Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Getting Away from it All

Getting away from it all takes on new meaning when one is on a boat. On a little boat, cruising around to places without internet access means there's no temptation to take a computer along. We had a quietly wonderful three days and spent time on three of the islands between our home island (Vancouver Island) and the mainland. 

This close up of a cluster of Acorn Barnacles could be the setting for a fantasy tale. The taller golden barnacles remind me of defensive castles with the white smaller barnacles clustered around for protection. These tallest of these little barnacles are less than an inch in height so the kingdom would be minute. 

Rocky points reach into the sea requiring close attention to charts, either electronic or paper, to ensure one's boat doesn't get too close. One wants to avoid the "chunky bits" at all cost. 

Beautiful views at every point. On Portland Island we took an apparently seldom-used 2.3 km cut-off trail and had it all to ourselves, except for some wildlife. Arbutus trees, firs, cedars, rocky beaches, blue water and distant mountains. Soul-refreshing.

Portland Island is one of Canada's "Hawaiian Islands" - so-called because it was first settled by Hawaiians in the 1880s who came north after working in the fur trade in the USA. Here is the remnant of a fruit orchard planted by those early settlers who are now gone. The island was later given to Princess Margaret of England, who later returned it as a gift to Canada (what would she do with it?) and is now a national park. 

We disturbed a family of Canada Geese on the trail. The parents quickly ushered their four goslings into the water and swam across to nearby rocks.

We arrived home late afternoon today and I've been editing photos and doing not much else. We've equipped the boat with dishes and linens, and all I had to bring in was the food from the tiny refrigerator on board, along with the linens which I'll launder tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been up to - it will take me a few days to catch up. I'll post more about our little trip later.   


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    It sounds like a truly relaxing getaway. I love the geese and barnacles pictures best.

  2. What bliss your little break must have been - away from it all with such stunning scenery and so peaceful - definitely soul refreshing.

  3. Truly so sweet *•*

  4. I agree with you: beautiful views at every point. I especially like the view of the rocky beach through the trees, so quiet and beautiful.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. A little getaway, on the water, is so relaxing, away from phones, computers etc!

  6. We are lucky to have the opportunity to 'get away from it all' on the boat.
    I could see only one other boat on the water although I'm sure there would have been more.
    That was interesting about Portland Island - I've always been interested in the fur trade history. I must check out my library for books on the subject - would you have a title I could ask for Lorrie?

  7. A lovely and relaxing little getaway. The scenery along the way was so pretty. After following along with you, I almost feel like I've been on a little getaway too. Beautiful photos and that little family of geese is just so sweet.

  8. That sounds delightful! Your photos are lovely. You'll have to go back to that orchard and see what the fruit is like, later on in the year. Won't that be interesting.


  9. A beautiful little island - what a great way to escape. The photos are fabulous. I love the little islands surrounding us.

  10. A few days away is sometimes all it takes for complete relaxation and refreshment - especially when you haven't had to travel far!

  11. Your cruise sounds idyllic....and that snug little anchorage is one that we love too.

  12. Beautiful! And I'm glad that all went well with the boat.

  13. Oh this will be wonderful for you and Tim to leave things behind and strike off on the boat. Beautiful scenes you've shared and I do thank you for them. It's always fun to see new things and new places.

  14. Oh, what a lovely getaway.

    I enjoyed your beautiful photographs.

  15. It does not take a long time or a long distance to find an idyllic spot. Your photos are lovely.

  16. Beautiful! I had never heard about Canada's 'Hawaiian Islands'--how fascinating:)

  17. Such a beautiful place and a lovely getaway! I enjoyed seeing your photos very much. (And I agree, it is so relaxing to be away from the internet for a while!)
    Helen xox

  18. How lovely...a meandering vacation and no internet! I am sure that it was a relaxing respite. (I miss my computer when I don't have it...and yet, having no temptation to get online is somewhat welcome.)

    Thanks for sharing these interesting and beautiful sights with us!

  19. It looks and sounds like a wonderful trip. Lots of beautiful scenery for sure. Loved the Barnacles and the cute little goslings.

  20. Honestly, when I look at these photos of my own backyard, I wonder why I ever feel the need to travel . . .

  21. Wow. That is so neat that you two can sail around like that along the coast and enjoy the beauty. I like the history of Portland Island. Beautiful photos!

  22. Just gorgeous! I have not heard of this island.

  23. Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful trip!


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