Sunday, December 07, 2014

Christmas in the Village


On Friday night four of us, two grandparents and two little misses, set out for a Christmas adventure. The Saanich Historical Artifacts Society (last seen here for an outdoor wedding reception) is all decked out for Christmas with lights, static displays of times past, .... and a small scale train.

there are no photos of us on the train

We all straddled the train (padded seat!) and each little girl snuggled against a grandparent. An engineer handed out peppermint candies. Then slowly the train inched forward, faster now, but not too fast. Round the park - twice! Through the tunnel, past Minnie Mouse and Pooh Bear, "oh look Nana, stars on the barn!," across a bridge lighted on either side. Chug, chug, chug. The whistle blew at the crossing and we waved to the people standing alongside the tracks. Choo! Choo!  

The moon danced between the clouds and trees, reminding me of a line from a very UnChristmassy poem "the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed among cloudy seas."

Home again for stories and pajamas and the making of marshmallow snowmen - not really a success as far as product goes, but lots of fun in the process. Then two little misses snuggled in their beds and Nana and Grandpa sagged onto the couch, thankful once more that parenting is for the young.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage. 


  1. What a fun and magical evening for your two granddaughters. I'm sure they will remember this for a long time. Looking after little ones is very tiring isn't it.

  2. What fun you had! It keeps you young to get on the train with the little ones and enjoy the magic! Holiday hugs, Diane

  3. Memories in the making dear Nana and I know how tiring babysitting grands at that age can be.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  4. Oh my goodness, how fun! I see you aren't too far from me. Thanks for stopping by for a visit Behind the Garden Gate.

  5. Such wonderful memories and I know those little ones cherish every moment.

  6. Adorableness to the tenth power. You're right about the parenting factor. I'm so glad that it is for the young and not the, ahem, middle-aged like myself (if I'm living well past a hundred). I am certain that you and Tim do a fabulous job of keeping up. They must have been more than ready for bedtime. It looks like a fun, Narnia magic evening.

  7. Fun times! The pictures look amazing :)

  8. looks is a magical time of year for the we ones.

  9. What a w wonderful adventure, Lorrie! I am expecting a new granddaughter in late spring and I look forward to doing things like this with them!

  10. The pictures are awesome! You had so much fun time! The kids are adorable.
    Domestic cleaning Harrow

  11. You are making priceless memories for them, Lorrie : )
    What lucky little grand~misses!

    We had a similar sit~on train in a themed park in Cornwall when the children were little, they loved it.
    My daughter still wishes she could go on it again and she's 29!!!
    I think she might find it a bit smaller than she remembers.

  12. I am sure your granddaughters enjoyed the the Christmas decorations and lights and the train ride.. Wonderful memories for all. They are adorable girls. Have a happy new week!

  13. Such a lovely evening, for you and your granddaughters. Oh, how the little ones look sweet!
    Have a nice new week!

  14. It all looks like great fun.....the truck is fantastic. This is such a wonderful time of year for little ones.

    Happy Monday!

  15. Time spent with the grands is always very sweet to the heartbeat and your images bring home the warmth of that moon~

  16. It sounds wonderful! I would love to visit a place like that, I am not even blessed with grandchildren yet. Can't imagine how much more fun it would be with little ones.

  17. Anonymous4:15 AM

    What a wonderful family adventure in such a beautiful landscape. Nice memories.

  18. Fun post that brought a smile to my face. Sounds like the littles had a magical time. I sure understand "parenting is for the young"! Merry Merry!

  19. Beautiful memories the lights, the train and the moon! Of course the snowmen in the PJs were adorable too...

  20. So sweet! The little misses are making memories with you! Such fun!


  21. This is such a sweet post, Lorrie. Your grands are lovely little girls!! Grandparents are wonderful, special people; my parents always took our son and his cousin to see Santa every Christmas for years. I think it's something the kids will always remember and I will always appreciate. :)

    Your pictures are great -- we've had kind of a spooky-looking moon here the last few nights, too. Thank you for your visit and I hope you have a good day!

    Big hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  22. Christmas memories in the making. It looks like a most magical evening and one I'm sure they will recall fondly for many years to come.

  23. The little grandchildren always make life so much fun, especially the holidays. We can spoil them and send them back home. Your little ones will go home with the best memories. Really pretty pictures of the evening, too.

  24. What a perfect night! I'm hoping we might get a chance to get ours to Heritage Village in Burnaby or to ride the Christmas train at Stanley Park or admire the lights at Van Dusen Gardens. Nothing more magical than being out in the dark, admiring the lights. . . Unless it's following up with hot chocolate and marshmallows!

  25. I very much agree with your observation that parenting is for the young! Love those days with the grands, but I don't have the stamina I once had.

    A train ride, Christmas lights, and candies sound like a sure way to delight little girls!

  26. You are making the best kind of memories! Looks like a wonderful evening all around.

  27. Yes, definitely for the young, but on occasion they are such joy. There energy and curiosity a delight.


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