Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ending and Beginning

"For last year's words belong to last year's language,
And next year's words await another voice,...
And to make an end is to make a beginning"
T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"

The house is quiet and I hear the drumming of rain outside. My mug of tea is almost done. Last night we took down the Christmas tree and other decorations. Some years we wait, but I felt like making a clean start and I have yet to replace the items that normally stand on the mantel and other surfaces. There is beauty in spareness. 

Tim is at work for most of the day. This evening we'll enjoy a quiet dinner together - a seafood dish - and perhaps watch a movie together. Staying up to welcome the New Year might or might not happen. It will come either way. Tomorrow we'll enjoy getting together with our local family for brunch. 

When I was much younger, I calculated the age I would be at the new millennium. It seemed that I would be ancient! Now we're 20 years on and I'm even more ancient! 

In 2020 I hope you laugh until you cry, and that you will be comforted by friends and family when sorrow comes. I hope that you will eat well and move with energy. I hope that you will know how beloved you are and that God our Father longs for you. I hope that you will learn something new, smile often, and read books that take you to amazing places. I hope you see the world with eyes of wonder. 

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year Lorrie to You & Yours!
    Thank you for sharing you wonderful thoughts and photos

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family too.

  3. What a beautiful ending message, Lorrie. Thank you for sharing those words with us. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  4. I hope that you will be able to do all those things too, Lorrie. Happy New Year!

  5. I wish you all those things back, Lorrie!

  6. What beautiful blessings~wishes! Enjoy a wonderful evening after a delicious supper. My goal is to make 9 pm. I definitely won’t be seeing the new year in this year.

  7. I can't believe that we have already had two decades since the millenium and now we start on our third.
    I too have taken down the decorations - the family have left, the washing machine is churning away, and we continue to eat leftovers from the festivites.
    A happy and healthy new year 2020 to you and your family.

  8. Happy New Year! Snowing a little bit here. Our decorations are still up but will start coming down Thursday. I want to ring in the new decade with color and twinkle. 😊 Take care, Kit

  9. Happy New Year, Lorrie! I'm fortunate to have the week between Christmas and New Year's off. I'm savouring the last couple of days of my holiday before returning to work on Friday.

  10. I have come to truly appreciate the beauty of spareness. It brings with it such a sense of freedom and room to dream.

    What a beautiful wish and blessing, Lorrie, you've given us for the new year. I receive it!

    Happy New Year!
    Brenda xox

  11. Lorrie - as I write this, we are curled up on the couch with the fire roaring in the fireplace, and our beverage of choice close at hand. To me, the best way to spend a New Year's Eve! You wrote so beautifully of your wishes for everyone for 2020 - here's praying that those same prayers are visited upon you! Happy New Year!

  12. Happy New Year to you .

  13. Thank you for your very kind and thoughtful good wishes. Happy New Year to you and your family, Lorrie!

  14. Thinking of you today. Lovely to have so many special friends in blog land. Wishing you a very happy new year. B x

  15. As a child I had similar thought about millenium. It seemed so far away and now we are in 2020! Hard to understand. Thank you for the lovely wishes, i Wish those same to you - Happy 2020 Lorrie!

  16. It feels as though the Y2K panic was just yesterday. Treasuring each moment. May you have a very healthy and Happy New Year!

  17. More and more I feel that I'm reading a beloved memoir when I read your posts, Lorrie. They should be published. And that last paragraph brought tears to my eyes when I first read it, either on IG or FB, can't remember which. It was so sincere.

    Keep on in 2020, Lorrie!

  18. That's one of the best New Year's wishes I've seen, Lorrie!! May I say that I wish the very same for you? I love the clock picture at the top of your post!!

    I've enjoyed reading your lovely blog this past year (and more) and always appreciate your visits and kind comments. Have a great first day of 2020 and a great week, Lorrie!

    Love and Hugs,


  19. Thanks for your positive post. The new decade is about to begin, and for me the ninth decade in a few days. I can't understand how old I am, it feels just like when I was your age. I am still energetic and upbeat. It seems to me that you do too.

  20. Lorrie, what a beautiful post! Lovely thoughts - I hope the same things for you in 2020. I always enjoy your blog and hope you continue it for many more years.

  21. Thank you for this beautiful New Year greeting!!

    How different is our perspective on age as it creeps up on us! As a 13-year-old reading advice about the care of skin around the eyes, I clearly remember thinking, "By the time I am forty, I won't care how I look!"

    Silly girl!

    Blessings on your New Year!!

  22. I wish I could write like you... Well, first of all, I should be able to think like you. :)
    Thank you for your comment on my latest post! I had no idea that readers - like you - that were on the list of the invited and accepted readers actually didn't manage to see the blog. The experiment will not be repeated.
    I thank you for your wise and insightful posts and wish you and yours a very happy and blessed new year 2020!

  23. Dear Lorrie,
    What lovely wishes you have bestowed on all of us. Thank you.

  24. These days our ringing in the New Year is quiet except for the people in the country who seem to enjoy lighting off noisy bombs at about 9pm. Thank you for your wishes and may God bless you and yours in 2020!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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