Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Over the Mountains and Home Again

Last week the two of us boarded a plane and flew over the mountains to Alberta. What a difference 90 minutes can make. This was the view. Brown fields, cloudy skies, and the snowy Rockies in the distance. 

One morning I looked out the window and saw fog. Chilly, it was. I took a walk around the still-ice-covered ponds. No green anywhere.

We had a good time with family at a wedding, a wedding shower, family dinner, and more. Unfortunately, I left my camera (sob) behind, on a table at the reception. I was quite upset with myself when I realized it. It was too far to return that night, and I knew that the cleanup crew would find it. It's taken awhile to track it down, but a family member has it and will return it to me. Whew! 

So all of these photos are from my phone. It took awhile for me to figure out how to download them to my computer - in fact, I couldn't figure it out, so I used my Surface Pro 3, and that worked well. 

The contrast from Alberta to our green BC island was nothing short of astounding. In the short 5 days we were gone, the cherry trees burst into bloom. I stepped out into the street in front of our house to snap the above photo. 

Then I went into the garden. These hyacinths were curled tightly, barely poking above ground. Such an explosion of colour!

School began on Monday and it's a whirlwind. The break was needed and we're all energized for the final push to June. Is there anything prettier in Spring than blooming trees tossing in the wind?


  1. Oh beautiful, Lorrie. I am glad your camera is safe and sound...it's just scary when we lose something like that.
    Our terrain looks a lot like the place you visited. BC is beautiful this time of year!!! xo Diana

  2. I'm envious of your spring blossoms and they really are a sight to behold. So glad someone picked up your camera for you, it's always a worry when they are misplaced or accidentally left behind. We've had a couple of family experiences with phones this way but luckily they too were returned.
    Some green returning to Ontario with the rain we're getting. :-)

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Lorrie, the cherry blossoms are gorgeous! Don't you just love all the fresh colors of spring! I am glad that you found your camera. I would have been very upset too!

  4. Happy Spring term! Gosh your flowers are just beautiful. And yes, Alberta and BC might as well be different countries, geographically speaking. Just like coastal Oregon and Montana, say for instance. We do have amazing spaces here in North America! I'm glad you got your camera back -- and I have no idea what to do about downloading my phone so I seldom use it. (The pictures you took with it turned out great and I'm glad you figured it out.)

  5. Bet you were happy to return to spring after revisiting winter a bit. I left my camera behind at a restaurant once...worst
    feeling in the world. Glad that you will be getting yours back. (I got mine back, too.) The budding trees against the blue
    sky are exquisite!

    Here's to finishing this school year with grace and success...

  6. Gorgeous photos even tho they are from your phone. The comparison of Alberta to your home is amazing. No doubt makes you appreciate spring even more whee you are. Hope your term goes well. The Summer term was always a little manic when I was working. No doubt you will be ready for your long Summer break. B x

  7. How lovely to see the blossoming trees. I have a cherry that is just putting our shy little pink petals. What a difference in climate across Canada.

  8. What a contrast! Lovely to see the spring sights.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. Thank goodness someone found your camera and you'll receive it soon!! I do think your phone took beautiful pictures, though, Lorrie. It looks like Spring has arrived in your beautiful BC. I hope your term at school flies by!

  10. Your camera photos are wonderful! So glad to hear that your camera is on the way back to you, I am sure you miss it. Looks as though you had a great time, the weather difference is marked isn't it!

  11. Lovely spring flowering trees and plants! The trees are beginning to flower here, too!

    I'm thankful you are getting your camera back!

  12. Beautiful spring photos, I'm jealous. Glad your camera is heading back to you.

  13. I'm glad that you were able to locate your misplaced camera. Your camera phone takes great photos--better than the ones captured on my little compact camera!

  14. I would have been so distraught to have left my camera behind! I'm glad yours was safe and sound.

    Spring looks beautiful where you live! Love those purple hyacinths. Our trees are beginning to bloom but we've had nightly snow for 3 nights in a row that melts during the day.

    Have a good new school term!

  15. Oh be still my heart. So glad someone has your camera! The trees blooming right now are really amazing. Glad you made it there and back again safe and sound.

  16. You live in such a beautiful place. My daughter was just lamenting this morning how long it is yet until summer break and we get out mid May! Hang in there!

  17. so beautiful... I love the vibrant hyacinth...

  18. So pleased you eventually got your camera back.

    Lovely photo's you have shared here and I do agree with you, there is nothing prettier in Spring than blooming trees tossing in the wind!

    All the best Jan

  19. Wow that was quite a difference in the two areas.
    Love the pretty cherry tree and hyacinth, they smell so good.
    Good thing your camera was found safe & sound.

  20. Wow! What a difference in landscape! So glad you were able to recover your camera.

  21. Oh, Lorrie, so happy that you found your camera. I had one go missing once. Never did find it and we had been with family. Just makes you wonder!!

  22. Lorrie, glad you found your camera. But it looks like you did just fine without it! Blossoming fruit trees are one of the most magnificent things about spring.

  23. Alberta has its own somber beauty, but what a contrast to the beautiful flowering trees and bulbs! Glad that your camera was found. Cameras, cell phones, and sunglasses all seem to turn up missing on a regular basis in our family! Nice to have a break and feel renewed once again. xx Karen

  24. Wow! What a difference. I think I would take our part of the world. So glad you are having blossoms on your trees, they are beautiful!

  25. Bless your heart, oh to leave a camera behind...so happy though that you will have it soon. I too had a huge sigh only it was my camera which failed me, I failed me changing settings before a huge event and ended up using my cell phone. Your phone camera takes much sharper images than mine. I had to edit mine like all day...LOL Have a great weekend~

  26. Spring looks beautiful. And your phone pictures came out well. Half of a good photo is just the eye of the photographer, I believe--how they frame what they see and how it is cropped. And I'm so glad you recovered your camera!

  27. My favourite time of the year, blossom time! So glad that your camera was found, bon dimanche, M.

  28. Anonymous9:17 AM

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