that cake looks delicious...I await the recipe.
    I am hoping to meet up with a blogger from back east who is in town to meet her newborn nephew. Other than that i have a trip to the garden centre planned and there are some radish seedlings that need to be thinned out...hope you get some time in your garden too.

  2. I enjoyed your wrap up for this week. All gorgeous photos. I could almost smell the lilacs (we're a long way from any in this area) and the yogurt cake with raspberry sauce. A foretaste of summer to be sure!

    Enjoy your weekend.....

  3. The little church is quaint, and I'm impatient now for our lilacs when I see the big bouquet on your mantel.
    I have a meeting to attend Saturday morning and then I'm off to babysit while our daughter runs in a half marathon. And, we're supposed to get more rain all weekend.

  4. Your first photo is interesting. Nature does know the best color combinations. I really like the little church, and agree with you, it would be most welcome to attend a service there. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  5. A spring beach outing sounds delightful! I think Miss A made a wise choice too. And raspberry sauce over vanilla yogurt cake? Also a fine choice. :)

  6. The color schemes are fabulous - love the yellow and grey - and the lilacs, ahhh the lilacs. I found a darling farm stand way out in the country today and bought two small white lilac bushes and a lemon verbena plant - talk about heavenly smell.

    Your cake looks scrumptious - I await the recipe. This weekend I'm making a strawberry/rhubarb pie.

    Use up the berries??????? We've been having to buy frozen berries for Don's morning cereal for a long time now - we need to freeze more for next year - I can't wait for the seasons to arrive. The raspberry fields are beginning to get blossoms - and the blueberries are in full bloom - haven't been past a strawberry field yet. I've heard stories that the berry growers are cutting way back because of unpredictable weather and sales - that would be a shame.

    We are having our easter/spring brunch with our daughters and their families this Sunday - we spend easter in West Virginia with our son, DIL and grandson Donnie (3 years old)

  7. This church looks beautiful.

  8. The nature scene of the lichens caught my eye. They are so beautiful and you're right about nature's color schemes. xo Jenny

  9. I'm with Little Miss A - the beach wins - cupcakes can come later!
    A lovely five on Friday Lorrie.
    Love the lichen - that colour combination is amazing!

  10. Lilacs, not there's a beautiful sign of the season! I'm looking forward to having some, but I think my largest lilac is feeling the effects of last winter.

    The lichen and rock shot does show nature's flare for colour combinations, the dessert looks delicious, and the little church is one I'd be happy to poke my head into for a look.

    Enjoy your weekend, Lorrie!

  11. So many nice things for the senses. I'm missing my lilac blooms this year since I'm away from home right now. Have a nice weekend rain or shine!

  12. Returning to leave the comment that wouldn't fly last night. I know I mentioned the charming little brown church and agree with you that it would be pleasant to attend a service there. I think your granddaughter is a smart cookie for choosing the great outdoors. And that raspberry sauce looks positively and perfectly delicious. Enjoy eating up your freezer leftovers. =D

  13. Beautiful shots. I think I'm in the mood for some cupcakes myself now :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  14. The lilac is out here too. I would love to bring some cuttings into the house for the vases but with the children being affected by hayfever, that would be too cruel! My only plans this weekend is to have a rest!! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  15. Hi Lorrie, love all of the photos in your post today...grey with yellow, lovely. And the cutest little church, lilacs already? That's early isn't it?



  16. Yellow and grey are pretty together - one of my favourite scarves features that combo.
    We're having a quiet weekend here, using the rain as an excuse to stay curled up with the cross word and blogs.

  17. Oh how I love yogurt cake and with raspberries would be amazing.
    Love the church. I always have been intrigued by lichens and the ones you spotted
    are beautiful. Lilacs, I can almost smell. Aren't they the best this time of year.
    Ours are almost done now, but I certainly enjoyed. Just yummmm!

  18. That little church looks like something out of an old-fashioned novel centered around a village and its characters. Love it! ( I FLEW past that gorgeous cake as I've not had dinner yet and there's no dessert in the house and I don't want to start drooling and craving :)

  19. I love the greys and gold of the lichen on the rock. Nature does have the best colour schemes!

  20. I would LOVE to sit for a few minutes (or an hour) inside that little looks so incredibly peaceful there! Smart little granddaughter--our youngest adores the beach too, but she'd want an ice cream cone. Your cake looks and sounds yummy. I love raspberries and can hardly wait till we have ripe ones to eat.


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