Here we are at the end of 2014. It's been a good year - we welcomed a darling grandson, Felix, enjoyed watching the Little Misses grow, celebrated my father's 80th birthday, spent time with family and friends and delighted in spending time together in God's beautiful creation.
We arrived home via the ferry this afternoon, unpacked, bought a few groceries, and napped. This evening we're getting together with friends to welcome in the New Year. It will be a quiet get together, but not lacking in fun.
For a photo collage of the year, I went through photos and picked out sewing and crafting projects. There weren't as many as I'd like to see and more sewing is one of my intentions for 2015.
Although our marking of time on calendars seems a little artificial to me at times, there is something appealing about a fresh start. Resolutions are rarely part of my New Year, but changing over to 2015 provides an opportunity for reflection on the past and intentions for the future. I'm thinking, pondering, dreaming, and hope to share some of those thoughts with you in the days to come.
Thank you for your visits, comments, emails and interactions in 2014. I'm looking forward to the same thing in 2015. Happy New Year!